Vertos Medical

there is no average as it depends on whether you have medicare coverage to a great extent. However, there some really awesome reps who are kicking butt even without reimbursement coverage, which is a testament to their skills, and also to how much drs like this procedure as they are willing to offer it to their patients without the certainty of being paid. That's basically the reason I work here... amazing therapy, results never cease to amaze as we literally help patients get off wheelchairs after 45 minutes in the procedure suite, and our docs love us. All the cynics, all the negative people... you should check your facts. If you left, that's your decision, I'm grateful to be here and value this opportunity and the people I work with. To the individual, this is a top notch team. I love selling MILD.. did I drink the Kool-aid?.. nope... I know whats out there.. been there, done that... this is way better. Want to grow with the company and support my fellow sales team.

not sure why I came to this forum, done posting, I've got work to do and more $ to make.

there is no average as it depends on whether you have medicare coverage to a great extent. However, there some really awesome reps who are kicking butt even without reimbursement coverage, which is a testament to their skills, and also to how much drs like this procedure as they are willing to offer it to their patients without the certainty of being paid. That's basically the reason I work here... amazing therapy, results never cease to amaze as we literally help patients get off wheelchairs after 45 minutes in the procedure suite, and our docs love us. All the cynics, all the negative people... you should check your facts. If you left, that's your decision, I'm grateful to be here and value this opportunity and the people I work with. To the individual, this is a top notch team. I love selling MILD.. did I drink the Kool-aid?.. nope... I know whats out there.. been there, done that... this is way better. Want to grow with the company and support my fellow sales team.

not sure why I came to this forum, done posting, I've got work to do and more $ to make.

Thank you for your honest and positive notes. There's not a lot of this here and really appreciate it.

With that said where's there smoke there is also fire:

Why did exning leave? He was loved by all!

Why did other successful reps leave?

Why did the vp of clinical leave?

Why did Corbett get an additional job?

Why is the impression that wichems and Corbett are pompous by customers that are going through required training to access the product?

Why did Corbett react the was he did when a consultant published true data that was legit and try to get him on trouble with his institution?

I'm considering this company for real and have issues with the above. Also have issues that Corbett has brought on unqualified people inside dude to his relations with ev3 and mon profit organizations. Some of these people were either admin assistant or otherwise working in education that don't know what they are doing!

Please advise as I would like to make a good decision leaving something solid and going to a startup that seems less than circling the drain.

Thanks in advance for constructive comments.

HAHAHA! Those are your concerns? What position are you applying for? Legal Council? This board is for sales reps and I've never met one that had those concerns. Are you also concerned about Corbetts brand of underwear, that might affect your decision. LOL. For the sake of any real reps looking at the company let me give you my two cents as a tenured rep here.

Why did exning leave? He was loved by all!
He was a very cool guy and seemed to know his stuff. Rumor had it he was asked to leave. Either way his departure hasn't affected my territory in the slightest. Guess how many times Ive had a customer ask me why Mike left or even know who he is........exactly.

Why did other successful reps leave?
The ones I talked to got nervous the company was going to close up shop during uncertain times 6 months ago. Well here we are and as far as I know my last check just cleared. Lots of them regretting the move because Corbett came through just like he said he would. I never really understood the panic but thats mostly over now and those reps blew it.

Why did the vp of clinical leave?
Lol, she came back. Again, I rarely pay attention to what is going on with things that don't affect me so not really sure what that was all about. Maybe negotiating more money? Who cares, she came back and shes solid.

Why did Corbett get an additional job?
This is why you shouldn't be asking these questions. You don't know business. Every CEO has several jobs. Go to B-School and they'll break this down for you, not enough room here.

Why is the impression that wichems and Corbett are pompous by customers that are going through required training to access the product?
Lol, Ive only heard this from reps that are getting fired as a reason that they couldnt sell. All of my docs say we have great training and not one has even mentioned management. Short of them spitting in my docs face it would have no bearing on my sales anyway. Do we do everything exactly the way I want? No, but let me count the times that a CEO followed all of my advice......exactly. Is my job perfect? No, but let me count the number of perfect jobs I've had......exactly. Keep looking for that greener grass baby!

Why did Corbett react the was he did when a consultant published true data that was legit and try to get him on trouble with his institution?
You have more information than me because I have no clue about consultants publishing anything or why that would matter. You are way too high level my friend. You know how many times I've heard this question in the field? Exactly.... Again, what position are you applying for? All reps care about is what customers care about and I've never heard about this or why it would matter. Safetly and efficacy is what matters to my docs and our data is solid.

I'm considering this company for real and have issues with the above. Also have issues that Corbett has brought on unqualified people inside dude to his relations with ev3 and mon profit organizations. Some of these people were either admin assistant or otherwise working in education that don't know what they are doing!

I have no clue who came from Ev3 and who didn't or why that would matter but I suggest you stay put at your current company, you'll never make it here with those questions. Let me tell you about the things you should be asking if you're headed here or anywhere:

Management- Extremely passionate, hard working guys and gals that want this therapy to succeed. Do I get along with everyone, ofcourse not but I do believe everyone is doing what they can to move things forward and thats what counts. Personal gripes aren't going to come between me and my money. Ever.

Quality of Life- Awesome! I'm on an island with very little oversight and I'm treated like an adult. All Im asked to do is grow the territory and I'm given alot of resources to do it. If you like big companies and a manger breathing down your neck about budgets and reports, stay put.

Comp plan- Very fair. Just like stim, you have reps killing it in the right markets and alot of guys making $200k. If you are killing it now, you'll kill it here, bottom line.

The Product/Therapy- I really miss selling batteries in stim, NOT! "Do you feel it now!" LOL. I never see patients, the therapy works and every single doctor who has tried it, loves it so my territory is growing like weeds. Most importantly to me, my relationships are intact because I have brought them a quality product that can help THEIR business grow.

These are the questions most reps ask about. "Does the CEO have two jobs?" LOL, stay where you are. I saw this post and just HAD to respond. Don't get me wrong, I have big gripes about various things but I look at this team like a family and I try to work through my issues amongst my family, I'm not going to air them on some freaking blog but I can tell you I have issues at every company and nothing here would prevent me from signing on again. Don't hesitate if you're offered a job here or you'll regret it! My two cents......

The person above did a great job answering and saved me the time. However, I came back to this silly board to check repsonses to my comments awhile ago as I was curious if positive comments were going to get shot down. Luckily I see someone got value out of what I wrote, so my time wasn't wasted. I'm slightly upset by the "everyone has another job" posts.. Maybe I'm naive, but I can't see how I could have another job here. There is so much opportunity to kick ass here $$wise, that it would be a waste to try to divide my time or attention.. Wat is upsetting is being asked by a manager about this, and realizing how it creates an atmosphere of potential distrust between us, as mgmt now has this on their radar thanks to this thread. Are there days when I don't have a sales call to make?.. Sometimes, but I'm usually emailing customers, fixing issues, preparing for mtgs, or coordinating something upcoming from my pc.. Bothers the fuck out of me that others may not be doing the same.

To put it succinctly for those lucky enough to be interviewing for this company, this is what I find good here, in order.
1. Amazing therapy... MILD is a game-changer for patients.
2. No BS environment.. No reports, nothing but results.. And a very supportive mgmt team to make it happen (look at the guarantees just offered to help those in non-covered territories)
3. Sense of teamwork and joint mission.. Small company, all in it together.
4. Mgmt has been impressive, especially Jim and Eric.. Enxing?.. "Nice guy" but I'm glad he left.. He really seemed like just an extra layer, he was kind of a joke IMO, and I couldn't respect him. Eric has taken over his job and the dude.. GETS it, truly.

I won't mention the $ opportunity.. Is already been said by others.. If you kicked ass elsewhere you kick ass here.. And if you came from stim you'll value the fact that you never have to speak to a patient again, or take their calls. This is more of a business development role than sales.. Product sells itself, we just have to create the environment and remove the obstacles for patients and drs. I've never appreciated or loved a job more than this, and I came here to write this to counteract the negative BS. If there are quality people out there lucky enough to interview and receive an offer, welcome.. You'll never look back. Done with this board.. Tomorrow I've got work to do... Happily so.

wow, i have seen it all now. so we have our inside marketing dept doing this job putting spin on the company. no new studies, horrible c- pharma reps coming in, management in free for all.corbett hired ex secretary for management, enxing left for a start up, wichems never carried a bag and or managed..gets it? seriously my manager says all he wants to do is split areas...vp of clinical left...AND didnt come back dill hole..awesome reps left AND we lost 4 more in the last 4 weeks .every rep i know has a side $ stream and we are doing pretty good with knows we all have side jobs and dont do anything about it so what does that tell you. my stock is worthless but keep telling yourself all is well.

nice try on the BS, but everyone knows its over so why would someone join now? your either stuck or can't get another guess is the forest run

I wanted to see what all the buzz was about on this forum. The only thing I can offer is that like any other startup this company has changed ALOT in the last two years and it wasn't easy for all the reps to adapt. They felt they were "promised" something that didn't happen. A group of them became very negative because they weren't instant millionaires and had to actually work hard. Most of them are gone now, and thank goodness because one more chicken little call from those idiots and I was gonna scream. Now the environment is very positive and a positive Medicare decision this year means big things for everyone that's on board. I love working here. It's fun, rewarding work, but it is work. Anybody repping other lines is already gone or will be soon because there is no time for that and the money is too good here if ur doing ur job to waste time with pee cups. I'm here to tell you the sky never fell at Vertos and the negative comments u see here are from former reps that are upset. Sorry guys, you shoulda stuck it out. I kept telling you it would get better, but instead of solutions you wanted to bitch and moan about Wichems resume. And the guy is kicking ass btw. Your loss, but its time to move on now.

I have been here a long time and I have seen some of the best people I have ever worked with leave, but for all the right reasons and none of them had anything bad to say about the company. The truth is we have a shot at getting coverage but it is a long one at that. For those who say this is a great deal and we are totally solid, you are a complete idiot. For those that say we suck, you are a liar.

I just want this to work but we are running out of money and hope, that is the only thing which is true.

A long shot? The beauty here is you can just say things and not back it up. Just because you dreamed it up doesnt make it so. Geez, stay out of Vegas. If this was a basketball game Id bet the farm. Is it a sure thing? Ofcourse not. But Im educated on the process and with everything we bring to the table I'm not concerned at all. Plus I realize prizes only go to those who take risks. Stick with stim if you don't like risk.

I've been here a long time too and trust me, the reps that left did nothing BUT complain. Either you never talked to them or you're being dishonest. Just read this forum. And the right reasons? Are you insane. Enxing left, Corbetts secretary works here, blah blah blah. Great reasons to switch careers. Docs hating the therapy, the therapy not working, crappy commish, etc. that's why you switch up and we have none of those issues.

I'm pretty new to the company and I can honestly say its been nothing but a positive experience so far. Great training by passionate ppl, great pay, and my manager doesn't breathe down my neck about TPS reports. If you're worried about the CEO's secretary or whatever the other reps are worried about you'll never make it anywhere, especially not a growing startup device company.

As previous poster alluded to, I think this is what it comes down to as far as participants here:
-people who left who are bitter and try to bring others down
-people who are here and somehow aren't working hard and try to bring others down.
-those of us who are here and feel really good about what we experience and create on a daily basis.

I feel bad for the first type, not happy ab the 2nd type as they are disruptive, but glad I'm the 3rd type. I like the risk I'm taking here, and I think we're fighting the good fight, from my viewpoint in sales, all the way up.

Very happy to be in the third group as well. Getting rid of all the excess fat was the best thing to ever happen to this company. Clearly there are still a couple reps left over from the old regime but I'm confident they'll be gone soon and the company will be better off for it. Its not a coincidence that since the reps left that were supposedly so awesome the company has grown by leaps and bounds.

right direction? seriously...multiple VP's have left: r&d, operations, clinical, sales, and now reimbursement. tons of our best doctors, sales managers and reps have left, our revenue is at a all time the tea leaves. you are one of three people that could say we are going in the right direction: corbett, hollander or wichems ...can you say 3 stooges