Verathon Private Practice

Sorry for double post but, this will make it easier for you.

plug in a random zip code, it will say:

"We're sorry! There are currently no doctors offering the Lyrette treatment in your area"

It then provide a list of all active docs using the product IN THE COUNTRY. I see 16 doctors who are actively using Lyrette. Good luck.

I am new to Verathon and definitely was not told how nobody in my state uses this stupid product. I feel I made a huge mistake coming here.

Sorry for double post but, this will make it easier for you.

plug in a random zip code, it will say:

"We're sorry! There are currently no doctors offering the Lyrette treatment in your area"

It then provide a list of all active docs using the product IN THE COUNTRY. I see 16 doctors who are actively using Lyrette. Good luck.

Pretty much right on. I have zero doctors using the product. BS market is extremely saturated and if you make a living on AortaScan you are basically helping docs commit fraud.

My reimbursements dropped 50% in two years on aortascan and Im shocked its still getting anything at all.

Anything change in 2014 to make this better? What are PP quotas? I know they are the same but no clue what they are. Recruiter is wanting me to interview.

Hoping its gotten better as it looks to be a good gig on paper but on here not so much.

Anything change in 2014 to make this better? What are PP quotas? I know they are the same but no clue what they are. Recruiter is wanting me to interview.

Hoping its gotten better as it looks to be a good gig on paper but on here not so much.

Same promises as previous years but no real sign of change here. I've been here longer than most and thinking its time to move on myself. I have a good territory but there isn't any room for promotion. I make way more than my manager and all the managers are on the firing block constantly because they don't perform.

Am I the only one who was duped into coming to work for this company. I take full responsibility for not doing enough "research" but the fact I was completely lied to buy multiple managers within the company is frustrating to say the least. I have to stick it out for another year but I made more money in B2B.

"Like leading sheep to a slaughter"

Verathon Management

Welcome to the real world sucka !!!!!

Pretty much. I left for Bard a year ago and couldn't be happier. I checked back here just to see if the same BS is going on, it is. I see KC is still working the central region. Biggest DB ever if you ask me.

Did Verathon have any success with Lyrette? I talked to a recruiter a year ago and was told it was going to be a game changer for the private practice side. I see the same PP position is open again this year and thought maybe they were adding reps.

I am currently in the interview process with Verathon. (in WA). I assume that all of the employees work out of this office but are given different territories to work from there, is that correct? I have made about 80K for the past 5 years but am looking for something new. I have not been informed what territory, product or market I will be working in yet if I was offered the job. Can someone give me a low end and high end salary? How about an update on the culture and management of recent months?

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