Verathon Private Practice

Verathon reps are making good money these days finally. And to confirm what was said a while back-the products are fairly easy to use and demo. They just came out with a new product that is starting to gain traction-called Lyrette and it has a disposable feature to it. Its going to be huge in the future-but probably going to take about a year or so to really get going. When it does the reps that are around are going to be sitting back cultivating relationships and the job will be alot like the acute side of the business and not just cold calling all the time like it has been on the private practice side for the last 8 years. Verathon is going in a good direction-I'm a rep here as well and I will confirm that as well. This is first time I have ever posted to this site and to be honest in the past I would not have posted to this site because I didn't have as many positive things to say, but things have changed for the better finally-new ownership and leadership has helped a lot. Get in now if you can, but understand that you are still going to be doing a lot of cold calling for the next 9 months to a year until the disposable side of the business gets going. Good luck to all interested.

Again, i love how there hasn't been a post on this page in 2 months and then BOOM all of a sudden two people defending verathon within minutes of each other.

So you took your salary (40k) and allowance (400X12=4800) and that equals $44,800. That means you think you made 40,000 dollars off mileage reimbursement. Do you have a magical car that doesn't take gas/oil/tires/depreciation? And did you drive 80k miles which is over 325 miles a day. You sir are both a liar and bad at math.

$400 a month for car allowance is a joke. 800 is what I now get at my new company and my salary is 50k. I would love to tell you im making 400k a year and going to retire but that's not the truth. I made around 100k in back to back years at Verathon busting my balls and was always within the top 15 or so out of 45 reps. Maybe 5 out of 45 make over 115 and 2 making over 140 and that's it end of story. I have already hit 6 figures this year and should end up around $140k or so and lost a big contract due to a buyout. Next year realistic 170-185.

How many PP reps are at plan YTD? Maybe 6? Remember you only make 95k at plan. Lyrette is a dangerous product and there is a recall on glidescope and the aortascam is a medicare fraud case waiting to happen. Best of luck.

Read through the forums posts regarding the private practice division and it doesn't seem to be a good opportunity. HOWEVER I am wondering if things have or will change in 2014. I have a recruiter that is trying to convince me to interview for a position. I'm currently in disposable medical and making 85-95k per year and in the top 10% of my company. I do have a chance at breaking into six figures this year depending on my final numbers for November.

Anyone know what the quota will be next year and how many new products will be available to sell in this division. I appreciate the feedback.

Looks like i will be terminated at the end of the year for not hitting numbers. Very tough to do with shit products and no management help. Trying not to be bitter but 50% of the sales reps will be fired for not hitting numbers and I unfortunately am one of them.

Sounds like you suck and should be fired

That is your opinion but when 95% of the division is under quota, you can't always blame the rep. It's all good tough, been interviewing for 6 weeks and in the hunt with 3 companies, hopefully one works out. While Verathon was better than selling uniforms, i would encourage all incoming reps to read these posts because almost off them are spot on.

Old products, saturated markets, retarded quotas (New York has same quota as Kentucky) and poor management.

Either way, best of luck to the rest of you and I'll see you on the other side.

So, PP biggest sales pitch is the ROI on the aortascam. In my territory it the reimbursement has dropped 50% and thats is consistent with the rest of the country. I am guessing by next year it will be as extinct as the famous bone density scanner.

The fee schedule states $60 but docs actual EOB's are in the low $50s.

So, PP biggest sales pitch is the ROI on the aortascam. In my territory it the reimbursement has dropped 50% and thats is consistent with the rest of the country. I am guessing by next year it will be as extinct as the famous bone density scanner.

The fee schedule states $60 but docs actual EOB's are in the low $50s.

Got the first EOB's of 2014 back for me as well. My average in 2012 was $110 for 76775 and $40 for 51798.

They dropped about 10% in 2013 but now in 2014 the same docs are getting $52 for 76775 and only $16 for 51798. Resume is officially posted.


Go to:

Plug in your zip code and find out how many docs are even thinking about performing the procedure. Next, walk in, ask for the doc and has him/her how many procedures he does a month/year.

I live in a large metropolitan area and have 2 docs within 20 miles who will do it, combined they did less than 12 last year.

Sorry for double post but, this will make it easier for you.

plug in a random zip code, it will say:

"We're sorry! There are currently no doctors offering the Lyrette treatment in your area"

It then provide a list of all active docs using the product IN THE COUNTRY. I see 16 doctors who are actively using Lyrette. Good luck.

Sounds like the product sucks . Why would the manager who runs that region - want that ?
Does he know what he/she is doing ? Red flags everywhere at this company.

The manager would want that because his income depends on sales revenue.

Does he/she know what they are doing? Well thats debatable at best. In my region, no.

Red flags are everywhere, don't be lazy and read through previous posts, they are fairly accurate.