Vegas Baby!


Headed out Tuesday. Will this be the saving grace? BI is the detail role playing masters.
I hope we do have nice views from our rooms because we will be inside role playing 16 hours a day and it's 119 degrees on the strip. Can't wait to get my red eye home and work the next day! I have been looking forward with excitement for weeks!

Don’t worry, while you’re out pounding the pavement on Friday, your CBD, DM, AMs, etc. will all be working hard on their admin day to be sure you target the right HCPs on Monday to annoy with the breathalyzer contraption.

Actually not a bad meeting. However, if co wasn’t so cheap ass and allowed Monday and Friday as travel days, we wouldn’t have people choking down lunch to get to the Tuesday general session and then sleeping in airports on Thursday night.

You want to motivate people? Treat them as the adult professionals they are, and not like some 5th grade class trip.

Looks like nothing at BI has changed! Still going to skanky Vegas for meetings, in the field the day after. See the light and hit the road. No call numbers, take admin days when you need it, high respect for the reps. bringing in the business. Life is grand over here... and the money is much better too!

Looks like nothing at BI has changed! Still going to skanky Vegas for meetings, in the field the day after. See the light and hit the road. No call numbers, take admin days when you need it, high respect for the reps. bringing in the business. Life is grand over here... and the money is much better too!
Grass is greener because they use more shit. You are an idiot.

Meeting was ok. Brand team is making Hail Mary pass with the resources they rolled out. If these don’t work, good bye so long.

Evening reception in Tues was a bit of a waste. Could’ve used the budget more wisely. Heck, give each team that $ and let them have a team dinner.

Hopefully some people got some stank that night.

The marketing & sales department is weak. Good lord we have a flip chart to take in for lunch presentations that’s supposed to be a 12 min presentation...yeah right. The doc sees a flip chart and they’re gonna turn around and leave. And does this company not believe in bright colors at all?

the power of the mist is fading into the gaps of the managed care chasm. Face it BI is the drunk step sister that shows up late to her own wedding. Decent product and they used to own the market however that torch has been extinguished with all of the egos and ignorance this place breeds. Now real companies have lamas and actual managed care placement that will crush the company.
Besides- the company only cares about its darling drug for IPF and its soon to be approved new indications.
GSK is no super place to be though they dried up the mist. Face it - respiratory is a washed up gig Rest in Mist

the power of the mist is fading into the gaps of the managed care chasm. Face it BI is the drunk step sister that shows up late to her own wedding. Decent product and they used to own the market however that torch has been extinguished with all of the egos and ignorance this place breeds. Now real companies have lamas and actual managed care placement that will crush the company.
Besides- the company only cares about its darling drug for IPF and its soon to be approved new indications.
GSK is no super place to be though they dried up the mist. Face it - respiratory is a washed up gig Rest in Mist

No companies have LAMA’s huh? I guess our $2 billion Spiriva franchise must be fake.

Face it. Underperforming reps look for excuses. Like someone on welfare.

This shit is years late to the party. Benefits of mist vs dpi and a hospital pack should have been rolled out with SV. (Nevermind rmt was shown to be non inferior to HH). Let's wait until all the hospitals take HH off formulary and every PUD has been forced to use incruse in-patient and realizes it's not that bad. BI loves a re-launch