Vasella turns down the Moola?


Are you idiots on crack ? He did NOT turn down the $$$ he is merely succumbing to political & legal pressure including a potential criminal complaint from shareholders & he does not want to go down as the moron that singlehandedly fueled executive pay limitations for an entire country. That said you watch & there will be some backdoor channel where he gets only 10's of millions.

His & his crony boards position where & still are absurd , that he has intimate knowledge of the workings of the company , well DUH he's the fucking CEO.

In the future perhaps we should pay our president $a few hundred million so he doesn't sell secrets of our military to the chinese since he also has 'intimate knowledge'

What a cannard & a shameful poor excuse for humans dan & his BOD are , may they all be blessed with Steve Jobs Pancreas or follow the path of Otto Besheim only not wait as long.