Before Ackman started buying AGN the value was 110. By the time Ackman stopped the value was around 142. Once Pershing made the stake public, AGN jumped to 172 and now is at 166. Ackman's average price was 126. If ValGan does not go through and Ackman started selling AGN, it will be very difficult for him to sell at an average price above 126. Hence Ackman is looking at loss if he does a fire sell.
In absence of ValGan deal, AGN falls back to 120. This represents a loss of 45 which is very close to the amount Valeant is offering as cash.
So Valeant is creating a 15 billion debt and giving money to AGN shareholders. And then Valeant is giving AGN shareholders .83 % of ValGan stock. This ValGan entity will have no pipeline and hence no blockbusters and will be saddled with 32 billion debt.
I want to know which foolish shareholder likes this deal other than Ackman