Valeant acquiring Bausch-Lomb

surgical reps should be fine except maybe for some redunancy in major areas. for people that don't know IOL sales, you can't just cut those reps and hand the products to pharma reps. You have to know how to implant the device and instruct doctors in surgery. You cut your most tenured there and the business is gone. bet on that.

surgical reps should be fine except maybe for some redunancy in major areas. for people that don't know IOL sales, you can't just cut those reps and hand the products to pharma reps. You have to know how to implant the device and instruct doctors in surgery. You cut your most tenured there and the business is gone. bet on that.

A dancing monkey with 2 days training could do your job, a 25 year old with no experience will be doing your job for a 45k base and will work harder than you.

You can thank Warburg Pincus LLC for selling out B&L. They are going to take down a 150 year old company in a few strokes of the pen. Thank you Mr 'Wall Street', I hope you get yours someday!

A dancing monkey with 2 days training could do your job, a 25 year old with no experience will be doing your job for a 45k base and will work harder than you.

you obviously don't know surgical IOL sales. Top IOL reps make 300K. At the apex a few years ago, cyrstal lens reps made 500K.

It's not pharma. Most pharma reps never even get a shot at IOL sales. those that do usually suck and get fired.

so you're an idiot.

you obviously don't know surgical IOL sales. Top IOL reps make 300K. At the apex a few years ago, cyrstal lens reps made 500K.

It's not pharma. Most pharma reps never even get a shot at IOL sales. those that do usually suck and get fired.

so you're an idiot.

Lol, you won't make that here! They run a very tight and lean company around here.

Get over yourself and what you made years ago. Won't happen. Your opinion of yourself and what you do for a living is falsely inflated.

hmm, I think your opinion of what you do for a living is inflated. Rx sales is a joke to anyone in real medical sales. someone saying a monkey can do the IOL job with 2 days training, sounds like an idiot and that means they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to surgical IOL sales. be educated or be stupid. Every IOL rep I know currently makes 200K or more. Some still a lot more. Top Alcon rep pulled over 300K this year, but they own the market.

B&L has multiple divisions that operate as totally separate entities. Might as well be 3 different companies. valeant does not have a surgical IOL team. They also do not have a contact lens team. they may cut comp plan and reduce head count or even just fire everyone in RX and give the products to their existing team and that will work for RX sales. It will not work in surgical. B&L is already a distant 3rd place loser there, cut those surgical IOL reps and the last bit of revenue is gone. Highly competitive market.

Don't listen to this if you are a woman. Stay with the company as long as you can a form good alliances with woman counterparts. If we stick together we can beat this! Solidarity for women!

B&L is a 3rd place loser, exactly! You can't stand the fact that this could be the end of your career. The major players would never hire a B&L surgical rep.

again. You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Once you are an IOL rep, you can sell IOLs anywhere. there are very few openings because IOL reps don't leave. It is the holy grail of ophthalmology sales. Alcon is the 500lb gorilla right now because their IOL is the best and they own the surgical centers with bundled deals and tenured relationships. In the past, Crystalens was the break through product and Eyeonic reps killed it. AMO is decent but has issues. Some areas with seasoned reps may be 2nd in their area, but overall B&L is 3rd place. There are many other IOLs in development around the world. B&L IOL reps will be just fine in the future. If valeant is stupid and cuts the reps top end earnings or liquidates them, they will go on to other places to sell IOLs.

And you will still be a loser RX rep making a fraction of what we make. I don't work for B&L any more. I'm with another company, proving you are an idiot and don't know what you are talking about. So to my B&L surgical peeps. Keep your chin up. I think you will be fine with the take over. If not, greener pastures await you.

Do yourself a favor and talk to a former Medicis rep either Aesthetics or Derm- we killed it. You were not the only ones making 250K, 300K, 350K. Now ask them what they make with Valeant. This place is a whole new ballgame. What you used to make is exactly that history. You need to be looking and get a move on it and this is the cold truth, you are only going to hear bullshit come out of this management team, that one you can take to the bank

Do yourself a favor and talk to a former Medicis rep either Aesthetics or Derm- we killed it. You were not the only ones making 250K, 300K, 350K. Now ask them what they make with Valeant. This place is a whole new ballgame. What you used to make is exactly that history. You need to be looking and get a move on it and this is the cold truth, you are only going to hear bullshit come out of this management team, that one you can take to the bank
This poster speaks the truth. Valeant will not pay you this salary and bonus. Believe me, I talk from experience!

You're talking about rx sales versus surgical equipment and surgical implanted devices. It's not the same thing. I understand they may try and treat it the same. If they do, those reps will fly out the door to other jobs.

Medicis reps made bank selling lip injections, I Got it. Probably the easiest sale on earth. They were way overpaid for an Rx job, Get it?

I'd take that job for 150k a year. It's a cake walk of a job