America has turned into north korea.. don't even recognize this place..
Actually, with the Tuskegee experiment they withheld effective treatment without the knowledge of the patients. This would be the opposite.
Except there's a whole history of these lawsuits against Lilly if you cared to look.LOL! Two people suing because they can't get a job is nothing new. Sour grapes.
Deliberately choosing 0% effective much lamer.Except the effective part. 40% effective is pretty lame
Amen!America has turned into north korea.. don't even recognize this place..
"a whole history"..... none of which were won by the plaintiffs.Except there's a whole history of these lawsuits against Lilly if you cared to look.
"a whole history"..... none of which were won by the plaintiffs.
Why not?? I have hospital systems that insist that I receive a flu vaccine if I am going to call on them. I have a choice to get one or not do the job. I am no fan of vaccines and actually turned down a job years ago because of the requirement to get a shot. In more recent years I have decided to get vaccines and take a hospital job. I have rights (and no one is going to hold me down and give me a vaccine) but nobody is obliged to allow me to participate in their companies or business if I don't get one. They also have rights to do what they deem necessary to protect themselves and their patients or customers.
We all agree to put aside some freedoms to participate in a functioning society together. You don't have to put on a shirt and shoes, but then you can't go into the restaurant to be served. We wear seat belts to protect ourselves and others. With the exception of NH you have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle. The choice we have is to not participate in things and you always have that right, but you don't have the right to do whatever you want.
You cost Lilly and extraordinary amount of money if you get sick with Covid and if you are spreading a virus to customers they have legal issues as well. They have every right to insist you get a vaccine to work here and you have every right not to and leave.
People should not feel obligated to get vaccinated! Nor have their bosses giving them an ultimatum... vaccination or job! Going against my civil rights!!!!! Since that is all we hear about.
Have You seen what United airlines is doing with their employees who have a religious exemption from getting the Covid vaccine? They are putting them on unpaid leave until the pandemic calms down. Thoughts?
Those that are willing to substitute safety for their liberties and freedom deserve neither- Ben Franklin
Complete Liar. The Phase 3 won't be completed until some time in '23. LiarThe completed phase 3 trials have been available online since Nov of 2020.
Complete Liar. The Phase 3 won't be completed until some time in '23. Liar
Pfizer and BioNTech Conclude Phase 3 Study of COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate, Meeting All Primary Efficacy Endpoints | Pfizer
Some people just have the need to believe the anti-vax bullshit.
It is not my obligation to do this for other people. I am vaccinated for myself and my family. Everyone needs some personal accountability.
I am so afraid of how quickly our culture has gone downhill in recent years.