US Field Sales

JM is a lying slime ball. No one should believe the lies that com out of his mouth. Thankfully EM's days here are numbered. All of the good reps will leave and find better jobs. It cant be much worse.

What is the deal with Tuesday?

Um, Satan is still here....and things are worse than ever. Nice prediction Nostratardus.

bonus is well below average - glad I stayed. Lets see, no bonuses, dead products, blind upper mgt., psychotic drug abusing paranoid district managers (RR), and a strong desire to fire anyone for anything to make themselves look strong to their peers. I'm leaving as soon as I get an offer for less money just to punich myself for being stupid enough to stay here for a few years. I hope we can all last long enough to find another job, the psycho's are on a firing binge to cover their asses for all the incompetant business decisions they made that destroyed sales for the last 12 months. i am depressed.

Wake up - the incentive to being a sales rep at Taro isn't IC $ it is keeping your job. The fear of losing your job on a daily basis is management way of and bonus plan Fear of our managers and home office every day on every call

it has to stop at some point, management is breaking every employment law on the books! Some law firm is going to hit the lottery if they ever find the whole story of Taro employer abuse.

What are some examples of activities by management that you have experienced and are sure are breaking some internal or industry-wide law? Please list examples and the lawyers watching this forum will reply in kind;)

I have one. A district manager openly discussing one of his reps private medical conditions while the rep is on medical leave. That can't be legal, but I am afraid to say anything because the guy is known to fire people he thinks may cause him trouble. As every rep knows, if they cant find something they will make something up.

Manager's demand and educates reps with studys that are not approved for field. Taro reps are not told waht is or iis not approved Reps are afraid to speak up because they will make up anything to get rid of you. That's why I got out anything is better than the mental games my xmanager would play on me scary thing is that manager is still there making people go through hell on a daily bais Leud and unprofessional management

Are you referring to RR as well?

Speaking of RR, didnt he have a POA at his house several months ago that was not approved by corporate and he told his reps to split the cost of the meeting amoungst themselves by spreading it out on their expense reports? That can't be in line with Taro's militaristic expense regimen. Was T. Vagina sleeping that day? Only reps are accountable at Taro.

Speaking of RR, didnt he have a POA at his house several months ago that was not approved by corporate and he told his reps to split the cost of the meeting amoungst themselves by spreading it out on their expense reports? That can't be in line with Taro's militaristic expense regimen. Was T. Vagina sleeping that day? Only reps are accountable at Taro.

Karma is a bitch, aint it? Any bets on whether or not he actually has to answer for his crimes? EM didnt have to- i am guessing RR wont either. Taro is far to corrupt to police itself. Call your friends, collect your info and attack as one.

Speaking of RR, didnt he have a POA at his house several months ago that was not approved by corporate and he told his reps to split the cost of the meeting amoungst themselves by spreading it out on their expense reports? That can't be in line with Taro's militaristic expense regimen. Was T. Vagina sleeping that day? Only reps are accountable at Taro.

Wow. That one is shocking, which is why nothing will happen. Nobody has any balls at Taro and no crime is to big for management to survive. Sexual harassment, drug abuse, sleeping with married employees, expense fraud, personal privacy violations, harassment and retaliation are the Taro Way. We in the field force are like little scared children or slaves in the Sparticus era. Great show by the way - Starz original series - check it out! You will learn much about how our bosses think and act. Pay particular attention to the schemes and betrayals of the roman elite. It is fun to draw a parallel between our bosses and the Dominus in the series. It didnt end well for anyone unfortunately.

how about us being forced to sell flopred on the advantage of taste, but being told that taste cannot be talked about as a clinical advantage. It has not been proven to increase compliance, but we are being forced to sell it as a method to increase patient compliance. That cant be legal either

What about being forced to sell larger tubes of high potency steroids in place of the smaller 15, 30 and 60 gram tubes? Insurance fraud meets malpractice on that one! Another example of Taro skating the edge of the legal cliff.