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US company culture


Unfortunately, we are so far down the DEI rabbit hole that no person of color or one of the alphabet letters will push back against the wave of wokeness that has enveloped this company.

Memo to those in made up leadership positions: we go along with all the BS just so we check a box, and go along to get along. Treatment of people with respect doesn’t come the way you are shoving down our throats. Good people are good and bad people are bad.

Just take a look at everyone that has been hired into a leadership position. It’s made a certain person the minority. This company has lost its way. It will only get worse .

It’s unfortunate that the discrimination pendulum has swung way past neutral. It actually isn’t helping minority people with a conscience as they question whether they got the job based on ethnicity etc or merit. There will apparently be discrimination until we are all truly colorblind, wake me up when we are there,

It’s unfortunate that the discrimination pendulum has swung way past neutral. It actually isn’t helping minority people with a conscience as they question whether they got the job based on ethnicity etc or merit. There will apparently be discrimination until we are all truly colorblind, wake me up when we are there,
It won’t matter. Your pussy ass will just create another false act to whine about.

Just take a look at everyone that has been hired into a leadership position. It’s made a certain person the minority. This company has lost its way. It will only get worse .
Yeah, it’s great not just giving out management jobs to the white man who thinks he deserves everything on a platter and is beyond entitled