• IMPORTANT: We will be performing server maintenance Saturday morning June 22 at approximately 10:00 AM EDT. We don't expect more than an hour or so of downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.

UroGen Pharma

It really is shocking how some people still have jobs here…. JT is the best example of this. No TBM wants/likes to work with her because she has no idea what shes doing after 2 years. The MA leadership is as bad as it gets. Turning a blind eye. Wake up SP.

This place enables plenty of people like her. She rambles on for 30 minutes while saying absolutely nothing. Until UroGen weeds out employees like her, they can kiss their 80 by the gravy goodbye.

Thanks WB - This ‘fast start’ is going to be a belly flop since you are having us all push doses to hit your 80 to the gravy! Just for a promotion……setting your field up for failure in H1.

CG is the new NSD! Hahahaha. This place is a joke. Always promoting the biggest brown nosers.

Throw in KS as well. She has the emotional intelligence of a toddler.

Urogen, don’t be shocked when the rest of your talent leaves in the next 2 months. Keep promoting the idiots.

Well the “layoffs” have started.
The bottom TBMs and CNE team. Trim the fat while the Market Access Team parties it up at all their conferences and accomplish nothing. KADs and NADs the biggest waste of money!
Be ready for the plan or the severance if you’re lucky.