Under 85% to goal warning letters! Get your resumes ready folks

I’m sexy as hell and the hottest trans in town. I didn’t get a letter. So best y’all listen to my advice and get out of sales cuz you can’t hack it.

He stayed for 30 years annoying his coworkers and regularly underperforming. Never had the guts to actually address the so-called issues while employed.

Hard truth about Corp America is that it knows buzzing sales reps with a communications or psychology degree are worthless. Low skill low talent big entitlement and major whiners. If ya got a letter. Ya will be gone soon enough. Next up is next bunch of overpaid whiner sales reps. It’s good to wash the laundry every year or so and get some new low talent into the slots.

Done that already, left that sinking ship earlier in the year. Just trying to show galderma reps that the grass is not always greener….. and yes, i was whiney selling versa as it is the only way to get paid there.

Sounds to me you were most likely shit canned for turd like mediocre performance. After all, you are well aware of “letters”, so, if it walks and talks like a shitty rep, it’s probably a shitty rep.

I am not confused, I know who you are. You are a piece of shit pretending to be a big shot. You are the scum of this industry and the reason the reps are known as shady versa reps.