Under 85% to goal warning letters! Get your resumes ready folks

Galderma is back at it again with their sales performance warning letters. I totally take responsibility for my mediocre performance in Q4 as I grew my territory only a measly 20% which was not in line with my 70% growth goal. I get it- Galderma needs to hit a number to go ipo. But the fact that I grew in Q4 and the injectable business is sinking is so freaking silly. This company lacks any type of responsibility for its own actions. The terrible leadership has led to the absolute worst morale in any aesthetics company. Galderma was the best company many years ago. EB and KH have done more to kill morale than Valeant did many years back. That itself is a record that will go down in history. Dumpster fire is all I can say about Galderma. Go on… say some positive things about this company. Leadership has no clue how to run this business and an IPO will not save anyone’s job.

Allergan reported Q4 Juvederm grew 20% and Brenner went berserk. You grow 20% and get a performance warning. Leadership here are dumb and out of touch. Don't forget to submit your conflict of interest form, enter six calls, do a patient event every day, business plan for every account, do conference calls through out the day sporadic held, sell the one quarterly promotion plus the three more that pop up, complete your weekly expense report, chase paperwork forms, open new accounts and get all the McKesson BS in so you can have new account growth metrics, complete field ride agendas, spend three or four days in the field with the RSM, do a weekly Region call, ... anything else?

Allergan reported Q4 Juvederm grew 20% and Brenner went berserk. You grow 20% and get a performance warning. Leadership here are dumb and out of touch. Don't forget to submit your conflict of interest form, enter six calls, do a patient event every day, business plan for every account, do conference calls through out the day sporadic held, sell the one quarterly promotion plus the three more that pop up, complete your weekly expense report, chase paperwork forms, open new accounts and get all the McKesson BS in so you can have new account growth metrics, complete field ride agendas, spend three or four days in the field with the RSM, do a weekly Region call, ... anything else?

The problem with Galdermas failed leadership is that they give sales reps no time to actually go out and do what they are paid to do: SELL. Three is too much admin BS reports and dumb busy work that they want done. Why the F do we even have a collaboration with Privi? Is that gonna help you sell more syringes? We have lackluster moronic people at the top of the company that don’t know what they are doing. Allergan reps have none of the BS stuff we are dealing with at Galderma. Also- nobody likes Galderma anymore. That is very important to understand. Accounts are pissed with the layoffs, lack of Dysport sample support, and general all around dumb moves from our company. The once darling Galderma is now the hated company by its own employees and customers. All the reps hate this place and it totally shows. That will never change until the people at the top are replaced by people with half a brain that can motivate people va threaten people.

So much bellyaching. You have a fluff job get out of bed before 9 and work a full day. Do what if your kinda hot with a communications degree. Ya getting older and ain’t looking so hot now. Imagine how hard you’ll look. In 10 years.

So much bellyaching. You have a fluff job get out of bed before 9 and work a full day. Do what if your kinda hot with a communications degree. Ya getting older and ain’t looking so hot now. Imagine how hard you’ll look. In 10 years.

STFU! No one is bellyaching. This company is f'd up and clueless. We bust our ass to make a quota that is unachievable and KH keeps piling on administrative BS because we struggle to get to 85%. I work my ass off for little to no pay.

The problem with Galdermas failed leadership is that they give sales reps no time to actually go out and do what they are paid to do: SELL. Three is too much admin BS reports and dumb busy work that they want done. Why the F do we even have a collaboration with Privi? Is that gonna help you sell more syringes? We have lackluster moronic people at the top of the company that don’t know what they are doing. Allergan reps have none of the BS stuff we are dealing with at Galderma. Also- nobody likes Galderma anymore. That is very important to understand. Accounts are pissed with the layoffs, lack of Dysport sample support, and general all around dumb moves from our company. The once darling Galderma is now the hated company by its own employees and customers. All the reps hate this place and it totally shows. That will never change until the people at the top are replaced by people with half a brain that can motivate people va threaten people.
Dysport samples are too expensive because of the unfavorable Ipsen agreement. The constant changes, lack of innovation and pressure on cost in order to go IPO is no longer going unnoticed. We had a lot of customer goodwill but that has been destroyed over the last 2-3 years. It will take years to rebuild what we had.

I keep telling you dummmb fat lazysss to come over to Revance. We’re getting paid very well, our HA is taking a lot if share and our Dax relaunch is getting a lot of traction. Make the move instead of complaining.

I keep telling you dummmb fat lazysss to come over to Revance. We’re getting paid very well, our HA is taking a lot if share and our Dax relaunch is getting a lot of traction. Make the move instead of complaining.
Why would anyone go to Revance? It’s just as bad as Galderma. The best aesthetics companies are merz, versa and Evolus. Seems like VI Peel is another one that people are leaving too that’s not injectables. I’m leaning towards going back to pharma. I’m lazy. I must admit.

Why would anyone go to Revance? It’s just as bad as Galderma. The best aesthetics companies are merz, versa and Evolus. Seems like VI Peel is another one that people are leaving too that’s not injectables. I’m leaning towards going back to pharma. I’m lazy. I must admit.
Merz is probably the best one in aesthetics. Family owned, low pressure. Pharma pays great and provides many more opportunities.

If I was in charge I’d fire all you lazy sobs. Problem is you hire people with no work ethic who pretend to be salespeople. Time someone told you truth. You suck and should be selling shoes in the lady shoe department at Macys.

A communications degree and a leather face from so many damn injectable’s i. The future is going to be a problem. Looking wet and hard at 46 is tough. Especially when you only want to work 2 hours a day 3 days a week.

If I was in charge I’d fire all you lazy sobs. Problem is you hire people with no work ethic who pretend to be salespeople. Time someone told you truth. You suck and should be selling shoes in the lady shoe department at Macys.

Thanks Baby Jesus you are not in charge. Most likely because you’re an idiot and secondarily you’re a dumbass. Lower your hand, sit in your chair, stfu and go sell something you POS lowly sales rep.

Take a chill pill ….corporate games are reindeer games. If your identity and self worth is based on your bullshit little sad life at this company, then you really are a pathetic person. It is fucking aesthetics you bunch of simpletons not oncology.

Truth is anyone below 100 ain’t much good and gotta go down to the Train Station

Yoire an idiot. Goals are a made up random # that has zero to do with prior years history, trends, etc. Galderma just makes them up with zero rationale. Hitting or missing goals here is all based on what pops pops out of the random quota setting machine. It’s pure luck getting a low quota. So the 85% warning letters are benchmarking you against random made up bullshit.