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Typical Novartis

Apparently you aren’t a rep or you would know the goal is six TARGETED calls per day and Novartis supplies the outdated target list, with approximately half being dead, retired, moved (yes, I do PAIs, but Novartis brings them back or finds new ones), or no see. The other half that you can see are all in the same handful of offices, so you have to ration the Entresto samples to justify being in their office every week so you can have a chance at six targeted calls per day.
If you have a manager who sees how counterproductive this is, you are lucky. I don’t.
Obviously you are clueless at customer engagement which is why your mgr spends so much time with you. Be thankful as that will turn your sales around for you.

Obviously you are clueless at customer engagement which is why your mgr spends so much time with you. Be thankful as that will turn your sales around for you.

That’s one of the funniest posts I’ve seen on here. The manager riding with the rep will turn sales around?
Hahahahahahaha that’s hysterical

That’s one of the funniest posts I’ve seen on here. The manager riding with the rep will turn sales around?
Hahahahahahaha that’s hysterical
Right?! I wish I could video my manager in action. He talks so much the providers just give me sympathetic glances, because even they have trouble breaking into his monologues, which often have nothing to do with product. It’s so painful.

Right?! I wish I could video my manager in action. He talks so much the providers just give me sympathetic glances, because even they have trouble breaking into his monologues, which often have nothing to do with product. It’s so painful.

Mine takes over the call with his dumb questions that he thinks are thought provoking and then doesn’t shut up. Afterwards he points out all of your “missed opportunities” which will show up on your coaching report in the form of a 2 in certain skills

I didn’t write that, but could have. My manager can not shut up and then writes long, critical FCRs about what I didn’t say when I actually couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

The next time I have my ABL with me and he interrupts me and doesn’t let me speak and then criticizes me for not asking enough questions or whatever the skill is, I am going to comment back on my FCR. Time to speak up

I don’t get how we are operating via pharma 1998. Leadership that thinks managers should be in the field 4 days a week and mandating 30 coaching reports a quarter are out of teach and maddening. Offices don’t want to see you and they certainly don’t want to see you multiple times a month with different reps. Managers should have 10-12 reps, not 7-8. Many companies allow virtual, where you speak to your manager before and after each call and your manager coaches you, doesn’t take over the call and get us kicked out or limit future contact. How about trying this? Is that too progressive NVS?

I don’t get how we are operating via pharma 1998. Leadership that thinks managers should be in the field 4 days a week and mandating 30 coaching reports a quarter are out of teach and maddening. Offices don’t want to see you and they certainly don’t want to see you multiple times a month with different reps. Managers should have 10-12 reps, not 7-8. Many companies allow virtual, where you speak to your manager before and after each call and your manager coaches you, doesn’t take over the call and get us kicked out or limit future contact. How about trying this? Is that too progressive NVS?

They have long banned virtual field rides. That makes it too difficult to babysit the field. I really believe they are trying to get people to leave. There are managers who stay in the role 20 years which is fine but that doesn’t make room for others. If you work people to death then maybe some will leave. Also the 4 field days a week is EXACTLY what our customers don’t want. We are not a “customer obsessed” organization any longer because we don’t care what customers want.