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Types of experience does Novartis hire?!


I've applied for a ton of positions with Novartis and haven't gotten not one call back, whatsoever. I have about 6 years of pharma sales experience and have many sales awards etc, resume done by a resume specialist and still can't get not one call back. This is absolute crap! Does novartis only hire reps from other top 20 pharma companies or what types of sales experience do reps here have on their resume? Is novartis big on diversity? I've received callbacks from pretty much all other big pharma and smaller companies and not one from Novartis. Really?! What does the sales force here look like??


Novartis is disgraceful in its handling of applicants. They sell you heaven, then as time goes by you realize you’ve been sold fake news. You start as a high performer, then you realize novartis is fucked up. You stay because the salary is ok, then you look around for a new job! HR sucks, and Novartis sucks the life out of you!

I've applied for a ton of positions with Novartis and haven't gotten not one call back, whatsoever. I have about 6 years of pharma sales experience and have many sales awards etc, resume done by a resume specialist and still can't get not one call back. This is absolute crap! Does novartis only hire reps from other top 20 pharma companies or what types of sales experience do reps here have on their resume? Is novartis big on diversity? I've received callbacks from pretty much all other big pharma and smaller companies and not one from Novartis. Really?! What does the sales force here look like??

You probably just need to lie more or better. Just make stuff up.

I've applied for a ton of positions with Novartis and haven't gotten not one call back, whatsoever. I have about 6 years of pharma sales experience and have many sales awards etc, resume done by a resume specialist and still can't get not one call back. This is absolute crap! Does novartis only hire reps from other top 20 pharma companies or what types of sales experience do reps here have on their resume? Is novartis big on diversity? I've received callbacks from pretty much all other big pharma and smaller companies and not one from Novartis. Really?! What does the sales force here look like??

NVS dosen't want experience first off. That's your first assumption and it's wrong. The ABL will hire someone they can push around and coach. Someone who will roll over and die. The ABLs here can't handle anyone that has more experience than them nor can they cope w/o coaching. So If you are smart, a decent Rep w/ a decent track record you will forget this opportunity. Trust us here, it's all down hill once you come on board. You haven't even scratched the surface yet wait until you hear about training.

NVS dosen't want experience first off. That's your first assumption and it's wrong. The ABL will hire someone they can push around and coach. Someone who will roll over and die. The ABLs here can't handle anyone that has more experience than them nor can they cope w/o coaching. So If you are smart, a decent Rep w/ a decent track record you will forget this opportunity. Trust us here, it's all down hill once you come on board. You haven't even scratched the surface yet wait until you hear about training.


Not getting an interview with NVS is a blessing in disguise! If you knew this company and it's culture, you would not have applied. This rigid, draconian company is among the worst of Big Pharma. Save your soul and move on.

Novartis detests and dislikes hiring experience. You must have the ability to not only lie but encourage others to lie openly. Lying is neither an anomaly nor a negative behavior here. You speak the truth- chances are you won’t last long.

NVS was fined 23 million this week for something that is not even a fraction of what actually goes on here. This is just loose change for NVS. Arrogance, incompetence and collusion of medical and commercial in every possible way that is against every DOJ and FDA rule. Apparently, what goes here is guidance documents are not enforced regs so we can do whatever we want. Medical is more into this than commercial. Commercial is more wary and cautious but medical is out of control in their relations with commercial especially the sickle cell franchise and those involved in payor and HEOR. All this is going on for years with Vas just ignoring it and all senior leaders being ex US have no value for US practices. Every American in medical is only getting on the bandwagon for their own selfish reasons knowing fully well it is wrong.

NVS dosen't want experience first off. That's your first assumption and it's wrong. The ABL will hire someone they can push around and coach. Someone who will roll over and die. The ABLs here can't handle anyone that has more experience than them nor can they cope w/o coaching. So If you are smart, a decent Rep w/ a decent track record you will forget this opportunity. Trust us here, it's all down hill once you come on board. You haven't even scratched the surface yet wait until you hear about training.

Wow this is very true!!! Myself and a handful of people I know applied when they hired new reps around the country and you know who got the interview and was hired?? Yep the two reps that had less than 2 yrs under their belt. One girl only had a year and a half and the other guy same thing, only been at one pharma company and both were hired! Meanwhile, everyone else had 6-8 yrs eep, a couple had MBA's and not one of us even got a phone screen despite the job ad specifying 'mid-level 5 yrs pls preferred quals'.
So I would have to agree with this. Managers like this are what keeps good sales and experienced reps out then guess what happens?? Sales tank and next thing they'll downsize yada yada. It's at the fault of these clueless and useless hiring managers. Many have zero business skills and are just good at checking expense reports LOL..

Good luck. Just keep looking and the right company will hire you. You don't want to work w a manager like that anyway!

NVS was fined 23 million this week for something that is not even a fraction of what actually goes on here. This is just loose change for NVS. Arrogance, incompetence and collusion of medical and commercial in every possible way that is against every DOJ and FDA rule. Apparently, what goes here is guidance documents are not enforced regs so we can do whatever we want. Medical is more into this than commercial. Commercial is more wary and cautious but medical is out of control in their relations with commercial especially the sickle cell franchise and those involved in payor and HEOR. All this is going on for years with Vas just ignoring it and all senior leaders being ex US have no value for US practices. Every American in medical is only getting on the bandwagon for their own selfish reasons knowing fully well it is wrong.

It’s the same in my TA. And it is because the culture encourages having leaders with ZERO integrity.

Yet They are surprisingly vulnerable though to embarrassment. None of them like their names being mentioned to auditors, to DOJ, or on this site.

They are all on LinkedIn and easy to find.

The nuttiness extends to the hiring. No one comes in from the outside. Smarter than us folks on the inside.

Do yourself a favor and talk to someone who works here! Worst company to work for unless you are new to the industry and need training. Lots of box checking, conference calls, and administrative work. Bonus payout looks promising until you learn that they shave off $8 and make you earn it back with V&B activities. Forgot launching you’ll make just average money. Novartis = leaves you wanting better

Novartis does not hire experience from top to bottom. You get experience here. If you bring anything from outside it should be naïveté or inexperience. You talk about experience or something from a different pharma is not acceptable. That kind of diversity is not allowed here. Experience is years in NVS and nothing anywhere else. Narrow mindset with no diversity in experience. Everyone is threatened and you will get the look or even worse a fake constructed bad review if you say anything about experience in a different place.

There are no drugs unique to this place anymore. There used to be but now every drug has a competitor. Professionalism and decency has plummeted in recent times and is much more evident than before. It needs a people makeover.

Approximately, a decade back plus or minus a few years, people with the title manager were hired across the org to be directors or even higher. They could not believe themselves. This bunch was hired because personnel was not required for the job. The drugs were doing all the jobs. So incompetent or inexperienced people were there just to fill places at the top. A decade later all of them are unable to cope with anyone who knows anything. Many such “heads of.....” exist including the current CEO who himself is a product of those times. This is a major scam. In return, anytime they hire anyone with experience, and that person starts talking sense, they simply turn the tables on them by calling them incompetent and show them the door. People at Novartis 20+ or around that are much much more competent than 10+. The 20+ are retiring or are forced to move on so there is no one with competence or leadership left and the new hires with expertise are having an extremely difficult time. Unless Basel makes changes and understands that now glory is past and the current leaders cannot take the company to where it should rightfully be, nothing will happen. There are too many manipulators and fibbers in the current crop.