Twinject vs. Epipen?

Your so full of it!!! Verus doesn't even have a single territory with a market share of 30%. Much less the whole nation. The verus rep in my territory everyone hates and wishes he would leave them alone. Shot nurses run from this guy. They let him schedule lunches and then cancel them bc they don't want to see him. We'll see who is first in the unemployment line.

How is the first dose different? You're the brainwashed monkey. Not the TJ reps.

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OK then. The product has been out going on a year now, so what gives? Either the product sucks, or you suck as a salesperson. Or both. Which is it?

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Helloooo.....................Anybody want to address this question?????

Actually it is closer to 30% nationally. Dey knows--their reps don't. Executive mgmt wouldn't want to scare everyone!

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Thats funny. On 3 insurance plans across the US and have a 30% market share. I guess your rollin that TJ instead of selling it.

How is the first dose different? You're the brainwashed monkey. Not the TJ reps.

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OK then. The product has been out going on a year now, so what gives? Either the product sucks, or you suck as a salesperson. Or both. Which is it?

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Helloooo.....................Anybody want to address this question?????

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I, sir, will answer your question. Twinject sucks. UPPER management knows this. They hired talented reps to do their best. Burned them, burned them out and humiliated talent. The reps are good sales people. The product is a piece of crap. There is a reason it took TWO YEARS to find a company dumb enough to market twin shit.

Everyone blasting Epi-Pen for the 2nd dose being a separate device from the first, keep in mind that the 2-pack units are clipped together so you can't separate the two devices. I'm an allergy nurse and we do prescribe Epi-Pen more than TwinJect, but I do use Twin-Ject when possible (we have a lot of Medicare and Medicaid pts). I train each patient on which ever device they are getting. If there's a concern about competency then I'll recommend the Epi-Pen over TJ, or will write for the TJ 2-pack and have them use it as an Epi-Pen and not mention the 2nd dose built in. The biggest concern I have about TJ is the exposed needle near where you unscrew it from the device.

Now can all the cussing stop? Geesh!

Lady these posts were from 3yrs ago....

Everyone blasting Epi-Pen for the 2nd dose being a separate device from the first, keep in mind that the 2-pack units are clipped together so you can't separate the two devices. I'm an allergy nurse and we do prescribe Epi-Pen more than TwinJect, but I do use Twin-Ject when possible (we have a lot of Medicare and Medicaid pts). I train each patient on which ever device they are getting. If there's a concern about competency then I'll recommend the Epi-Pen over TJ, or will write for the TJ 2-pack and have them use it as an Epi-Pen and not mention the 2nd dose built in. The biggest concern I have about TJ is the exposed needle near where you unscrew it from the device.

Now can all the cussing stop? Geesh!

Everyone blasting Epi-Pen for the 2nd dose being a separate device from the first, keep in mind that the 2-pack units are clipped together so you can't separate the two devices. I'm an allergy nurse and we do prescribe Epi-Pen more than TwinJect, but I do use Twin-Ject when possible (we have a lot of Medicare and Medicaid pts). I train each patient on which ever device they are getting. If there's a concern about competency then I'll recommend the Epi-Pen over TJ, or will write for the TJ 2-pack and have them use it as an Epi-Pen and not mention the 2nd dose built in. The biggest concern I have about TJ is the exposed needle near where you unscrew it from the device.

Now can all the cussing stop? Geesh!

The fact of the matter was that Verus hired a bunch of detailers and not real salespeople to sell against epipen. They also hired managers that no one else wanted. If you can't sell against the epipen, then you suk and should try a new career outside of selling. They ran around looking desperate, were unethical in many instances, and could not close business which was their demise. If they were smart and would have hired top Deyreps, they would have converted 50% of the business overnight, but were too dumb to think strategy and hired a bunch of rejects from other companies. So, now there is one less rodent pharma wanna be to mislead stakeholders.

One problem...There are no "TOP" Dey reps. They all suck and could only destroy a Twinject in front of prescribers. Pretty pathetic, but that is what I witnessed. You can, and EVERYONE does seperate the two epipens, which by the way haven't changed in 20 years. Twinject is the wave of the future and I can't tell you how many Dey reps I got fired because of my huge market share with allergists over those losers.

Keep going Twinject!

One problem...There are no "TOP" Dey reps. They all suck and could only destroy a Twinject in front of prescribers. Pretty pathetic, but that is what I witnessed. You can, and EVERYONE does seperate the two epipens, which by the way haven't changed in 20 years. Twinject is the wave of the future and I can't tell you how many Dey reps I got fired because of my huge market share with allergists over those losers.

Keep going Twinject!

lolz...hows the unemployment line these days you broke LOSER! You had so much market share you got fired and the company went under....suks to be you.

no unemployement here. I got a better position two weeks after Verus for more money and better bennies and work environment. I have no complaints and enjoyed stealing business from is what got me my current job

no unemployement here. I got a better position two weeks after Verus for more money and better bennies and work environment. I have no complaints and enjoyed stealing business from is what got me my current job

If u r employed, be lucky someone bought your story. You only had one competitor to sell against and physicians would have written the same amount of twinjects with or without a salesforce because they had no choice before. To gain a measly 1 or 2% in overall market share in 2 years and your only competitor having 98%, your success was that you were able to collect a paycheck before you helped sink verus. Im sure your hiring manager knows the real story of the verus debacle now and how horrible u did trying to sell against an old, 25yr old product. For every 1 doc you begged and got a script from, 90 docs were prescribing that old dog product you couldnt displace. So, congrats, u were instrumental dead wood that helped run a company into the ground and now another reject company is selling it because u were a failure at it.

Dey is gone, kaput! Epi is still out there but watch for Epicard, read that it will be out sometime this year. It's the size of a credit card, you can carry it in your wallet or pocket. It will put the dinosaur Epipen out of business.

If u r employed, be lucky someone bought your story. You only had one competitor to sell against and physicians would have written the same amount of twinjects with or without a salesforce because they had no choice before. To gain a measly 1 or 2% in overall market share in 2 years and your only competitor having 98%, your success was that you were able to collect a paycheck before you helped sink verus. Im sure your hiring manager knows the real story of the verus debacle now and how horrible u did trying to sell against an old, 25yr old product. For every 1 doc you begged and got a script from, 90 docs were prescribing that old dog product you couldnt displace. So, congrats, u were instrumental dead wood that helped run a company into the ground and now another reject company is selling it because u were a failure at it.

All true but ding...dong.....the witch is dea$ MylanDey gonna lose EpiPen...wha wha wha...hehehe

I have used both of these and agree that they are hazardous to use under less than ideal situation... which is usually the case. The AnaKit was great and simpler to use and I wish I could still buy one of these for a severe nut allergy.

Former Dey rep here-any rep that promoted TJ was a true sales rep. That was a decent product with real potential.It was not the easiest product to promote and you should be proud of any accomplishments you had. Dey does know how to sell, promote, or market and they don't care either. What exactly does a Dey rep have to be proud of? They have not really outsold or beaten any competitor but claim bragging rights with no regard to patients. If the tables had been turned those reps would have been sunk. Any business you ever took from them is a true mark of your skill in this industry. They are frightened of any rep or company that can challenge what they can't do. Only the underskilled, alcoholic and overeaters stay at Dey because they have no where else to go and nothing to offer. Dey has no idea that they offer nothing of value to a physician or a patient in an office call or at a lunch. The provide entertainment when they twirl the epi demo like a batton. The ""Dey" of epi will be over soon and you will be happy that you have the skill to actually promote and sell a drug to a physician with credibility. The only person that is losing that battle is the patients. Epi and TJ are both good products. I could not continue to work for a company that operates like Dey. Cheers mates! You were the better man!

How is the first dose different? You're the brainwashed monkey. Not the TJ reps.

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OK then. The product has been out going on a year now, so what gives? Either the product sucks, or you suck as a salesperson. Or both. Which is it?

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Helloooo.....................Anybody want to address this question?????

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I, sir, will answer your question. Twinject sucks. UPPER management knows this. They hired talented reps to do their best. Burned them, burned them out and humiliated talent. The reps are good sales people. The product is a piece of crap. There is a reason it took TWO YEARS to find a company dumb enough to market twin shit.

**** To everyone of you royal jerks who made Twinject fail and no longer be available, I hope you realize in the most unforgetable way just how many people you have screwed over and helped kill... the twinject was great, it was easy to use even for idiots who claim otherwise, and the epipen with only one dose available is worthless to people like me who need a second dose, which means I have to pay double to have a second one with me everywhere and they are making them bigger, clumsier and harder to carry with you everywhere you go. The epipen has been dumbed down so much that it is despised as much as the severe allergy. Thanks for making our lives more of a hell on earth just because all you all care about is the MONEY... that goes for you doctors also. We all know how rare it is for doctors to spend time training or even explaining how to properly use most medicines.

I am a mom of a child with severe allergy to nuts. I was with Epipen. Then I tried Auvi- Q. Loved the concept, but could never offer me a product with a minimum length of expiry of more than 6 months. I than considered Twinject, but I did not like at all the concept. Even after reading the information manual, I wasn't sure I would be able to use properly in an emergency situation. So, I've decided to go back to Epipen. I am always able to have Epipens with a minimum length of expiry of 12 months and it's very easy to use. I always buy the 2 pack Epipen.