
Neither is your job guaranteed in time of a pandemic, but RP held true with no furloughs.... your pay was guaranteed during a global pandemic in a thin remote virtual world....now focus on task at hand and crank your effort meter to 11 as an testament to the Corporate good will towards their people during a global pandemic.
I am soooooo sick of hearing no one was laid off during the pandemic and everyone was given bonus during the pandemic. blah, blah, blah. Guess what? I have at least 12 friends that work for 9 different pharma companies and they weren't laid off and they all received bonus too. It's getting old. Move on to a new tactic.

I am soooooo sick of hearing no one was laid off during the pandemic and everyone was given bonus during the pandemic. blah, blah, blah. Guess what? I have at least 12 friends that work for 9 different pharma companies and they weren't laid off and they all received bonus too. It's getting old. Move on to a new tactic.

It’ not a tactic, it’s fact. I have at least 20 that were negatively impacted, so dial back your entitled position and realize unemployment was at a peak of ~15% in 2020. Your 12 friends don’t represent an entire industry, Alkermes was not obligated to pay full bonus as sales were decimated, but they did. So while you sit at home with your virtual calls, while posting on Instagram, take some time to look at the industry news and job cuts....TEVA (7,000 jobs), Allergan (1,000 jobs) Merck (500 jobs), Endo (560 jobs), Indivior (120 jobs) Amgen (172 jobs) , Sage (300 jobs) , Astellas (220 jobs), Ironwood (100 jobs) Intercept (170 jobs). Thank for sharing your position, we now know your appreciation level for the security your employer provided you and your family during a time when 60M Americans filed for unemployment.

I am soooooo sick of hearing no one was laid off during the pandemic and everyone was given bonus during the pandemic. blah, blah, blah. Guess what? I have at least 12 friends that work for 9 different pharma companies and they weren't laid off and they all received bonus too. It's getting old. Move on to a new tactic.

It’ not a tactic, it’s fact. I have at least 20 that were negatively impacted, so dial back your entitled position and realize unemployment was at a peak of ~15% in 2020. Your 12 friends don’t represent an entire industry, Alkermes was not obligated to pay full bonus as sales were decimated, but they did. So while you sit at home with your virtual calls, while posting on Instagram, take some time to look at the industry news and job cuts....TEVA (7,000 jobs), Allergan (1,000 jobs) Merck (500 jobs), Endo (560 jobs), Indivior (120 jobs) Amgen (172 jobs) , Sage (300 jobs) , Astellas (220 jobs), Ironwood (100 jobs) Intercept (170 jobs). Thank for sharing your position, we now know your appreciation level for the security your employer provided you and your family during a time when 60M Americans filed for unemployment.

I am soooooo sick of hearing no one was laid off during the pandemic and everyone was given bonus during the pandemic. blah, blah, blah. Guess what? I have at least 12 friends that work for 9 different pharma companies and they weren't laid off and they all received bonus too. It's getting old. Move on to a new tactic.

It’ not a tactic, it’s fact. I have at least 20 that were negatively impacted, so dial back your entitled position and realize unemployment was at a peak of ~15% in 2020. Your 12 friends don’t represent an entire industry, Alkermes was not obligated to pay full bonus as sales were decimated, but they did. So while you sit at home with your virtual calls, while posting on Instagram, take some time to look at the industry news and job cuts....TEVA (7,000 jobs), Allergan (1,000 jobs) Merck (500 jobs), Endo (560 jobs), Indivior (120 jobs) Amgen (172 jobs) , Sage (300 jobs) , Astellas (220 jobs), Ironwood (100 jobs) Intercept (170 jobs). Thank for sharing your position, we now know your appreciation level for the security your employer provided you and your family during a time when 60M Americans filed for unemployment.

No policy positions being back filled so you've got 10 on the east and 0 on the west. Wonder if there will be any correlation with sales? Somebody track that!

That groups gotta be reorged. Only place policy makes ANY difference is Florida, California, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. Rest just call everything a long game and do nada. White space in the west saving lots of duckets and only region sales going up.

It’ not a tactic, it’s fact. I have at least 20 that were negatively impacted, so dial back your entitled position and realize unemployment was at a peak of ~15% in 2020. Your 12 friends don’t represent an entire industry, Alkermes was not obligated to pay full bonus as sales were decimated, but they did. So while you sit at home with your virtual calls, while posting on Instagram, take some time to look at the industry news and job cuts....TEVA (7,000 jobs), Allergan (1,000 jobs) Merck (500 jobs), Endo (560 jobs), Indivior (120 jobs) Amgen (172 jobs) , Sage (300 jobs) , Astellas (220 jobs), Ironwood (100 jobs) Intercept (170 jobs). Thank for sharing your position, we now know your appreciation level for the security your employer provided you and your family during a time when 60M Americans filed for unemployment.

Nice spin.

Lots of people leaving or looking to leave. You treat people on certain sales teams they way ALKS has treated some and word spreads to the other teams and people start to leave. ALKS finally paying for the way they've treated people. Question is, will the bleed of people slow down or get worse. I think we all know the answer to that.

This place has turned into a shit show. It’s embarrassing. Who would join a company like this one unless they are desperate? There is no career advancement at this company. Goals are ridiculous and morale is dead.

It all started to go south when Mark Stabach left. He would have never let this happen to the company. Slow controlled growth and hiring only the best people. JR brought in all his alkermes cronies and they are still running a lot of the show here. They are the ones that need to go ASAP!! VP of the KAMs really pulling one over on Pops. Sad to watch.

This place has turned into a shit show. It’s embarrassing. Who would join a company like this one unless they are desperate? There is no career advancement at this company. Goals are ridiculous and morale is dead.
You’re a field rep getting paid way too much for the work that you do. What type of career advancement are you looking for? Be happy earning the prima Donna salary you’re earning and milk it!!!