Tucson sucks

If you think Tucson sucks then please leave. The natives would like nothing more than for you rude-ass east-coasters or Californicators to go back where you came from. It will clean up the air, and maybe there won't be as many ass clowns on the roads.

That's Funny. I find that it is the the "natives" that are the rudest of all. Half this city acts like they are just out of prison. Please learn to say "please", "thank you" , "excuse me" ,( A smile now and then wouldn't be a bad thing)or at least stop looking at those who do like they're freaks. Stop standing in the middle of the shopping aisles blocking them like there is no one else in the store. Start showing some respect for others.

Natives are always blaming also called outsiders for the traffic. Could someone put down the bong long enough to design a road ! Where are the right hand turn lanes, the bus pull offs ? Who timed the lights? Stop texting while driving, or using the phone at all. Oh , this will help. Green means "GO" .

But do not worry. I am moving. I'll be damned if I will raise kids here.
Now , Most of the people we have been hearing from on this blog are white collar. Myself, I’m a commercial electrician. So maybe I can offer another point of view.

If you find it rough here as a white collar worker. Try being a blue collar worker who does not speak Spanish.

I went through five years of school for my trade to become a Journeyman. I had to go out of state to get an electrical license because Arizona does not license electricians (or any other trades) . Anyone who wants to call themselves an electrician in this state can. For this reason Job openings are now few and far apart and the pay is as much as 50% to 80% less then states that do license electricians. In fact , Tucson ( I assume other cities as well) is full of electricians that failed the test in there home states. I have also found that some shops will not hire anyone that does not speak Spanish. I was lied off a few months ago for being the only one on the crew that did not speak Spanish (the others did speak English, but did not like to). What the hell ? I thought this was am English speaking country.

Then the city of Tucson starts going out of state for bids on contracts for city jobs !
What are they thinking ?

The city council keeps running off one company after another that wants to build and grow in Tucson. Unwilling to work with them on taxes and infrastructure. Intel , IBM, Sun tech, Hughes Helicopter , slim fast and many others , run off. Along with all the good high paying jobs and better standard of living.

Ok, News flash. You want the economy to improve. Bring in as many jobs as you can. Jobs that pay a living wage. Now the slave wages that have been so prevalent in Tucson.

Tucson is no place for a middle class working man to try to make a living.
You should learn welding, combine that with your electrical experience and try to find work in the energy industry. Guys like that who work on Oil Platforms pull in like $300k a year!
You should learn welding, combine that with your electrical experience and try to find work in the energy industry. Guys like that who work on Oil Platforms pull in like $300k a year!

You trying to sale me ocean front property in Arizona ? (Joke) .

I do wield. Here in Tucson it get’s me another fifty cents an hour if I am lucky. Thanks for the advice , But I’m on the waiting list along with a few thousand others.

I only moved to Tucson for family obligations. Now that is no longer the case. I’m sorry to say my father passed away. I’ll be moving very soon.
Hey did you ever get out of their?

Why not go work for Ventana, they seem to be expanding. sounds like you could be a facilities engineer or something.

They have an entire staff of on-site folks to work on their highly complex systems etc.
what is with ventana is this the only place that has work. tucson does suck just drive around there is not one nice neihberhood. drug addicts bagging for money at every corner empty buildings that are runned down people have trash stacked up in their yard and nobody seems to give a shit. when my kids graduate from high school whats going to happen. work at taco bell or maybe they can bag for money at a corner they probaly make more money. I am getting out as soon as I can
Tucson blows big time! It is the stupidest town in America. The public employees can’t answer even the simplest questions. They are such morons you’d swear you’re being pranked by girls behaving badly. No one in the entire town is smart enough to take an accurate phone message. The students can’t think or read or write or add because the schools here are so bad they produce the most outrageously stupid imbeciles. Fourth Avenue smells as bad as the stinky dirty blond dread-locked pot heads who constantly ask you for money because they’re to artistic and sensitive to work for a living. The entire town is run by rich crooks who get absolutely no opposition from the crystal loving brain dead New Age hippies that are too busy trying to imagine a better reality to get off their pampered white asses and actually work to change something. Every artistic event is about Gay Marriage or Gay lifestyle. You can’t go to a public event without watching a bunch of whacky man hating Wiccans giggling like sorority girls and playing with plastic dildos trying to shock you. The city council is full of right wing assos and left wing flakes who smile and shake their empty heads up and down and talk about how we all need to get together and really really communicate with each other in a really beautiful and positive way because everyone is like so beautiful and stuff you know we could never do anything like stop the right wing assos from fucking us up the ass …. The Lefty assos don’t do jack shit about the low wage jobs, the outrageous cost of housing, the terrible schools, the incompetent teachers, the racist slum lords, the stinking polluted drinking water, but they show up at every public event and talk about how spiritual they are! Never move to Tucson. If someone invites you to Tucson, run away as far as you can get!

This pretty much sums up Tucson, I absolutely hate it here I am leaving tis god forsaken place in a few months.
The best thing about Tucson is that it gives me an intense motivation to make a pile of money that will insure I never wake up in this town again. This whole monotonous desert blows and there are about 2 months of truly nice weather a year.
New construction in Tucson and Pima County is an interesting phenomenon.

They will put in a new subdivision first, all the roads, curbs, and sidewalks.
Everything will look pretty decent.

Then they will put in the utilities and sewers AFTERWORDS.
I was told it has to do with the timing and coordination of the permits.

When they are finished the roads will have that awful scarred patched look- AND IT'S BRAND NEW!
I have never been able to figure this one out!
Are you freakin insane???!?!? The people in Tucson are the most miserable bunch of c*cksuckers I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. The place is hot as hell and is a dead end hell hole full of illegal Mexicans getting a free ride for EVERYTHING. If you disagree you must just be delusional from the over 100 degree weather you f*ckin numbnuts!

You must be miserable cause you have swamp cooler, get AC next place and a pool it helps alot with the attitude / Dude !!!
The City of Tucson is run by a corrupt, self-serving mafia that uses the local pig at their control to maniplulate the inhabitants. Orofice Valley and the Foothills are bastions of racist rich white people who use their local pigs to bleed the brown workers who maintain the infrastructure. Tucson has been corrupted by the East Coast WASP mentality. It's ruined.
This thread is hilarious! Ventana is in Oro Valley, an area very different from Tucson proper and especially south Tucson. In Oro Valley, it is rare to find native Tucson people. Most residents are either retirees fleeing the rust belt or California, or professionals working in aerospace (Honeywell) or at Ventana. The area could use some night life and spots for the younger crowd. I don't have a dog in this fight, because I am here temporarily at Ventana. Living in temporary housing since early this year and traveling home to the East Coast monthly, I have found the people friendly and fun-loving. Ventana has a well-educated, young workforce that is it's own social circle for many of this young crowd. Homes are much more affordable than in many parts of the US, and they are building more as fast as they can.