I'm out of here
I'm out of here
If you think Tucson sucks then please leave. The natives would like nothing more than for you rude-ass east-coasters or Californicators to go back where you came from. It will clean up the air, and maybe there won't be as many ass clowns on the roads.
That's Funny. I find that it is the the "natives" that are the rudest of all. Half this city acts like they are just out of prison. Please learn to say "please", "thank you" , "excuse me" ,( A smile now and then wouldn't be a bad thing)or at least stop looking at those who do like they're freaks. Stop standing in the middle of the shopping aisles blocking them like there is no one else in the store. Start showing some respect for others.
Natives are always blaming also called outsiders for the traffic. Could someone put down the bong long enough to design a road ! Where are the right hand turn lanes, the bus pull offs ? Who timed the lights? Stop texting while driving, or using the phone at all. Oh , this will help. Green means "GO" .
But do not worry. I am moving. I'll be damned if I will raise kids here.