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Trump Tower meeting

Vag, you are going way too easy on these guys. It was just revealed that Manafort had 3 passports and traveled internationally under a fake name. This guy may very well be a Communist Russian agent. It wouldn't be the first in the Trump organization. Steve Mnuchin, Trump's pick for Secretary of our Treasury was Commie George Soros' business partner for 14 years. Now he is running our treasury. Was Trump duped? Or is he one of them? Or does he even care? He may just be another Putin who wants to live in his bubble, eating peeled grapes and grabbing the women wherever he pleases. Be aware and beware!

And be thankful we have it so good compared to the way things would have been with the thoroughly corrupt, uranium selling commie puppet Hillary! :D

And be thankful we have it so good compared to the way things would have been with the thoroughly corrupt, uranium selling commie puppet Hillary! :D

This is way past any uranium allegations:
The first big takeaway from Monday morning’s flurry of charging and plea documents with respect to Paul Manafort Jr., Richard Gates III and George Papadopoulos is this: The president of the United States had as his campaign chairman a man who had allegedly served for years as an unregistered foreign agent for a puppet government of Vladimir Putin, a man who was allegedly laundering remarkable sums of money even while running the now-president’s campaign, a man who allegedly lied about all of this to the FBI and the Justice Department.

The second big takeaway is even starker: A member of President Trump’s campaign team admits that he was working with people he knew to be tied to the Russian government to “arrange a meeting between the Campaign and the Russian government officials” and to obtain “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of hacked emails—and that he lied about these activities to the FBI. He briefed President Trump on at least some of them.

This is way past any uranium allegations:
The first big takeaway from Monday morning’s flurry of charging and plea documents with respect to Paul Manafort Jr., Richard Gates III and George Papadopoulos is this: The president of the United States had as his campaign chairman a man who had allegedly served for years as an unregistered foreign agent for a puppet government of Vladimir Putin, a man who was allegedly laundering remarkable sums of money even while running the now-president’s campaign, a man who allegedly lied about all of this to the FBI and the Justice Department.

The second big takeaway is even starker: A member of President Trump’s campaign team admits that he was working with people he knew to be tied to the Russian government to “arrange a meeting between the Campaign and the Russian government officials” and to obtain “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of hacked emails—and that he lied about these activities to the FBI. He briefed President Trump on at least some of them.

As Sparky and his gang well know, Forbes magazine, edited by a conservative and former presidential candidate (and who is releasing a sit-down interview w/ President Trump this month) has dismissed the Uranium allegations as meaningless.

So now we have a president whose 1st Nat'l Security Advisor (Flynn) lied about the Commies and resigned, whose son (Donald Jr) met with Commies and lied, whose son-in-law Jared met with Commies and had 'dad' write him a note, whose Sect'y of Treasury (Mnuchin) is a Commie partner of George Soros and whose campaign manager has multiple passports and is a flight risk under house arrest and who himself called out on National TV to his brethren on July 27, 2016 to a crowd in Doral, Florida- "Russia if you're listening?"

And people are still talking about Hillary?

You can't make this shit up.........:cool:

Now it comes out that Manafort had 3 passports and his phone was registered under a fake name. And remember when Trump cried out to Communist Russia, "Russia - if you're listening?" What is wrong with everyone, this may be the Manchurian Candidate for God's sake!!!
No, that was Barry Caitlyn Jenner’s hideous daughter.

Things turned spooky early for the Trump Administration as the Day before Halloween the Mueller investigation into Russia-Gate unmasked 2 indictments of high level Trump Campaign officials and a surprise guilty plea from a former Trump Campaign foreign policy advisor. The President quickly claimed the indictments of Manafort and Gates had nothing to do with actions related to the Trump Campaign.

However, the later announced guilty plea of Former Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor George Papalopoulos involved conduct completely related to the Trump Campaign. Further, that conduct was aimed at colluding with Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. The disturbing timeline of Papadopoulos’ contacts with Russians on behalf of the Trump campaign details a longstanding and coordinated effort by the Trump Campaign to collude with high officials in the Russian Government to get dirt on Hillary Clinton related to her emails. While Papadopoulos may have been a low level volunteer (as Trump now claims) he diligently kept the highest levels of the Trump Campaign informed of his activities.

A more intriguing question has arisen regarding Papadopoulos. He was arrested by the FBI at Dulles Airport on July 27th. He did not enter his guilty plea until October 5th. The Government then requested (and the judge granted) that the plea be kept secret. In requesting the sealing of the plea agreement the Government told the judge the “criminal justice interest being vindicated here is there’s a large-scale ongoing investigation of which this case is a small part.” Put simply, the conviction for false statements of Papadopoulos was just getting a small fry, with bigger fish to come. The Government also advised the judge that Papadopoulos was a “proactive cooperator” and that his role as such could be compromised by publicity of his plea bargain. Many have interpreted this as suggesting the Government had Papadoloulos wear a wire and act in an undercover manner to possibly gain incriminating statements from other actors within the Trump Campaign.

The question is, is that true? Is that what “proactive cooperator” is generally understood to mean? I had not heard the term before yesterday and endeavored to find out.

The term “proactive cooperation” is generally understood to mean that the defendant will engage in some type of undercover work on behalf of the Government, such as wearing a wire and/or meeting face to face with persons suspected of involvement in criminal activity. This term is in contrast with “non-proactive cooperation” which is generally understood to mean that the defendant will provide historical information to the Government and/or agrees to testify in court proceedings against persons alleged to have committed criminal conduct.

There are likely some nervous folks in the Trump Administration now, wondering when and where and at who the next Mueller shoe shall fall.

You wouldn't know straight if somebody handed you a yard stick.

Uh oh! Trump's web is unraveling. Sam Clovis, a controversial nominee for the USDA under President Trump, was the campaign official who encouraged George Papadopoulos to set up a meeting with Russian officials. Clovis, who was then the campaign co-chairman, encouraged Papadopoulos to make the trip to Russia in order to take an off the record meeting with government officials there, the Post reported late Monday. Papadopoulos was thrust into the spotlight on Monday when special counsel Robert Mueller unsealed court filings indicating that the former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about his contacts with Russia-connected.

The beat goes on.

Uh oh! Trump's web is unraveling. Sam Clovis, a controversial nominee for the USDA under President Trump, was the campaign official who encouraged George Papadopoulos to set up a meeting with Russian officials. Clovis, who was then the campaign co-chairman, encouraged Papadopoulos to make the trip to Russia in order to take an off the record meeting with government officials there, the Post reported late Monday. Papadopoulos was thrust into the spotlight on Monday when special counsel Robert Mueller unsealed court filings indicating that the former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about his contacts with Russia-connected.

The beat goes on.

Good catch! I'll get on this and reply later today. :cool:

Uh oh! Trump's web is unraveling. Sam Clovis, a controversial nominee for the USDA under President Trump, was the campaign official who encouraged George Papadopoulos to set up a meeting with Russian officials. Clovis, who was then the campaign co-chairman, encouraged Papadopoulos to make the trip to Russia in order to take an off the record meeting with government officials there, the Post reported late Monday. Papadopoulos was thrust into the spotlight on Monday when special counsel Robert Mueller unsealed court filings indicating that the former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about his contacts with Russia-connected.

The beat goes on.

LOL! They get this guy to plead guilty to a process crime which is virtually never punished with jail time. Mueller's corruption and desperation are showing.

Trump's nowhere near having problems.

Things turned spooky early for the Trump Administration as the Day before Halloween the Mueller investigation into Russia-Gate unmasked 2 indictments of high level Trump Campaign officials and a surprise guilty plea from a former Trump Campaign foreign policy advisor. The President quickly claimed the indictments of Manafort and Gates had nothing to do with actions related to the Trump Campaign.

However, the later announced guilty plea of Former Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor George Papalopoulos involved conduct completely related to the Trump Campaign. Further, that conduct was aimed at colluding with Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. The disturbing timeline of Papadopoulos’ contacts with Russians on behalf of the Trump campaign details a longstanding and coordinated effort by the Trump Campaign to collude with high officials in the Russian Government to get dirt on Hillary Clinton related to her emails. While Papadopoulos may have been a low level volunteer (as Trump now claims) he diligently kept the highest levels of the Trump Campaign informed of his activities.

A more intriguing question has arisen regarding Papadopoulos. He was arrested by the FBI at Dulles Airport on July 27th. He did not enter his guilty plea until October 5th. The Government then requested (and the judge granted) that the plea be kept secret. In requesting the sealing of the plea agreement the Government told the judge the “criminal justice interest being vindicated here is there’s a large-scale ongoing investigation of which this case is a small part.” Put simply, the conviction for false statements of Papadopoulos was just getting a small fry, with bigger fish to come. The Government also advised the judge that Papadopoulos was a “proactive cooperator” and that his role as such could be compromised by publicity of his plea bargain. Many have interpreted this as suggesting the Government had Papadoloulos wear a wire and act in an undercover manner to possibly gain incriminating statements from other actors within the Trump Campaign.

The question is, is that true? Is that what “proactive cooperator” is generally understood to mean? I had not heard the term before yesterday and endeavored to find out.

The term “proactive cooperation” is generally understood to mean that the defendant will engage in some type of undercover work on behalf of the Government, such as wearing a wire and/or meeting face to face with persons suspected of involvement in criminal activity. This term is in contrast with “non-proactive cooperation” which is generally understood to mean that the defendant will provide historical information to the Government and/or agrees to testify in court proceedings against persons alleged to have committed criminal conduct.

There are likely some nervous folks in the Trump Administration now, wondering when and where and at who the next Mueller shoe shall fall.

Hillary's campaign did worse. The fact that you conveniently ignore that FACT only serves to expose your extreme bias and hypocrisy and destroy your credibility.

Hillary's campaign did worse. The fact that you conveniently ignore that FACT only serves to expose your extreme bias and hypocrisy and destroy your credibility.

Hillary lost, we're talking about the guy who won here, Sparky - wtf does Hillary have to do with it?


I don't care for memes but that is pretty much spot on. You see the fingerprints of the Russian government here. Papadopoulos meets with a professor, who just happens to be able to hook you up with a Russian government ministry of foreign affairs official. Ministry of foreign affairs is often a cover position for Russian intel.

He meets a woman who claims she's related to Vladimir Putin. We find out from the Mueller team she's not. Then we see Manafort and Gates representing Ukrainian pro-Russian presidential candidate. The party is pro-Russia. They are told to put their money for consulting in a Cyprus bank. Who uses the Cyprus bank to launder money? The Russian intelligence service.

Now what about Manafort's passports? In a little more than ten years, Manafort -- this is from some of the charging documents, has submitted ten United States passport applications on ten different occasions. He currently has three U.S. passports with different numbers. Have you heard of anything like that before?

The guy travels a lot, but there's way too many passports going on here. I think he got a primer on how the Russians can influence a campaign when he represented the Ukrainian candidate, and he saw what Russia could do to manipulate a campaign and he liked it.

There are thousands of people in this country who have broken laws. We can't chase them all. Are you saying she colluded with a foreign power to win an election? If that's what you're saying it didn't work out and she is now a private citizen. We need to find out if the guy who won did it legally. If he did, then he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by certifying his innocence. Like he said a long time ago on 'taking the 5th' - if you didn't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about, right or wrong? He did say that right?

Let it roll mole. :cool:

It's a witch hunt, idiot boy!

Pure and simple. This isn't about taking the 5th.

Haven't you been listening to the news! It's been asserted that Hillary stole the Dem primary from Bernie. She also colluded with foreign nationals against Trump. But collusion is not s crime so even if Trump colluded, big deal. Collusion is not a crime.

Is it a crime to do opposition research on a political opponent? Hmm? Regardless of source? Hmm?

Obama interfered with the Israeli elections and tried to defeat Netanyahu. Are you aware of that, idiot boy?

If Obama can meddle in other countries elections do you not think other nations will attempt to meddle in ours?

What a biased fool you are.

I wish you would get charged with something you didn't do and then you could find out what it's like. Why you should be happy to certify your innocence!
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It's a witch hunt, idiot boy!

Pure and simple. This isn't about taking the 5th.

Haven't you been listening to the news! It's been asserted that Hillary stole the Dem primary from Bernie. She also colluded with foreign nationals against Trump. But collusion is not s crime so even if Trump colluded, big deal. Collusion is not a crime.

Is it a crime to do opposition research on a political opponent? Hmm? Regardless of source? Hmm?

Obama interfered with the Israeli elections and tried to defeat Netanyahu. Are you aware of that, idiot boy?

If Obama can meddle in other countries elections do you not think other nations will attempt to meddle in ours?

What a biased fool you are.

I wish you would get charged with something you didn't do and then you could find out what it's like. Why you should be happy to certify your innocence!

I've been listening to the news. Trump is likely scared sh*tless. :rolleyes: