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Trump Tower meeting


One of the more striking recent developments was the disclosure of a meeting on June 9, 2016 in Trump Tower involving Trump’s son, Donald Jr, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, with a Russian lawyer closely tied to the government, Natalia Veselnitskaya.

After the meeting was first reported on July 8 this year, the president’s son claimed (in a statement dictated, it turned out, by his father) that it had been about adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

The next day that was exposed as a lie, with the publication of emails that made it clear that Veselnitskaya was offering damaging material on Hillary Clinton, that an intermediary setting up the meeting said was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump”.

“If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer,” Donald Trump Jr replied.

Just 11 days after that meeting – but more than a year before it became public – Steele quoted a source as saying that “the Kremlin had been feeding Trump and his team valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton”, for several years.

A later report, dated July 19, 2016, said: “Speaking in confidence to a compatriot in late July 2016, Source E, an ethnic Russian close associate of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump, admitted that there was a well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between them and the Russian leadership.”
The report said that such contacts were handled on Trump’s end by his then campaign manager, Paul Manafort, who participated in the June 9, Trump Tower meeting.

Manafort has denied taking part in any collusion with the Russian state, but registered himself as a foreign agent retroactively after it was revealed his firm received more than $17 million working as a lobbyist for a pro-Russian Ukrainian party. He is a subject of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and in July the FBI raided his home in Virginia.

Other key protagonists in the Steele dossier have surfaced in subsequent disclosures and investigation. Two of them, an Azeri-Russian businessman Araz Agalarov and his son Emin, are described in emails released by Donald Trump Jr as offering to serve as intermediaries in passing on damaging material on Clinton and is reported to have help set up the Trump Tower meeting.


One of the more striking recent developments was the disclosure of a meeting on June 9, 2016 in Trump Tower involving Trump’s son, Donald Jr, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, with a Russian lawyer closely tied to the government, Natalia Veselnitskaya.

After the meeting was first reported on July 8 this year, the president’s son claimed (in a statement dictated, it turned out, by his father) that it had been about adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

The next day that was exposed as a lie, with the publication of emails that made it clear that Veselnitskaya was offering damaging material on Hillary Clinton, that an intermediary setting up the meeting said was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump”.

“If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer,” Donald Trump Jr replied.

Just 11 days after that meeting – but more than a year before it became public – Steele quoted a source as saying that “the Kremlin had been feeding Trump and his team valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton”, for several years.

A later report, dated July 19, 2016, said: “Speaking in confidence to a compatriot in late July 2016, Source E, an ethnic Russian close associate of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump, admitted that there was a well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between them and the Russian leadership.”
The report said that such contacts were handled on Trump’s end by his then campaign manager, Paul Manafort, who participated in the June 9, Trump Tower meeting.

Manafort has denied taking part in any collusion with the Russian state, but registered himself as a foreign agent retroactively after it was revealed his firm received more than $17 million working as a lobbyist for a pro-Russian Ukrainian party. He is a subject of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and in July the FBI raided his home in Virginia.

Other key protagonists in the Steele dossier have surfaced in subsequent disclosures and investigation. Two of them, an Azeri-Russian businessman Araz Agalarov and his son Emin, are described in emails released by Donald Trump Jr as offering to serve as intermediaries in passing on damaging material on Clinton and is reported to have help set up the Trump Tower meeting.

Mueller is 20 steps ahead. This is just the beginning. Lord knows how long the dude who pled guilty and is a 'proactive cooperator" has been feeding Mueller things that will seal fates.

The dominoes will start to fall as the days, weeks and months go by. It looks like even a Democrat or two will also be affected as well but today was Trump's wake up call and based on what you wrote about Junior above, it isn't a huge stretch to assume he will certainly face some very tough questioning.

Mueller is 20 steps ahead. This is just the beginning. Lord knows how long the dude who pled guilty and is a 'proactive cooperator" has been feeding Mueller things that will seal fates.

The dominoes will start to fall as the days, weeks and months go by. It looks like even a Democrat or two will also be affected as well but today was Trump's wake up call and based on what you wrote about Junior above, it isn't a huge stretch to assume he will certainly face some very tough questioning.
Of course NOTHING about Manafort’s ties to “The Podesta Group,” and Tony Podesta’s sudden resignation from the group yesterday. Nothing to se there. Manafort was the ultimate “swamp creature.”

Mueller is 20 steps ahead. This is just the beginning. Lord knows how long the dude who pled guilty and is a 'proactive cooperator" has been feeding Mueller things that will seal fates.

The dominoes will start to fall as the days, weeks and months go by. It looks like even a Democrat or two will also be affected as well but today was Trump's wake up call and based on what you wrote about Junior above, it isn't a huge stretch to assume he will certainly face some very tough questioning.

Trump and all of his family and close associates will skate through this without breaking a sweat.

All Mueller has is stuff that's totally unrelated to Trump or process crimes from low level people.

Of course NOTHING about Manafort’s ties to “The Podesta Group,” and Tony Podesta’s sudden resignation from the group yesterday. Nothing to se there. Manafort was the ultimate “swamp creature.”

Exactly! This will rock close associates of Hillary more than it will of Trump's.

None of this is related to Trump or his actions. Mueller is desperate and grasping at straws.

Exactly! This will rock close associates of Hillary more than it will of Trump's.

None of this is related to Trump or his actions. Mueller is desperate and grasping at straws.

Laughable It's time to put down your crack pipes. This is a huge deal.
And by the way, as you put those crack pipes down, Hillary lost the election, and it's been almost a full year ago. It's hilarious how you freaks blame her for EVERYTHING. The fact that Trump is turning out to be more corrupt than her (and let's face it, her and Bill have major baggage) is pretty pathetic. And he has the lowest approval rate in his first year since approval polls have existed. As Drumpf likes to tweet constantly, "SAD!!"

Laughable It's time to put down your crack pipes. This is a huge deal.
And by the way, as you put those crack pipes down, Hillary lost the election, and it's been almost a full year ago. It's hilarious how you freaks blame her for EVERYTHING. The fact that Trump is turning out to be more corrupt than her (and let's face it, her and Bill have major baggage) is pretty pathetic. And he has the lowest approval rate in his first year since approval polls have existed. As Drumpf likes to tweet constantly, "SAD!!"

How can it be a huge deal when none of this is related to Trump and his actions or the campaign? How can it be a big deal when Hillary and her associates have done the same and worse?

You have an indictment that involves actions totally unrelated to Trump and a process crime. That ain't much at all if you're after Trump. You're either incredibly biased or just plain stupid!

Laughable It's time to put down your crack pipes. This is a huge deal.
And by the way, as you put those crack pipes down, Hillary lost the election, and it's been almost a full year ago. It's hilarious how you freaks blame her for EVERYTHING. The fact that Trump is turning out to be more corrupt than her (and let's face it, her and Bill have major baggage) is pretty pathetic. And he has the lowest approval rate in his first year since approval polls have existed. As Drumpf likes to tweet constantly, "SAD!!"
How has Trump been corrupt, even remotely approaching the scale of Clinton/Obama corruption? This should be entertaining.

The skinny on Gates/Manafort:

They are flight risks and their bail will be increased appropriately. Gates will then flip on Manafort and Manafort will then flip on Trump. Mike (milquetoast) Pence will become president which will scare the shit out of the country because Ryan will be even closer to the top office of the land. At that point, Democrats will take the House back and we will have some real fun watching 'da news'. ;)

Captain Courage.

The skinny on Gates/Manafort:

They are flight risks and their bail will be increased appropriately. Gates will then flip on Manafort and Manafort will then flip on Trump. Mike (milquetoast) Pence will become president which will scare the shit out of the country because Ryan will be even closer to the top office of the land. At that point, Democrats will take the House back and we will have some real fun watching 'da news'. ;)

Captain Courage.

Interesting point Cap'n, I wasn't aware of this although I guess I should have been. We need to take a very close look at these guys.

Interesting point Cap'n, I wasn't aware of this although I guess I should have been. We need to take a very close look at these guys.

Vag, you are going way too easy on these guys. It was just revealed that Manafort had 3 passports and traveled internationally under a fake name. This guy may very well be a Communist Russian agent. It wouldn't be the first in the Trump organization. Steve Mnuchin, Trump's pick for Secretary of our Treasury was Commie George Soros' business partner for 14 years. Now he is running our treasury. Was Trump duped? Or is he one of them? Or does he even care? He may just be another Putin who wants to live in his bubble, eating peeled grapes and grabbing the women wherever he pleases. Be aware and beware!

The skinny on Gates/Manafort:

They are flight risks and their bail will be increased appropriately. Gates will then flip on Manafort and Manafort will then flip on Trump. Mike (milquetoast) Pence will become president which will scare the shit out of the country because Ryan will be even closer to the top office of the land. At that point, Democrats will take the House back and we will have some real fun watching 'da news'. ;)

Captain Courage.

Now it comes out that Manafort had 3 passports and his phone was registered under a fake name. And remember when Trump cried out to Communist Russia, "Russia - if you're listening?" What is wrong with everyone, this may be the Manchurian Candidate for God's sake!!!

Now it comes out that Manafort had 3 passports and his phone was registered under a fake name. And remember when Trump cried out to Communist Russia, "Russia - if you're listening?" What is wrong with everyone, this may be the Manchurian Candidate for God's sake!!!

"Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells us, Mueller is going over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization,” said former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg. “Trump is at 33 percent in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s fucked.”

The first charges in the Mueller probe have kindled talk of what the endgame for Trump looks like, according to conversations with a half-dozen advisers and friends of the president. For the first time since the investigation began, the prospect of impeachment is being considered as a realistic outcome and not just a liberal fever dream. According to a source, advisers in the West Wing are on edge and doing whatever they can not to be ensnared. One person close to Dina Powell and Gary Cohn said they’re making sure to leave rooms if the subject of Russia comes up.

Now it comes out that Manafort had 3 passports and his phone was registered under a fake name. And remember when Trump cried out to Communist Russia, "Russia - if you're listening?" What is wrong with everyone, this may be the Manchurian Candidate for God's sake!!!

Nah, that was Hillary and we were smart enough to avoid her! :D

And you can keep up with your idiot bit about Trump crying out to the Russians but it's out of context and actually illustrates how reckless and damaging to national security Hillary's illegal homebrew unsecured server was, so keep it up fool! :D

"Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells us, Mueller is going over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization,” said former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg. “Trump is at 33 percent in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s fucked.”

The first charges in the Mueller probe have kindled talk of what the endgame for Trump looks like, according to conversations with a half-dozen advisers and friends of the president. For the first time since the investigation began, the prospect of impeachment is being considered as a realistic outcome and not just a liberal fever dream. According to a source, advisers in the West Wing are on edge and doing whatever they can not to be ensnared. One person close to Dina Powell and Gary Cohn said they’re making sure to leave rooms if the subject of Russia comes up.

Impeachment is a liberal fever dream. Any serious attempt would tear the nation apart. Any Republican senator who voted to convict would see their career end in flames. End of story!

The only thing in Trump's future is a second term!

The skinny on Gates/Manafort:

They are flight risks and their bail will be increased appropriately. Gates will then flip on Manafort and Manafort will then flip on Trump. Mike (milquetoast) Pence will become president which will scare the shit out of the country because Ryan will be even closer to the top office of the land. At that point, Democrats will take the House back and we will have some real fun watching 'da news'. ;)

Captain Courage.

You should have signed it Captain Crazy cause that's what you are.

Manafort has nothing on Trump to flip with.

Trump will serve two full terms.