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Trump Delivers For Christians, AGAIN!

Yeah, he sips the wine and eats the little cracker and tries not to bother God too much AND he is delivering on the agenda that Christians care about.

This is why I voted for Trump, despite his many flaws and I have been quite satisfied with the results!


The baker should be allowed to not bake a cake, that was a mistake of the previous administration but no BFD. In other areas of his agenda that affect more than just one baker, how's healthcare coming? The wall? Tax cuts? You knw, those little insignificant things he campaigned on?

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The baker should be allowed to not bake a cake, that was a mistake of the previous administration but no BFD. In other areas of his agenda that affect more than just one baker, how's healthcare coming? The wall? Tax cuts? You knw, those little insignificant things he campaigned on?

Oh, so freedom is no BFD? Interesting perspective you have there.

As for the other items you mentioned, those are not things that Trump can deliver on by himself. This was. Critical difference. But here's another example of why I voted Trump. Just him talking about a wall and border security has caused illegal immigration to drop in a major way, so he's delivering on the end goal even without the wall.

But the big point is that Trump is delivering on things that a key segment of his base desire and it's funny that it plainly bugs you.

Trump is a pimp and his wife is an ex hooker and people have nerve to said they voted for him because of their Christian values, yeah right.:)

Good grief! I didn't vote for him because of his Christian values. Besides what do you know about Christian values? You accept any sort of sin and dysfunction that rolls down the pike.

I voted for Trump because of what he would do to further the Christian agenda. He is delivering on that, but like Vag you can't deal with that reality so you have to whine and complain.

Also funny that you, Mr. Tolerant, Mr. anything goes, has a problem with Trump doing something that promotes and preserves freedom and tolerance.

You're either confused or intolerant or both.

Good grief! I didn't vote for him because of his Christian values. Besides what do you know about Christian values? You accept any sort of sin and dysfunction that rolls down the pike.

I voted for Trump because of what he would do to further the Christian agenda. He is delivering on that, but like Vag you can't deal with that reality so you have to whine and complain.

Also funny that you, Mr. Tolerant, Mr. anything goes, has a problem with Trump doing something that promotes and preserves freedom and tolerance.

You're either confused or intolerant or both.
What exactly is his Christian agenda, building a wall, kicking young people out of the country that have been here their whole life, just because they don't have their papers yet. Being a pimp and a hooker is Christian now? I guess it's ok as long as your a republican, you can be as dysfunctional as you want to be. According to you.:) Just steller now isn't.

We all have our opinions and you know what opinions are like - everybody's got one. :cool:

Once again, you justify me calling you the idiot boy. This isn't a matter of opinion. It is a matter of fact. Now you can have an opinion about a fact. But the fact is a fact.

And the fact is that Trump is delivering on items of importance to the Christian segment of his base which is very sizable and very important. Now if you would like to express your thoughts about that fact then fine, but cut the opinion babble.

Once again, you justify me calling you the idiot boy. This isn't a matter of opinion. It is a matter of fact. Now you can have an opinion about a fact. But the fact is a fact.

And the fact is that Trump is delivering on items of importance to the Christian segment of his base which is very sizable and very important. Now if you would like to express your thoughts about that fact then fine, but cut the opinion babble.

Meanwhile, where is Trump's other daughter? o_O Is this like the Tom Cruise/ Katie Holms situation? :mad: He hasn't seen her in over 3 years! :confused: Now poor Katie has had to find refuge with Jamie Foxx. ;) Poor Katie. :)

How do you like his DACA Deal, with Nazi Pelosi and Schmuckie the Clown?

My initial reaction is that I don't like it. That said if it only involves about 800k, then I might be able to tolerate it.

But my gut reaction is ship the dreamers back to whence they came. And if Mom and Dad followed the dreamers then if the dreamers are still minors then ship the whole family back. No chain migration scam should be allowed.

It's still too fuzzy to make a final call right now though.

What exactly is his Christian agenda, building a wall, kicking young people out of the country that have been here their whole life, just because they don't have their papers yet. Being a pimp and a hooker is Christian now? I guess it's ok as long as your a republican, you can be as dysfunctional as you want to be. According to you.:) Just steller now isn't.

You babble and misrepresent the situation but Trump's actions are stellar.

If you want to talk immigration then start a thread in it.

Meanwhile, where is Trump's other daughter? o_O Is this like the Tom Cruise/ Katie Holms situation? :mad: He hasn't seen her in over 3 years! :confused: Now poor Katie has had to find refuge with Jamie Foxx. ;) Poor Katie. :)

You're as desperate as Vag. I tag you clowns good and all you can do is try to distract!

Thanks for letting me know how much it bugs you that Trump is fulfilling the Christian agenda.

If you want to talk celebrity relationships, go to the playground and start a thread.

Yes, after all that nonsense about building a wall that Mexico will pay for, slashing taxes with crooked Munchkin running our Treasury, draining the swamp (when he actually filled it) stopping the hedge fund crooks (when he actually hires them) and stopping the trade gap with China (when he and Ivanka Peron buy all their goods) it finally comes down to your core value. Some lady gets to turn away a gay customer who is as dumb for asking as she is for refusing. My oh my...... BFD !!!

Freedom is a big deal, fool. And the baker was not dumb for refusing. You're the dumb one.

You can harp on Trumps failures but he has also had major succceses.

But you were too stupid to Cruz and so now you lose.......and whine! :p

Once again, you justify me calling you the idiot boy. This isn't a matter of opinion. It is a matter of fact. Now you can have an opinion about a fact. But the fact is a fact.

And the fact is that Trump is delivering on items of importance to the Christian segment of his base which is very sizable and very important. Now if you would like to express your thoughts about that fact then fine, but cut the opinion babble.
Biggest lie ever. Stop babbling.:)