Truce App?

who has time to read all these reports? I am guessing it's only if they need more reason to fire someone....thinking driving data will be used when realigning territories and reducing head count in next layoff...what happens if you just TURN OFF your ipad and phone and then turn it on when you enter a call.

This isn’t fair! I am an Oncology Rep and my manager knows we can’t see customers. If this tracks every where we go and when we go what are we to do? Does this mean we have to drive to customers we can’t see so it is documented? I wonder if managers will start holding us accountable?

Turn your ipad and iPhone off until you add a call in. Then after you enter the call in turn your ipad and iPhone off again.

The reason they are doing this is for "safety" which is also know as TRACKING EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING. Have you guys looked into this app? It tracks every single time you drive and how long your drive for....this is called managed time. Then when you aren't driving it tracks it as unmanaged time. They can basically see what time ALL of your calls are because they can track how long you are in an office for. I couldn't find a GPS associated with the app, but I would bet every dollar I have that the GPS is tracked on us during the "managed time." I bet the managers have access to the GPS and not the reps.

To combat this I'm going to simply turn off my ipad and iPhone until I need to make a call. I'll turn on my ipad real quick, have a doc sign, then turn my ipad off again. If anything is ever said to me I'll throw it back in my managers face and say, for safety reasons I need my ipad and iPhone off during driving time to eliminate all distractions.

You will be flagged if you are turning off your devices like that, believe me. I have some inside knowledge about this app. You are tracked to your location, how long you are in your car, how long and where you are in the building, how long in the office, any stops between offices and where and how long, etc. It tracks absolutely everything. Speed, calls or texting while driving, and on and on.

is someone actually going to look at this information.....sales reps are that for the flexibility and if they hired adults than they wouldn't have to micro-manage literally every minute of the day

furthermore, they are forcing us to put calls in the CAT tool for reach and frequency on customers we all know we can't possibly see but they MAKE us and then hold us accountable to not seeing them or entering a literature drop....

You will be flagged if you are turning off your devices like that, believe me. I have some inside knowledge about this app. You are tracked to your location, how long you are in your car, how long and where you are in the building, how long in the office, any stops between offices and where and how long, etc. It tracks absolutely everything. Speed, calls or texting while driving, and on and on.

They can flag me all they want. By turning on and off your ipad throughout the day you are doing nothing wrong, shady, or illegal. It's all in the name of "safety" because I grab my ipad out of habbit while driving and I need it off to be safe for my family. If it's not okay to turn my ipad off while driving can you can say it to my face nice and clear into the microphone while I'm recording, or send me it in writing.

What a bunch of BS Enrique!! You’re the head of our company and you send an email out today explaining that cell control is for our safety when it isn’t even cell control anymore, it’s called Truce!! Doesn’t someone proof read your emails before you send them out? It just goes to show how far removed you are from the sales reps that actually make the money for your shareholders!!! Cell control disabled our iPads and iPhones so we couldn’t use them while driving. That is reasonable. That kept us safe. Truce still disables our iPads and our iPhones AND tracks us all day, everyday. I do see that TRUCE is going to track how quickly we brake and how sharp we turn. Is that feature really going to keep us safer?? So how are we going to be held accountable for that? Are our mgrs.. going to get reports on how we are driving based on TRUCE and “coach” us on it? That’s going to make us safer drivers?? Get real and call it what it really is, a tracking app. to see how much we are working.


Employee safety is a priority for Lilly, and we all have a part to play in our safety culture. We have received several questions about the Cell Control compliance reports, so I want to share my perspective on this effort.

Lilly is in the bottom quartile for collisions when benchmarked against the industry. This statistic is not acceptable. Our goal is to help you drive more safely to reduce our collision and injury rates.

One initiative we have implemented is Cell Control, a tool to help apply safe driving behaviors. Data show that employees who have Cell Control enabled are less likely to be in an accident, which is why we are monitoring compliance with this safety tool. I encourage you to ensure Cell Control is active on your work phone moving forward. Thank you to everyone who has activated the tool so far.

Please look out for more fleet safety updates from your management team and Lilly USA’s Health and Safety team as you work to make life better for our customers. Thank you for everything you are doing.

Best Regards,


To the poster who is going to turn off their iPad unless making a call, I love you. Brilliant! I’m assuming you use your personal phone instead of the work phone and will just turn off your work phone permanently. Please post again to share if this ‘flags”, you with your mgr. and if so, what he or she says to you.

You will be flagged if you are turning off your devices like that, believe me. I have some inside knowledge about this app. You are tracked to your location, how long you are in your car, how long and where you are in the building, how long in the office, any stops between offices and where and how long, etc. It tracks absolutely everything. Speed, calls or texting while driving, and on and on.

If you turn it off you will get Compliance notifications and after so many notifications you and your manager will be notified to become “compliant.” This is serious stuff and you can Thank automation for this fine little tracker that will be with you 24/7, 365...!

Lilly has become such a terrible company to work for as a sales rep. Micromanaging, millennials, tracking, endless BS. Bonuses way under that of other companies. So glad I left there. The grass is so much greener on the other side.

If you turn it off you will get Compliance notifications and after so many notifications you and your manager will be notified to become “compliant.” This is serious stuff and you can Thank automation for this fine little tracker that will be with you 24/7, 365...!

I'm not turning my Truce app off, I'm turning my ipad off. My Truce app is installed and 100% in compliance. There is no reason why I should get flagged for anything because my Truce app is installed and updated. Truce will still be able to work and update daily when I turn my ipad back on at 5pm and leave it at my house.

I'm not turning my Truce app off, I'm turning my ipad off. My Truce app is installed and 100% in compliance. There is no reason why I should get flagged for anything because my Truce app is installed and updated. Truce will still be able to work and update daily when I turn my ipad back on at 5pm and leave it at my house.

Sorry to tell you but if you turn off your phone or ipad for an extended period of time, the system will be triggered and you will be out of compliance.

Since very few people work full days, it will be interesting how they roll out and implement the information they retrieve. After all, if HR isn’t consistent in how they treat reps with the same infractions, it could be a HR nightmare. Also, FYI... your phone and ipad can be tracked even when it is turned off.

How do you know so much about this app.? Do you work in Indy, or are you a mgr.? I believe you know what you are talking about since you have so many details about turning on or off our devices and being flagged for being non-compliant. Why weren’t more details shared about it before suddenly appearing on our devices last week? What is the real purpose behind it? Why do they want to track us?

How do you know so much about this app.? Do you work in Indy, or are you a mgr.? I believe you know what you are talking about since you have so many details about turning on or off our devices and being flagged for being non-compliant. Why weren’t more details shared about it before suddenly appearing on our devices last week? What is the real purpose behind it? Why do they want to track us?

Because it is an additional data point for the next round of downsizing’s. The system has anticipated the “work arounds”. You may hear of a few, but not all infractions...until you say to yourself...”Huh!”

Because it is an additional data point for the next round of downsizing’s. The system has anticipated the “work arounds”. You may hear of a few, but not all infractions...until you say to yourself...”Huh!”

I just can't tell if you are purely speculating or if you actually know something?

If you do know something be truthful...what does this app do exactly? Does it have GPS, and if so, do all DMs have access to the information? Or will this be used only for something like a car accident?

just insane, truly who has time to monitor hundreds of reps....
i can see a 3rd party consulting firm using it for downsizing and geography mapping or directors and managers using it to justify a does NOT meet or push you out....but otherwise who in the world has time to monitor this...

we actually got an email from Enrique on this topic...shouldn't that concern him that he needs to take time out of his day to address this issue, maybe we can be like the French and have our own Revolution....let them eat cake!

just insane, truly who has time to monitor hundreds of reps....
i can see a 3rd party consulting firm using it for downsizing and geography mapping or directors and managers using it to justify a does NOT meet or push you out....but otherwise who in the world has time to monitor this...

we actually got an email from Enrique on this topic...shouldn't that concern him that he needs to take time out of his day to address this issue, maybe we can be like the French and have our own Revolution....let them eat cake!

Automation allows the app to sync with documented calls and effortlessly monitor tools (phone, ipad, soon to be leased automobiles, etc...) to verify if they are actively in use and if the location of the tools are aligned to the location of calls documented in Veeva.

As you all know, this is a serious initiative and if your tools are not turned on, the system automatically notifies individuals and their management to utilize tools and remain in compliance according to guidelines. The phone senses speed, auto usage/location, etc...

If you are doing your job and documenting calls accurately you have nothing to worry about. If not, do yourself a favor and look for other opportunities since automation will do nothing but increase surveillance and tracking in the future. Good Luck and good selling to all!!