Trifexis is KING of KINGS

<<<<dosed once a month as all products should be>>>>>

Thank you so much for filling us in on how all products "should" be dosed. I didn't realize such things were preordained. (By whom, I might ask? Did God inform you of this? I missed it in the Ten Commandments.) Also, could you please clarify how long this protocol remains the way it "should" be done? Till the end of time? - or until Elanco gets a product that works longer than once a month?

Who says these boards aren't enlightening??
No these boards are not enlightening due to idiots like you who come on our site and act like your opinion of your product is better than ours. It amazes me the only thing you commented on is the proper way of dosing a flea and tick product. Brocrapto is a train wreck of a product and you know it. Good luck trying to lie your way through the real facts about your product. Spend your time on your own site and lie to yourself.
No these boards are not enlightening due to idiots like you who come on our site and act like your opinion of your product is better than ours. It amazes me the only thing you commented on is the proper way of dosing a flea and tick product. Brocrapto is a train wreck of a product and you know it. Good luck trying to lie your way through the real facts about your product. Spend your time on your own site and lie to yourself.

Did you bother reading the post? I was not offering an opinion. And the reason I was "only commenting on proper dosage" is because the statement was so utterly ridiculous - that products "should" be dosed a particular way.

Aside from that, I did not offer an opinion - on your product or any other. Frankly, I don't use any of these - I use a completely different product. And I won't be selling Bravecto - or any other product - so I don't care which is "king of kings".

I'd suggest you step away from the Kool Aid. Company loyalty is great and admirable - but try to retain an iota of objectivity.
Did you bother reading the post? I was not offering an opinion. And the reason I was "only commenting on proper dosage" is because the statement was so utterly ridiculous - that products "should" be dosed a particular way.

Aside from that, I did not offer an opinion - on your product or any other. Frankly, I don't use any of these - I use a completely different product. And I won't be selling Bravecto - or any other product - so I don't care which is "king of kings".

I'd suggest you step away from the Kool Aid. Company loyalty is great and admirable - but try to retain an iota of objectivity.

I am objective and smart enough to know Monthly dosing builds better compliance. I don't drink company kool aid (what an over used line) 3 month dosing doses not build compliance it hirts it. The only thing it is good for is helping Mercks bottom line. My point is the false hope that 3 month dosing will help is the only angle they have and it is not a good reason to use a poor product. Read the PI in detail and you will see that easily. I have no problem with rival companies bring out new products as long as the clients benefit. In this case they will not.
I am objective and smart enough to know Monthly dosing builds better compliance. I don't drink company kool aid (what an over used line) 3 month dosing doses not build compliance it hirts it. The only thing it is good for is helping Mercks bottom line. My point is the false hope that 3 month dosing will help is the only angle they have and it is not a good reason to use a poor product. Read the PI in detail and you will see that easily. I have no problem with rival companies bring out new products as long as the clients benefit. In this case they will not.

Thank you for a reasonable response. I know three friends who work at Elanco and respect them all - but the last poster "get off our site r*****" was beyond inarticulate and no longer merited a reply.

Sorry about the Kool Aid comment, but I was not striving to be original. I was trying to make a point that it's lame to parrot the company line hook, line and sinker. There's this thing called "critical thinking"...

That's fine to have a different opinion. Like I mentioned, I use a different product - have for over ten years - and don't plan to change just because my own company launched a new product. The whole concept of monthly compliance is no different than three month- you put it on Outlook or on your mobile app and that's that. Compliance currently is abysmal, so anything we can do to change (scary word, I know!) things up is likely to be positive. People whined about monthly HW years ago too - "people will forget if it's not every day". That ship certainly sailed.

The good news is there is room in the market for more than one product and vets will get to choose - not you or I. And ultimately consumers will choose and may not choose any of these products. We'll see. Until then, see you on the battlefield!