Trifexis is KING of KINGS

I am getting clients coming back saying they are seeing fleas with Trifexis. I guess it is not living up to what my rep had claimed. And yes not covering ticks is going to be a big issue this year. Vomiting is an issue and we are getting tired of explaining that Trifexis needs to be taken with food. Even with food vomiting issues exist. It looks like it is time to go back to heartgard and frontline.

Heartgard huh? Go ahead and promote how great Ivermectin/Pyrantel & Fipronill for that Veterinary committed FidoPharm some more.
Heartgard huh? Go ahead and promote how great Ivermectin/Pyrantel & Fipronill for that Veterinary committed FidoPharm some more.

Yeah this looks like trouble for Merck with triheat but a good opportunity for Merial. The most expensive and worthless preventative is the one a dog won't take and that is triheart and Trifexis. As was stated earlier that cuts out Merck and will benefit my clinic using heartgard.I am no longer going to use either tri heart or Trifexis.
Yeah this looks like trouble for Merck with triheat but a good opportunity for Merial. The most expensive and worthless preventative is the one a dog won't take and that is triheart and Trifexis. As was stated earlier that cuts out Merck and will benefit my clinic using heartgard.I am no longer going to use either tri heart or Trifexis.

Oops, you dropped your merial coolaid cup on the floor. Here, have a red solo cup, and fill it up and have a party. Trifexis parties on, and on, and on.
Annoyed with Lou Gallo

The insane person on Facebook that is slandering Trifexis needs to be shut down. The site shown on the news called Trifexis Kills Dogs or a moron. His daughter sent me a private message stating that she is being forced to say lies about Trifexis because he is arranging a class action law suit. This ass wipe has nothing better to sue and claims Trifexis melted his dogs organs. I am so annoyed after reading that site. Get that asshole off Facebook so he will stop giving medical advice because posters are taking his advice serious because if you don't he will ban you.
Re: Annoyed with Lou Gallo

The insane person on Facebook that is slandering Trifexis needs to be shut down. The site shown on the news called Trifexis Kills Dogs or a moron. His daughter sent me a private message stating that she is being forced to say lies about Trifexis because he is arranging a class action law suit. This ass wipe has nothing better to sue and claims Trifexis melted his dogs organs. I am so annoyed after reading that site. Get that asshole off Facebook so he will stop giving medical advice because posters are taking his advice serious because if you don't he will ban you.

Face it, your product kills dogs. Sentinel rules again!!!!!!!!!
I heard you so called reps are missing your numbers and facing budget cuts, rebates values lowered and now giving away free tick collars, hello Revolution, just sad. I hope you all can find jobs when layoffs start.....
With so much to offer, Trifexis is pleasing even the pickiest veterinarians with solid efficassy and total customer satisfaction. Thanks to all of the people behind the scenes who have made this drug possible. Its a real crowd pleaser. Elanco makes life with dogs more simple and cozy. No more stinky chemicals on the back of our pets. Luv you guys!

Keep on keepin on and never look back
You should be worried when Bravecto launches. We will destroy you!!!
At what point should I worry about your new oral ProHeart 6"s 3 months of residual activity? You will be blammed for any malady the dog suffers in that 3 month period.

PS- Can't wait to see your cost.

PPs How is you Adverse event reporting in Europe? I am told it is through the roof.
PS- Can't wait to see your cost.

PPs How is you Adverse event reporting in Europe? I am told it is through the roof.

Now you have seen it and cost isn't going to be an issue actually a positive!.

You heard wrong no issues with AEs and it's blowing up in Europe... doing the same in the first week in the US over 1000 clinics have placed orders. Don't worry Bravecto isn't targeted at your combo product yet. We will go after the low hanging fruit Comfortis and nexgarbage.
Are you dreaming! Brocrapto is going after low hanging fruit! I seen your PI and it is a train wreck. 3 months coverage unless you want to cover all ticks than its 2 months for the lone star! That If they take it with food than if they don't that cuts efficacy down to??? Oh let's not forget 6 months indication with 20 percent defect rate in puppies taking Brocrapto. High vomiting rate and decreased appetite. Oh your $26 cost and which will translate to a retail close to mid $40 retail. Add that with no advertising and Smercks history launching and selling flea and ticks products shows you were you will end up! Wow I remember someone claiming that Actikill was going to rule and we can see what a loser your company really is. I would rather had Nexgard than the crap you are getting at least it is a straight forward product and dosed once a month as all products should be. You should team up with the pro heart folks as you won't do any better so you should enjoy each others company. Trifecta and Comfortis have nothing to worry about with your product.