Transition of YOU don't care

Look how long they kept customer solutions around because it was someone's idea and they couldn't admit that it was a total failure. It didn't go away until someone knew came in and stopped the madness.
OH boy Customer Solutions; now there is a genius idea from the past that sends chills up and down my leg. I also remember that anyone who had the balls to stand up and tell the truth, that this was a money pit, was eventually targeted for demotion or removal. How many talented and loyal people had their careers destroyed for telling the truth?

OH boy Customer Solutions; now there is a genius idea from the past that sends chills up and down my leg. I also remember that anyone who had the balls to stand up and tell the truth, that this was a money pit, was eventually targeted for demotion or removal. How many talented and loyal people had their careers destroyed for telling the truth?
Lying is a learned behavior and is rampant throughout AZ from Leadership on down the line.
Nobody has the guts to speak the truth or share an honest opinion. Even the anonymous surveys are so suspect that people lie which inflates the numbers. AZ turned, I got your back into I'll get you back.

Wait till you see what IT has coming for you guys! It doesnt get any better than this???? After the slaughter of Wilm IT, the dumb shit leading GCEIT (the stupid cheerleader) sends an email that was meant for her direct reports to ALL of GCEIT about morale being so low in Wilmington. Thats not enough. One of her dumbass Medi "leaders" RESPONDS TO ALL and says yo, SS, did you mean to send this to all of the group or just your "leadership team"?

Smoley you definitely pick the winners you stupid shit! I cant imagine why morale is so low? What the hell is wrong with you?

In my experience with the TCS group, AZ is hiring the emotionally unstable nurses that have burned most of their bridges at the hospitals. Most have the emotional maturity of a 14 year old. They need to remember that they are contract employees, not AZ. The TCS program is temporary and a PR stunt.
To comment about us being "Bachelor Degree" complainers..... Sorry to continue to generalize but it seems that met of us could pass nursing school and most of you don't even have table manors. That's why you are hired to talk to nurses (vocational school) and we are hired to provide expertise to physicians.

Nurses are the ones who are selling Brilinta not any of you dirt ball PSS's. Without us you would hav e nothing in the hospitals.
glad u are dong well. My DDD units have tripled but my nbrxes have gone down since our rn has arrived. She thinks she told good to make pharmacy calls or order savings cards. Not everyone's nurse is as good as u. Mine has little to no related cardiology or ICU, ccu , pacu etc experience.

glad u are dong well. My DDD units have tripled but my nbrxes have gone down since our rn has arrived. She thinks she told good to make pharmacy calls or order savings cards. Not everyone's nurse is as good as u. Mine has little to no related cardiology or ICU, ccu , pacu etc experience.

My PSS was previously selling Staples products and is now selling Brilinta. Go figure?????

My favorite quote "you wouldn't have any hospital sales without us (nurses"..... Haha! Really? They can do nothing tha we do and we can do everything they do. Go call on a pharmacy & make sure that it is stocked please. That's what the nurses are here for. You do not / can not sell. I have respect for many nurses, but AZ is scraping the bottom of the bucket.

My favorite quote "you wouldn't have any hospital sales without us (nurses"..... Haha! Really? They can do nothing tha we do and we can do everything they do. Go call on a pharmacy & make sure that it is stocked please. That's what the nurses are here for. You do not / can not sell. I have respect for many nurses, but AZ is scraping the bottom of the bucket.

Isn't that the truth! It's my understanding that 90% of the Nurses have no CV experience and we were mislead believing otherwise. Pharmacy calls is about all they are worth and I wouldn't let our TCS anywhere near the Cath lab.

glad u are dong well. My DDD units have tripled but my nbrxes have gone down since our rn has arrived. She thinks she told good to make pharmacy calls or order savings cards. Not everyone's nurse is as good as u. Mine has little to no related cardiology or ICU, ccu , pacu etc experience.

Your bra size has tripled??? DDD is huge to begin with.

In my experience with the TCS group, AZ is hiring the emotionally unstable nurses that have burned most of their bridges at the hospitals. Most have the emotional maturity of a 14 year old. They need to remember that they are contract employees, not AZ. The TCS program is temporary and a PR stunt.
To comment about us being "Bachelor Degree" complainers..... Sorry to continue to generalize but it seems that met of us could pass nursing school and most of you don't even have table manors. That's why you are hired to talk to nurses (vocational school) and we are hired to provide expertise to physicians.

Or, you are just insecure, delusional, and likely aging out of being effective where you are.... Am I right? I bet a discount store could really use a great salesperson like yourself to greet customers. Your wealth of knowledge, more than those stupid nurses possess, will be extremely valuable. Thanks for your lack of actual insight.

s..... Sorry to continue to generalize but it seems that met of us could pass nursing school and most of you don't even have table manors. That's why you are hired to talk to nurses (vocational school) and we are hired to provide expertise to physicians.

You consider the knowledge and education a nurse has as vocational school and pharma reps as expert? Oh puleeese, you flatter yourself.

In my experience with the TCS group, AZ is hiring the emotionally unstable nurses that have burned most of their bridges at the hospitals. Most have the emotional maturity of a 14 year old. They need to remember that they are contract employees, not AZ. The TCS program is temporary and a PR stunt.
To comment about us being "Bachelor Degree" complainers..... Sorry to continue to generalize but it seems that met of us could pass nursing school and most of you don't even have table manors. That's why you are hired to talk to nurses (vocational school) and we are hired to provide expertise to physicians.

Oh please! All of the nurses have more access to the cath lab then any of you pathetic PSS reps. AZ has been begging on there hands and knees to keep up because they know without us Brilinta won't sell.

Oh please! All of the nurses have more access to the cath lab then any of you pathetic PSS reps. AZ has been begging on there hands and knees to keep up because they know without us Brilinta won't sell.

God you nurses really have some big egos. I am really trying like mine but she is a bitch. She acts like because she is nurse she can be rude to the doctors. Some doctors respect the nurse but not when they have no CV experience. My nurse keeps getting the bleeding and drug interactions wrong. I have to correct her. She has nerve to get mad about it. Come on at least give a crap about the patients.

I know -- AZ should have a customer service department. We could have an entire team of people that fly around to high target offices and give presentations on things like "calming the upset customer."

It would be free. The doctors would see that and they'd probably like us more and write our products because we're such an innovative company that really cares (about more money) about people.

We could incent (wait punish) the reps for having (Translation: not having) these programs to create pull through. This will work! This will drive sales.

But it didn't work, it hurt sales, everyone in the department is gone or reassigned, and the company's shareholders are out big time. Similar on a smaller scale to Obamacare. But it ain't my money so who cares?

God you nurses really have some big egos. I am really trying like mine but she is a bitch. She acts like because she is nurse she can be rude to the doctors. Some doctors respect the nurse but not when they have no CV experience. My nurse keeps getting the bleeding and drug interactions wrong. I have to correct her. She has nerve to get mad about it. Come on at least give a crap about the patients.

Listen piss ant, as a Nurse I have put up with enough crap over the years from doctors to last a life time. Now is my time and I'm not going to stand for any nonclinical sales rep or any doctor telling me how to act or what I can say. Soon we are going to be talking directly with patients and we will take charge of their healthcare needs not some hospitalist or doctor who has no clue about the patient taking Brilinta.

The Nurse TCS team is here to stay and might as well get use to it. Without us you don't have a chance in the hospital.

Listen piss ant, as a Nurse I have put up with enough crap over the years from doctors to last a life time. Now is my time and I'm not going to stand for any nonclinical sales rep or any doctor telling me how to act or what I can say. Soon we are going to be talking directly with patients and we will take charge of their healthcare needs not some hospitalist or doctor who has no clue about the patient taking Brilinta.

The Nurse TCS team is here to stay and might as well get use to it. Without us you don't have a chance in the hospital.

I hope this is a satirical comment, if not nurse is going to f up some patients. You can 't directly talk to patients but also get paid a bonus on whether on not they stay on drug. I may be drug rep but even I know that is an ethical conflict. Disgusting, you are not neutral and should never talk directly to patients.