Townhall on Sep 10

Will this be the day they announce wtf is going on?
September 10 will be the first of three dark days for many at Lilly. Our beloved DR will share with all Lillyputians the corporate's perspective of the current situation and how it has accelerated a paradigm shift in the way we communicate and service our customers & their patients. He will then add that given this changes, many of us, customer facing souls, have been rendered irrelevant for the organization. Retirement windows will be opened first. Those of us incapable of retirement (and the lunatics that can retire but refuse to) will go to the second round. While all of this is taking place, there will be a massive re-organization with a new territory alignment to be effective January 2, 2021 (by the way, DR and the rest of the senior leadership already know how it looks like, right now they are working the final details). The new organization will be unveiled the first week of November (2nd Day of Darkness). By then, a drastically reduced sales footprint with new positions/roles will be shared. 20% f2f (HUGE Territories) & 80% virtual representative positions (half the average pay w/no company car). All of us remaining souls will be invited to apply for these "new" roles. Many of us may not make it... a virtual bloodbath! The ones that did not make the cut will be hoping for a good severance package. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best my friends. Last day of Darkness ... January 2nd, 2021 ... A new Lilly is born... leaner, meaner and agile. DR's dream fulfilled!!

September 10 will be the first of three dark days for many at Lilly. Our beloved DR will share with all Lillyputians the corporate's perspective of the current situation and how it has accelerated a paradigm shift in the way we communicate and service our customers & their patients. He will then add that given this changes, many of us, customer facing souls, have been rendered irrelevant for the organization. Retirement windows will be opened first. Those of us incapable of retirement (and the lunatics that can retire but refuse to) will go to the second round. While all of this is taking place, there will be a massive re-organization with a new territory alignment to be effective January 2, 2021 (by the way, DR and the rest of the senior leadership already know how it looks like, right now they are working the final details). The new organization will be unveiled the first week of November (2nd Day of Darkness). By then, a drastically reduced sales footprint with new positions/roles will be shared. 20% f2f (HUGE Territories) & 80% virtual representative positions (half the average pay w/no company car). All of us remaining souls will be invited to apply for these "new" roles. Many of us may not make it... a virtual bloodbath! The ones that did not make the cut will be hoping for a good severance package. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best my friends. Last day of Darkness ... January 2nd, 2021 ... A new Lilly is born... leaner, meaner and agile. DR's dream fulfilled!!

I know dbu pc is super crowded so it makes sense that there would be cuts, but what about spec and the other disease states?

September 10 will be the first of three dark days for many at Lilly. Our beloved DR will share with all Lillyputians the corporate's perspective of the current situation and how it has accelerated a paradigm shift in the way we communicate and service our customers & their patients. He will then add that given this changes, many of us, customer facing souls, have been rendered irrelevant for the organization. Retirement windows will be opened first. Those of us incapable of retirement (and the lunatics that can retire but refuse to) will go to the second round. While all of this is taking place, there will be a massive re-organization with a new territory alignment to be effective January 2, 2021 (by the way, DR and the rest of the senior leadership already know how it looks like, right now they are working the final details). The new organization will be unveiled the first week of November (2nd Day of Darkness). By then, a drastically reduced sales footprint with new positions/roles will be shared. 20% f2f (HUGE Territories) & 80% virtual representative positions (half the average pay w/no company car). All of us remaining souls will be invited to apply for these "new" roles. Many of us may not make it... a virtual bloodbath! The ones that did not make the cut will be hoping for a good severance package. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best my friends. Last day of Darkness ... January 2nd, 2021 ... A new Lilly is born... leaner, meaner and agile. DR's dream fulfilled!!
Is this truth or your speculation?

September 10 will be the first of three dark days for many at Lilly. Our beloved DR will share with all Lillyputians the corporate's perspective of the current situation and how it has accelerated a paradigm shift in the way we communicate and service our customers & their patients. He will then add that given this changes, many of us, customer facing souls, have been rendered irrelevant for the organization. Retirement windows will be opened first. Those of us incapable of retirement (and the lunatics that can retire but refuse to) will go to the second round. While all of this is taking place, there will be a massive re-organization with a new territory alignment to be effective January 2, 2021 (by the way, DR and the rest of the senior leadership already know how it looks like, right now they are working the final details). The new organization will be unveiled the first week of November (2nd Day of Darkness). By then, a drastically reduced sales footprint with new positions/roles will be shared. 20% f2f (HUGE Territories) & 80% virtual representative positions (half the average pay w/no company car). All of us remaining souls will be invited to apply for these "new" roles. Many of us may not make it... a virtual bloodbath! The ones that did not make the cut will be hoping for a good severance package. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best my friends. Last day of Darkness ... January 2nd, 2021 ... A new Lilly is born... leaner, meaner and agile. DR's dream fulfilled!!
Truth or your speculation?

September 10 will be the first of three dark days for many at Lilly. Our beloved DR will share with all Lillyputians the corporate's perspective of the current situation and how it has accelerated a paradigm shift in the way we communicate and service our customers & their patients. He will then add that given this changes, many of us, customer facing souls, have been rendered irrelevant for the organization. Retirement windows will be opened first. Those of us incapable of retirement (and the lunatics that can retire but refuse to) will go to the second round. While all of this is taking place, there will be a massive re-organization with a new territory alignment to be effective January 2, 2021 (by the way, DR and the rest of the senior leadership already know how it looks like, right now they are working the final details). The new organization will be unveiled the first week of November (2nd Day of Darkness). By then, a drastically reduced sales footprint with new positions/roles will be shared. 20% f2f (HUGE Territories) & 80% virtual representative positions (half the average pay w/no company car). All of us remaining souls will be invited to apply for these "new" roles. Many of us may not make it... a virtual bloodbath! The ones that did not make the cut will be hoping for a good severance package. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best my friends. Last day of Darkness ... January 2nd, 2021 ... A new Lilly is born... leaner, meaner and agile. DR's dream fulfilled!!

Wow bro. You sure spent a long time typing all this up for a bunch of made-up bs.

Not sure how to break the news to you young buck...but the reason us old timers are still here is that we have survived countless layoffs. The newbies are let go due to there lack of drive and more importantly ability to sell anything. Ive seen a bunch come and go and looks like i will again so you might want to get ready for the awesome job market out there that awaits a skilled pharmaceutical titan like yourself.

Yes you have survived countless layoffs. But not this time. Lilly has slowly been getting rid of old timers the last 2 years. They would rather pay millennials half your salary. This time around won’t be like other times. They will use the covid as an excuse to cut saying that we are now in a virtual world. Good luck

Agree! This is not industry that values their employees. Ageism - is a live and well. Get into your 50s - get laid off better be prepared to find another job outside of pharmaceutical especially if your a rep.

Please pay attention to what is being said above.
As a seasoned rep who has lived through many downsizing’s & layoffs, am now at the end of my career. Extremely grateful for the ride & all that it has afforded me & my family , but exhausted from all the hoops that had to be jumped through to stay in it.
If you are young, now is the time to find a new industry, a new career. Don’t waste your time in this industry. It’s not going to be the same. This is an opportunity for pharma to make wide-sweeping changes & downsizing, both reps & also managers this time. It has been in need of a correction for a long time & now it is here.
Look into different sales industries, start a business, reinvent yourself - do it now.
Wish all best of luck.

The above is correct and anybody who made a long term career in this industry knows it to be true. We have all thought throughout the years at various moments "this would be it" and pharma would change forever. We all believe the "it" is finally here. Begin to reinvent yourself and look at other industries. There is life outside of pharma and money to be made, go find it.

I know dbu pc is super crowded so it makes sense that there would be cuts, but what about spec and the other disease states?
Lilly will use COVID as the reason for the reorg. It is very easy for Lilly to create hybrid reps. And pay them the PC salary. It is already being done in a few Districts throughout the country. We can easily get rid of half the reps. This way. Too many offices are closed and probably never see reps. again.

Lilly will use COVID as the reason for the reorg. It is very easy for Lilly to create hybrid reps. And pay them the PC salary. It is already being done in a few Districts throughout the country. We can easily get rid of half the reps. This way. Too many offices are closed and probably never see reps. again.
Are you referring to PC reps for the hybrid model or Spec reps too? I have heard rep changes yet this year and I have also heard we are the second wave of changes next year. Any intel here?

Lilly has kept Reps out of the field since March. They are keeping reps home till next year. By the time everyone goes out again, a new model will be in place. No need for as many reps. Minimum disruption to customers as they haven’t seen a lilly rep in months. This will be a change like no other. Town hall September. Changes announced October and go in place in January.