Top ten reasons a doc would use bio

2. Likes the studies.

Yes I know everyone has studies. But...... Not for every doctor. The bio rep was in my docs office this week offering studies and speaker fees to a guy that's never used them. Isn't that for people that know your products? Not as an inducement to implant the first can!!

Maybe he is tired of recalled products? Maybe he likes the Bio team that calls on him? Maybe the Bio rep is an excellent rep who he is happy to support? Maybe he took the time to learn about Bio and the quality products they make?

Seriously though, to whoever started this thread: Why did you start this thread? Why do you have an axe to grind?

Not everywhere, but in many major markets Bio is kicking ass, which means they are taking business away from someone else. Most likely they are taking business away from the folks who bad mouth Bio here.

Perhaps the reason you're hiding behind your computer and not talking s*it to anyone's face or publicly Bio-bashing all over town is that you know when your company puts you on the chopping block after one of their many infinite RIFs, or after one of their next recalls or after multiple quarters of watching your sales decline, you'll be sending Bio your resume, and you don't want to look too stupid to the Bio managers for openly being a hater, or to your customers if Bio happens to hire you.....

I'm fine with it if you want to do some Bio-bashing in my territory, since it will serve no other purpose than to make you look like an uninformed foolish child.

9. (Bio guy played along and had the last few) he is a crook and likes the rebate of 900 for a lead registry per pacemaker. 900 is way more than CMS spends.

Okay fair enough, Bio pays $900 for their lead registries. Then I am assuming that whoever you work for pays nothing for their lead registries which EVERYONE is required to do now on ALL new leads. Is this correct?