Too much of a risk for Alzheimers Drug

Read other salary threads. Range starts at 100 and goes up to 173. Depends on your current salary and exp.
If you are a college grad at a $100k at Biogen you are only being hired to offset the higher salaries. Trust me when I tell you we know who you are...for a first in class indication with no room for error in hiring...there is a lot of NeuroPsych experience that only comes from a long career from being In those specialties. It’s gonna take a tenured rep to be able to competently move thru the disease state. This is not a GO TEAM disease state. Psych won’t give you the time of day if it’s transparent you don’t know anything, The posts on here only mention Neurology. You are going to wish you only had to work with Neuro! Would love to be a fly on the wall for this launch.

If you are a college grad at a $100k at Biogen you are only being hired to offset the higher salaries. Trust me when I tell you we know who you are...for a first in class indication with no room for error in hiring...there is a lot of NeuroPsych experience that only comes from a long career from being In those specialties. It’s gonna take a tenured rep to be able to competently move thru the disease state. This is not a GO TEAM disease state. Psych won’t give you the time of day if it’s transparent you don’t know anything, The posts on here only mention Neurology. You are going to wish you only had to work with Neuro! Would love to be a fly on the wall for this launch.

What about primary care?

If you are unemployed or running from something.... then take this job but beware it is not going to be the Glamorous job that you think it’s gonna be. There is a reason Biogen is applying science to large market potential.

Haters gonna hate. Biogen must have hurt you very deeply for you to carry your hate post after post. Damn

From an outsider considering a position what is the plan for new hires? What is the anticipated timeline and what happens if it doesn’t get approved? Do they have a specified training date set?

I am in the interviewing process w/ Biogen and just curious about the following:
- anticipated FDA approval timeframe?
- anticipated hiring date?
- salary range for the Alzheimers Account Liaison position?

Thanks for all honest / respectable replies.

I am in the interviewing process w/ Biogen and just curious about the following:
- anticipated FDA approval timeframe?
- anticipated hiring date?
- salary range for the Alzheimers Account Liaison position?

Thanks for all honest / respectable replies.

Let’s not get ahead of yourself Question for you. Have you been contacted by recruiter? Have you had initial phone screen? If so, Have you been told you’re moving forward in the process?

I have been in the Interview process for two months and don’t have solid answers to those questions. So enlighten us if you get a solid answer to any of your requests.

If you were not contacted and did not already pass an initial phone screen, you’re not in the process. And if you want a salary survey, read this and other threads on here.

Let’s not get ahead of yourself Question for you. Have you been contacted by recruiter? Have you had initial phone screen? If so, Have you been told you’re moving forward in the process?

Not getting ahead of myself! Have already had the initial phone screening with PrincetonOne and set up for the next interview with the hiring manager next week.

Lolz you are a total loser. I have nothing to fake here as I am interviewing with the hiring manager on Monday. I didn't go looking for this alzhiemer's drug, the recruiter called me initially. My past neurology experience and success speaks for itself. Go F yourself.

The truth hurts! You are a f##king idiot. Just a suggestion, how about asking the “hiring manager” your questions on “your” interview on Monday. Hmmmmm seems quite logical for most.

Lolz you are a total loser. I have nothing to fake here as I am interviewing with the hiring manager on Monday. I didn't go looking for this alzhiemer's drug, the recruiter called me initially. My past neurology experience and success speaks for itself. Go F yourself.

Ha, Fake! We have our Biogen "spring break" Friday/Monday, no one is working! Happy 4 day quarantine weekend!

i was interested early, but did a lot of research and just don’t feel this drugs going to be approved. The Coronavirus has made it less likely, and will create a long delay. The luster is off.