Too much of a risk for Alzheimers Drug

What's the safety profile look like?

I was on the team that launched Cognex way back when. It showed little improvement in Alzheimers, but it did slow the progression. It, too, was hailed as THE breakthrough for Alzheimers. Unfortunately, after a short (approximately 6 werks) on the market, the FDA determined the increase in liver enzyme function problems caused them to pull it from the market.

That was over 20 years ago. I hope this drug has some efficacy and lots of safety!

Is the customer base neurology and primary care? Territories seem small for specialty and base isn’t as high as expected. Just doesn’t seem worth the risk. I didn’t think of Biogen as a primary care company. This is weird.

Yes small territories with counter parts and primary care targets. This is not what it’s cracked up to be. Hell no guarantee that there will even be a product to sell. Even if it gets approved it will likely be months before having it in your bags to sell. Buyer Beware