So, it sounds like you didn’t get the job and are playing the blame game, It’s never you.
Your example is rare and rather immature. And, if he hates you, there must be a reason. Did your ex dump you and hired/ promoted the better looking chippie over you? Why would he hire someone with whom he has an adversarial relationship like you?
Yes, the Constitution states “ .....created equal”. The day after birth, the competition starts and the separation begins, and that equality ends. Your baby is cuter, better behaved, smarter, more hair, etc., and the competition and separation continues to death. You’re a winner or a loser.
Is there racism, discrimination, and hate in the world? Hell, yes.....and it goes both ways regardless if it’s race, color, sex, religion, and all the many things that separate us.
So, you keep playing the victim, and you’ll be a victim the rest of your life, unless you rise above it. Ask yourself, would you rather get the job because you’re Black, White, or Green, or, loved, have a connection with someone, OR because you’re the best candidate for the job?
Life ain’t fair, and the meek WON’T inherit the earth.