To the NBU reps

No amount of "touch points", " share of voice", or any other annoying phrase will strong arm md's into writing Xiidra. Just the opposite, it is annoying, desperate, and phony, just like our leader.
Agree - that is why we don't need pharma sales forces in 2017. Save the money and increase dividends for stakeholders!!

this needs to be addressed! My NBU rep and manager are both ass clown tools with a metric mentality so embarrassing for our OBU franchise
HEY OBU ASS CLOWN- how do you not get how this thing works? We (NBU) only get paid by hitting the metrics KK set forth. We don't have a metric mentality, that was forced on us to get paid! Why is that hard for the OBU to understand?!? We don't want your docs! We don't want your offices! We don't want your med!
You are correct, we are embarrassing the OBU but we are also embarrassing ourselves in these offices because we don't know the first thing about eyecare. Again, not our fault. Take it up with your leader and mastermind of this shit stain of an idea.

Up next for NBU is targeting gastroenterologist because most short bowel patients have depression and then targeting endocrinologists because hypopara patients have mental issues. NBU will solve all of Flem's inadequate sales problems!

HEY OBU ASS CLOWN- how do you not get how this thing works? We (NBU) only get paid by hitting the metrics KK set forth. We don't have a metric mentality, that was forced on us to get paid! Why is that hard for the OBU to understand?!? We don't want your docs! We don't want your offices! We don't want your med!
You are correct, we are embarrassing the OBU but we are also embarrassing ourselves in these offices because we don't know the first thing about eyecare. Again, not our fault. Take it up with your leader and mastermind of this shit stain of an idea.

Hey NBU ass clown! Just check the freakin box and stay out of my office. Don't make it difficult! I am fine with you making up calls to hit your IC metric!

Hey NBU ass clown! Just check the freakin box and stay out of my office. Don't make it difficult! I am fine with you making up calls to hit your IC metric!
OBU ASS CLOWN... thanks for the tip but I think I'll pass. The NBU is but a fraction of what it once was before PS, KK, KC turned it to shit, but I would really like to not be fired. Not to mention it's incredibly unethical and I'm sure once an NBU rep "checks the box" unknowingly on a no see doctor or someone who died or moved, you would jump all over that shit and turn them in as quick as you possibly could. You are trash.

NBU reps are a you really think you make a difference by dropping off 2 coupons and 1 sample while waiting in patient area to get your computer back? Try working for UPS!

NBU reps are a you really think you make a difference by dropping off 2 coupons and 1 sample while waiting in patient area to get your computer back? Try working for UPS!

Actually, yes I think I'm making a difference - just not the difference you want. The samples I'm forced to leave are now being used instead of your brochures. I'm sure it's probably hurt your NRx business, but that's not my fault. I'm being a good little soldier and doing what leadership told me to do. All the OBU reps told us not to leave samples because you knew this would happen. Unfortunately, it appears you were right. Too bad the upside down pyramid thing is only talk and leadership didn't listen to the reps on this one. Anyway, sorry about your business & bonus going down week by week. Don't blame me though. I'm just following orders.

Actually, yes I think I'm making a difference - just not the difference you want. The samples I'm forced to leave are now being used instead of your brochures. I'm sure it's probably hurt your NRx business, but that's not my fault. I'm being a good little soldier and doing what leadership told me to do. All the OBU reps told us not to leave samples because you knew this would happen. Unfortunately, it appears you were right. Too bad the upside down pyramid thing is only talk and leadership didn't listen to the reps on this one. Anyway, sorry about your business & bonus going down week by week. Don't blame me though. I'm just following orders.

This is perfect!
I am really quite confused why the OBU reps keep coming on here complaining about NBU going in there offices, leaving 1 sample (which was what we were instructed to do to be able to count the call), talking to their doctors, not talking to other doctors, blah blah blah. THIS WAS NOT OUR IDEA! We hate it as much or more than you. If you don't want us in there try telling your RD, your ZD, call KK! Until then, that's what we've been instructed to do. I am not thrilled with my job but I don't want to be fired.

Thats what the Nazi's said: " just following orders".
Pathetic NBU worker bees that should be selling Cover my Meds.

Well that's a little drastic of a comparison. NBU isn't murdering anyone so the "just following orders" thing doesn't really work here. Why don't you spend more time worrying about your own business so the NBU doesn't have to.

Well that's a little drastic of a comparison. NBU isn't murdering anyone so the "just following orders" thing doesn't really work here. Why don't you spend more time worrying about your own business so the NBU doesn't have to.
"Drastic comparisons" are what Cafepharma is all about...So much dissension in the Shire/Xiidra ranks...Sorry your wonder drug isn't changing the paradigm for how CDE is treated. And once your vouchers for a "free month of crap" expire, what happens then?...