To the NBU reps

Man, I WISH my NBU reps were faking calls, I would vouch for them. Instead, I have a sitatution where they are going in up to 3 times/week in the same office to see docs, since they aren't in the office in the same day. Regardless of what your background is......common sense should tell you that We DON'T need shire reps in the same accounts 3 or 4 days in the same week. That's just going to get SHIRE kicked out. Damn......this is a mess!

Seriously! I have a similar situation and I wish they could fake the calls instead of wearing out our welcome in these offices. And why on earth would any OBU rep want to bust them for not going in?!!! Are you insane? Consider yourself lucky. Your rep probably realized they won't make the ridiculous signature avg and decided to focus on their own business.

Seriously! I have a similar situation and I wish they could fake the calls instead of wearing out our welcome in these offices. And why on earth would any OBU rep want to bust them for not going in?!!! Are you insane? Consider yourself lucky. Your rep probably realized they won't make the ridiculous signature avg and decided to focus on their own business.

Which is exactly what I would do if the role were reversed. You guys take care of Vyvanse, we take take care of xiidra.......everyone is happy......

No NBU rep wants to be making OBU calls, at least in the current situation. The majority of us will not make any bonus because of the idiotic comp plan and for those of us who care about our business, we have a lot on our plates with our new NBU territories. We are making the calls because we are told we have to, we are dropping samples because we are told we have to. If you want to get all mad, get mad at whoever is making these decisions in upper management, not your fellow rep who is also struggling to navigate these directives. We are all stuck in this mess together, just effected differently.

Signatures are NOT required. Simply a call. EASY. If you were told that a signature was required to qualify as a call, you were told incorrectly. They can't legally require you to leave a sample card on each call. Some of you are idiots. Don't over think it, don't complicate it, and don't take your NBU RD into an eye care office!

Signatures are NOT required. Simply a call. EASY. If you were told that a signature was required to qualify as a call, you were told incorrectly. They can't legally require you to leave a sample card on each call. Some of you are idiots. Don't over think it, don't complicate it, and don't take your NBU RD into an eye care office!

We are not idiots, we are just doing what we were told. They said one sample and coupon on every call with a signature. We think it is insane! We don't want to do that but they are forcing us to. Once again, no one is on the same page! I love how some are forced to do this where others aren't! Just as we are forced into doing useless reports when others have no idea what we are talking about!

It is directive to try to leave 1 sample and 1 card. Not mandatory and not required. Can't legally require you to obtain signature if account doesn't want them. Just stay home and punch in calls like you have for Vyvanse for the past several years! Stay out of my way and out of my offices!

It is directive to try to leave 1 sample and 1 card. Not mandatory and not required. Can't legally require you to obtain signature if account doesn't want them. Just stay home and punch in calls like you have for Vyvanse for the past several years! Stay out of my way and out of my offices!
My manager says different. I have no choice but to keep stuffing your offices with samples like a thanksgiving turkey. Don't like it? Blow me.

It is directive to try to leave 1 sample and 1 card. Not mandatory and not required. Can't legally require you to obtain signature if account doesn't want them. Just stay home and punch in calls like you have for Vyvanse for the past several years! Stay out of my way and out of my offices!
You're right it's not mandatory, it's only necessary to get paid in the end. Which in the end is all that matters to me.

Agreed. I'm not out to get anybody fired or in trouble or anything. I dont really understand the infighting between OBU & NBU either. Neither of us want to do this co-promote. Believe me-every single rep in the NBU would rather focus on selling their drug and learning their new NBU docs and territories. This is a huge distraction and waste of time for us especially since most of us won't make more than the $200 thank you. Nor do we agree with the strategy. Nonetheless, we have to do it, suck it up and make he best of it. So please stop the stupid comments about us being in your offices etc... At the end of the day, I'm personally not faking calls but have already had several occasions where it's clear that the OBU rep is faking theirs. I've had two docs tell me they haven't seen their rep anytime recently, yet calls are logged in the system (no samples hence no signature). Now granted, not all docs have the best memory all the time so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. But no signatures on required sign in sheets, calls placed on docs where I'm being told it's only lunches. I get that maybe sometimes you slip back without signing or see that hard to see doc but in two weeks it's too much to be that. Where there's smoke there's fire. I'm just here to do my job and I won't say anything but when you start blaming us for this crap you might want to look in the mirror first.

To clear a few things up. Yes there are always going to be people who log a call they didn't make. But. sign in sheets do not always tell the story. We are in different world than you are. There are MANY times I go in an office where a sign in is required, but don't sign in. They know me. I've been in those offices for years. Last week I walked in the back door with two techs who were coming back from lunch. No sign in. Another day last week the doc was standing at the front desk and waved me back as I walked in. No sign in. Sometimes the receptionist forgets because they know me, I guess or because I'm chatting with her. Remember, these offices may go a week without seeing 1 pharma rep.
Then, sometimes we make a call and spend a good bit of time with the staff, but not the doctor, or maybe as a quick follow up.
And, OUR call frequency on a doctor may not be the same as yoirs. There are some NBU targets in my deck that are once a month calls, so you will see then 7 times while I will see them only 2 or 3. One of my NBU targets has never written an Rx -EVER! I called on this doc religiously but will not waste my time on a doctor who does not treat disease at all.
Unfortunately, the way this was rolled out left alot of questions and misunderstandings between two teams. It has and is continuing to cause friction and distractions. What could have been a benefit has, in most cases, turned into problems for reps and EVEN WORSE for our accounts.
I can handle the friction from another rep, but I am VERY protective of my accounts my business and my future in each of these offices.

To clear a few things up. Yes there are always going to be people who log a call they didn't make. But. sign in sheets do not always tell the story. We are in different world than you are. There are MANY times I go in an office where a sign in is required, but don't sign in. They know me. I've been in those offices for years. Last week I walked in the back door with two techs who were coming back from lunch. No sign in. Another day last week the doc was standing at the front desk and waved me back as I walked in. No sign in. Sometimes the receptionist forgets because they know me, I guess or because I'm chatting with her. Remember, these offices may go a week without seeing 1 pharma rep.
Then, sometimes we make a call and spend a good bit of time with the staff, but not the doctor, or maybe as a quick follow up.
And, OUR call frequency on a doctor may not be the same as yoirs. There are some NBU targets in my deck that are once a month calls, so you will see then 7 times while I will see them only 2 or 3. One of my NBU targets has never written an Rx -EVER! I called on this doc religiously but will not waste my time on a doctor who does not treat disease at all.
Unfortunately, the way this was rolled out left alot of questions and misunderstandings between two teams. It has and is continuing to cause friction and distractions. What could have been a benefit has, in most cases, turned into problems for reps and EVEN WORSE for our accounts.
I can handle the friction from another rep, but I am VERY protective of my accounts my business and my future in each of these offices.

That's exactly what happens in our NBU accounts as well and most reps know that...or should know it. But I appreciate any of the OBU reps that are willing to explain the different situations/issues on here. Some of us don't have very communicative partners and don't get any information at all...good, bad, or mostly ugly...about what's going on with these accounts or what you're being asked to do. Obviously, I know it's a cluster sending us in (I wouldn't want it in my accounts much less top ones), but it helps to know all the different ways it's effecting both sides.

To clear a few things up. Yes there are always going to be people who log a call they didn't make. But. sign in sheets do not always tell the story. We are in different world than you are. There are MANY times I go in an office where a sign in is required, but don't sign in. They know me. I've been in those offices for years. Last week I walked in the back door with two techs who were coming back from lunch. No sign in. Another day last week the doc was standing at the front desk and waved me back as I walked in. No sign in. Sometimes the receptionist forgets because they know me, I guess or because I'm chatting with her. Remember, these offices may go a week without seeing 1 pharma rep.
Then, sometimes we make a call and spend a good bit of time with the staff, but not the doctor, or maybe as a quick follow up.
And, OUR call frequency on a doctor may not be the same as yoirs. There are some NBU targets in my deck that are once a month calls, so you will see then 7 times while I will see them only 2 or 3. One of my NBU targets has never written an Rx -EVER! I called on this doc religiously but will not waste my time on a doctor who does not treat disease at all.
Unfortunately, the way this was rolled out left alot of questions and misunderstandings between two teams. It has and is continuing to cause friction and distractions. What could have been a benefit has, in most cases, turned into problems for reps and EVEN WORSE for our accounts.
I can handle the friction from another rep, but I am VERY protective of my accounts my business and my future in each of these offices.

To clear a few things up. Yes there are always going to be people who log a call they didn't make. But. sign in sheets do not always tell the story. We are in different world than you are. There are MANY times I go in an office where a sign in is required, but don't sign in. They know me. I've been in those offices for years. Last week I walked in the back door with two techs who were coming back from lunch. No sign in. Another day last week the doc was standing at the front desk and waved me back as I walked in. No sign in. Sometimes the receptionist forgets because they know me, I guess or because I'm chatting with her. Remember, these offices may go a week without seeing 1 pharma rep.
Then, sometimes we make a call and spend a good bit of time with the staff, but not the doctor, or maybe as a quick follow up.
And, OUR call frequency on a doctor may not be the same as yoirs. There are some NBU targets in my deck that are once a month calls, so you will see then 7 times while I will see them only 2 or 3. One of my NBU targets has never written an Rx -EVER! I called on this doc religiously but will not waste my time on a doctor who does not treat disease at all.
Unfortunately, the way this was rolled out left alot of questions and misunderstandings between two teams. It has and is continuing to cause friction and distractions. What could have been a benefit has, in most cases, turned into problems for reps and EVEN WORSE for our accounts.
I can handle the friction from another rep, but I am VERY protective of my accounts my business and my future in each of these offices.

Amen to that!

Man, I WISH my NBU reps were faking calls, I would vouch for them. Instead, I have a sitatution where they are going in up to 3 times/week in the same office to see docs, since they aren't in the office in the same day. Regardless of what your background is......common sense should tell you that We DON'T need shire reps in the same accounts 3 or 4 days in the same week. That's just going to get SHIRE kicked out. Damn......this is a mess!

Thank you!!! All this extra work for no bonus, a PIP and ruined relationships with offices. Outstanding Shire.

I am an OBU rep. I am also a niinja. I would like to put out a message to OBU reps. We niinjas and the NBU team have been assigned to be in your accounts. Please put out some kind of calander when you will be in these accounts. If you are all over the place acting like a hot mess with total lack of organization, please don't complain about us being on top of you. We have no crystal ball and have no tracking devices to figure you out. We agreed I need to be there every other week, but you are not sticking to that and blaming us. For thoseveral who have, thank you. It has made this much easier for all of us.

I am an OBU rep. I am also a niinja. I would like to put out a message to OBU reps. We niinjas and the NBU team have been assigned to be in your accounts. Please put out some kind of calander when you will be in these accounts. If you are all over the place acting like a hot mess with total lack of organization, please don't complain about us being on top of you. We have no crystal ball and have no tracking devices to figure you out. We agreed I need to be there every other week, but you are not sticking to that and blaming us. For thoseveral who have, thank you. It has made this much easier for all of us.
Dear Pompous Ninja: Kiss my grits!

No amount of "touch points", " share of voice", or any other annoying phrase will strong arm md's into writing Xiidra. Just the opposite, it is annoying, desperate, and phony, just like our leader.