To Companies Interviewing current or former Meda Management

"Played collegiate football" hahahaah

if you want laughs read the bios on their site. classic GOB

What is their site address? Did those guys get a huge severance when they got canned? Don't some of them have families? There is absolutely no way that they will ever work again. How are the reps that transferred into Mylan?

What is their site address? Did those guys get a huge severance when they got canned? Don't some of them have families? There is absolutely no way that they will ever work again. How are the reps that transferred into Mylan?

They are working on putting together a new band called TAG

Talent and gifted

They're lighting the world on fire at such global powerhouses as Enzo Enza Ezra???, Terse Triss Tris????? Pharmaceuticals. The world continues to be their oyster. hahahahahah


HAHAHA another success story at another industry leading company!

I picture all of the GOB's like Ray Liotta at the end of Good Fellas. Stuck in their own sad existence knowing its all their fault and this is all they have to look forward to. I love it!

10 employees. Rez is the president of a 1 person company with a business address that leads back to a Burger King. Must get a lot of walk in business. The GOB reign was a total sham.
