To Companies Interviewing current or former Meda Management

Now that karma has has taken a shark sized bite out of the behind of the people that so rightfully deserved it, lets make sure this thread stays towards the top were recruiters and other companies can readily see it.
Happy Days are here my friends!!!!

Theres no way any of these guys get hired by another company. They have nothing to offer but an embarrassing history. Look at people like Michael D and lil J who still haven't found a job years later. Al T and Joe O will be exposed soon. I'm surprised they didn't look at their past before transferring them over. I'm sure selling expensive rash cream in a generic and OTC market under Mylan management is going to create a whole new level of hell for the few in place anyway. Can you imagine the Rez rolling into an interview on his Rascal? Sit back, relax, and watch these guys get what they had coming to them for years!

Please take this board down. Those people at Meda were all disgusting and the people who stayed w Mylan are losers. Let's just sweep all of this under the rug and move on. The GOBs will never work again and they need to accept that. There are too many people making sure of it.

Agree. Take this board down. There are Meda sales people and home office people that are trying to find jobs and this board is not helping us.

Do you not remember or hear what I told the GOBS and the girl scouts at HQ? I told you I would work day and night 7 days a week for as long as it takes to expose you for what you are , your incompetence, come back for you and not rest until you were out of this industry for good. Including that no talent corporate consul one of the sorority girls found off of tinder during working hours. Where is that GOB anyways? Did he ever tell the boys about the Friday afternoon I nailed him leaving work early and ran circles around him so hard he realized his law degree wasn't worth two squirts , couldn't take it and hung up the phone. I know he is a poster on here still disgruntled about it. Why don't you join me for another dance in the legal arena attorney boy and let's see what your " Juris Doctor" is all about. Not even our own in house attorneys can keep up with my pace. Bring your legal friends for back up , I'll out hustle you clowns and leave you with the taste of wood in your mouth for years.

Don't sit there frustrated and look like your face just had a seizure. I warned you long time ago. So much for working with a recruiter right? I sent them your names attached with the biggest job order they've probably ever received signed in their life. Feeling paranoid? You should be , which recruiter to trust and which ones not to trust... Don't worry about confidentiality and about that legalese called restrictive covenants. Go ahead and email a sample of those files that so you get a face to face and bring that intellectual property with you to the interview. You don't have it anyways right? According to the severance agreement you signed? Return all proprietary and intellectual property back to Meda? Don't worry about those files getting into the wrong hands, what's the worst that could happen? You get nailed with a injunction that cleans out whatever you have to hold on to? I'll sponsor it myself as charity, Daddy needs a good write off this year for the additional options I plan to exercise (750k , Google it). Especially since the court's jurisdiction is within the state of New Jersey. You guys are in the South right? Tread carefully boys...... looks like your " Fu Manchu" is very real.

Original poster were you the GOB who had the interview last week? Did you tell your friends what happened? I like how you guys are trying to spin your "tenure." I wonder who did the homework for them and showed them how to dig into how that "tenure" and see just how much that correlates with the level of "accountability" from your prior management roles for companies that no longer exist. Bad luck seems to follow you in whichever company you work for and your own resume shows it.

DM that covers Southwest , Florida seems to have Tampa allergies. Something about Hillsborough county has him spooked or uncomfortable. Doesn't like to stick around town for too long. What's wrong with a Director climbing down the ivory tower and visiting his accounts to see how he is doing?

GOBS do me a favor and correct your Linkedin profile's as employment till December 2016. You are no longer "currently" employed with Meda Pharmaceuticals. You talked about character and integrity for years, time to walk the talk. Month 2 and that clock is ticking....

Ohh almost forgot, I'm watching eidick / Xeris Pharma like a hawk. If by a sheer miracle the GOBS take the party over there don't get comfortable. I'll get my fingers in that deal, pack lightly.

Whats hilarious is these guys can't even get a job at a company big enough to have a message board on here. AND they can't even keep the jobs they get at XYZ Ten Person Pharma Company because they get exposed in a matter of months.

Karma Karma Karma

Right out of college I thought to myself that these clowns were making dumb decisions and way over complicating runny nose med sales. But I thought no, give them a chance this will work out there MUST be a long term plan. No in my early 20's with little work experience I was 100% right.

This job can't get far enough in my rearview mirror, the one thing I am ashamed of in my career.

Great catch by who ever mentioned that these "consulting" gigs are there to cover up holes in the resume.

Seriously on what planet would any real company come to one of these guys for advice on anything? Compliance companies at real companies would research these "consulting firms" and there is zero chance even if one person at the real company wanted to use them that the finance team would issue a PO.

Great catch by who ever mentioned that these "consulting" gigs are there to cover up holes in the resume.

Seriously on what planet would any real company come to one of these guys for advice on anything? Compliance companies at real companies would research these "consulting firms" and there is zero chance even if one person at the real company wanted to use them that the finance team would issue a PO.

If I were a senior executive I would immediately issue a purchase order to bring in the rez so that my costs are under control and things dont go over budget. Great role model for discipline and self control