I want my money. Momma said knock you out.
If we all work on attacking Genoptix togeher. If we all just get one -two accounts each, then we can destroy Genoptix. Then when we compete with each other it will be on an even fair basis.
Divide and conquer!!!
What is with you folks at Genoptix. Why don't you just post on your own site instead of sniping at CSI Labs all the time. Everytime I see a negative post about CSI, I figure it's coming from Genoptix again. Don't you have enough to occupy your time?
It is pretty unbelievable. Just curious, is there someone there with a grude against anyone in particular at CSI?
Get a life.
Genoptix is a joke, pathologists just laugh at you. Thanks again for the lunch today.
To the jerk who replied to the last two posts: sounds like you're into dicks.. Yours must leave a lot to be desired. Obviously those of others is something you desire. Why not just buy yourself a dildo or have a sex change operation?