To All Former Ther-Rx Reps...

You've got to be either asleep or just plan dimwitted! The "new" company is controlled by a bunch of money grubbing hedge funds that badly overpaid for their investment in KV/TherRx. Do you really think their focus is on "...get(ting) this drug (Makena?) on the straight and narrow"? With at least two ANDA quasi-generics to Makena on the horizon, and at least one NDA pending for the same formula for a different indication (remember that docs are allowed to "off-label" prescribe), the future for Makena is pretty bad. And, in the midst of all the issues with Makena competition on the horizon, and including the current competition with compounded versions of Makena, the current management focuses on trying, AGAIN, to sue the FDA (they lost last time.... case thrown out).

Management really needs to focus on rebuilding their reputation with OB/Gyn docs.... the current state of that reputation is really bad. Makena is a really important, needed, drug in that it is the only FDA approved 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate approved to forestall threatened premature delivery, but it's price is outrageous and predatory. If Makena was priced in the $100-200 per injection level, rather than the current $390 (or so, negotiated price), many more clinicians would be using the branded Makena instead of the compounded versions since the 3rd party payers would be reimbursing for Makena at that price over the compounded versions. I'd venture a guess that Makena could achieve a building yearly sales gross revenue of at least $100 to $150 million at the 100-200 level, as compared to the approximately stagnant $90 million that it is probably currently generating. AND, at the lower pricing, the market could build, since KV/TherRx would be rebuilding its piss-poor reputation by acknowledging that its current price is preventing the full use of this important drug. Being contrite does wonders in rebuilding trust and reputation in a free market system since docs/consumers tend to give companies that own up to their past mistakes some degree of forgiveness.

Poster: the issues with Makena are not with "...wise cycle management", but rather with predatory pricing and a management team that lost all sense of focus and rational business sense in the last few years.... and from their action in again pursing legal action against the FDA and other government agencies, and "stonewalling" on the price of Makena, they are again indicating that they have not changed their management focus. Too bad. The market tends to either whip these kinds of management into compliance or puts them out of business.

Wow you are so smart. Hey now that your done babbling on, shut the fuck up and get back to work.

Wow you are so smart. Hey now that your done babbling on, shut the fuck up and get back to work.

Maybe there is value in really understanding the issues with KV/TherRx and trying to help management "right the ship", if you are looking for long-term, stable, employment. If not, I guess shutting up and getting back to work really doesn't matter since if the problems are not addressed KV/TherRx won't be around much longer and you won't need to worry about long-term, stable, employment.

Maybe there is value in really understanding the issues with KV/TherRx and trying to help management "right the ship", if you are looking for long-term, stable, employment. If not, I guess shutting up and getting back to work really doesn't matter since if the problems are not addressed KV/TherRx won't be around much longer and you won't need to worry about long-term, stable, employment.

Just shut up and do your job and let management do their's. Ther-Rx has been through it all and survives today because management did the right things to save the company. Ther-Rx will be here long after you are fired for failing to do your work and blaming the company for your failures. Make it easy on yourself and just resign now.

Just shut up and do your job and let management do their's. Ther-Rx has been through it all and survives today because management did the right things to save the company. Ther-Rx will be here long after you are fired for failing to do your work and blaming the company for your failures. Make it easy on yourself and just resign now.

Hey Greg - How about yout get off Cafepharma and frickin' do your job?? Try to get off of the "Worst CEO" list and get the company back in good standing with March of Dimes, SMFM and ACOG!! Then maybe you'll get a little more respect you jackwagon.

Hey Greg - How about yout get off Cafepharma and frickin' do your job?? Try to get off of the "Worst CEO" list and get the company back in good standing with March of Dimes, SMFM and ACOG!! Then maybe you'll get a little more respect you jackwagon.

Poster says it all. Stop suing FDA, get the relationships with March of Dimes, SMFM, ACOG, and the OB/Gyno docs, repaired if there is any hope for TherRx to more than just survive. Greg is probably a lost cause.... if he still doesn't realize what stonewalling on the price of Makena has caused, his ability to "fix" the company is hopeless.

I'd suggest that some of the management executives get out and make some calls with the reps. They really need to see the depths of the bad reputation TherRx has developed, and see for themselves the kind of response the docs have regarding Makena's predatory pricing.

Last time I checked this company is out of bankruptcy and making bank. Things are going just fine so I suggest you go elsewhere.

"Things are going just fine...", you got to be kidding! Docs won't see me, and those that will at least say something to me are still pissed over the predatory pricing of Makena. The company is NOT doing well, just surviving. TherRx needs to address the bad reputation it developed in the last few years if there is any long term hope for this company.

"Things are going just fine...", you got to be kidding! Docs won't see me, and those that will at least say something to me are still pissed over the predatory pricing of Makena. The company is NOT doing well, just surviving. TherRx needs to address the bad reputation it developed in the last few years if there is any long term hope for this company.

Reputation? You have got to be joking correct? The reputation was the joke of the industry years before Makena. This place was know as the Make out (that's where they got the name makena) and hook up place.

It is doing just fine and making up all the money blown (yes blown) on the wasteful spending long before the melt down. I am for team Scott, he was so cute, I clearly hung (or not) with the wrong person.

Reputation? You have got to be joking correct? The reputation was the joke of the industry years before Makena. This place was know as the Make out (that's where they got the name makena) and hook up place.

It is doing just fine and making up all the money blown (yes blown) on the wasteful spending long before the melt down. I am for team Scott, he was so cute, I clearly hung (or not) with the wrong person.

The docs tell me that TherRx's reputation before bankruptcy was quite good, and several of their products were market leaders (the vaginal creams, and some of the prenatals, both of which were unique patent protected products). Problems came when Hermelin lost control of some of his executives that made some pretty stupid decisions, and tried (successfully) to organize a "palace coup" to pin the blame solely on him and take over control of the company.

Some ex-employees tell me that KV/TherRx was noted for its long term committed employees (a large percentage of them with over 20 years of service) and that working conditions at the company were great.

Seems to me that with the docs writing for the old TherRx products and employees happily going about their business that TherRx/KV were not the joke of the industry before Makena.

The docs tell me that TherRx's reputation before bankruptcy was quite good, and several of their products were market leaders (the vaginal creams, and some of the prenatals, both of which were unique patent protected products). Problems came when Hermelin lost control of some of his executives that made some pretty stupid decisions, and tried (successfully) to organize a "palace coup" to pin the blame solely on him and take over control of the company.

Some ex-employees tell me that KV/TherRx was noted for its long term committed employees (a large percentage of them with over 20 years of service) and that working conditions at the company were great.

Seems to me that with the docs writing for the old TherRx products and employees happily going about their business that TherRx/KV were not the joke of the industry before Makena.

Hermelin did not lose control of his executives. Hermelin went to jail. HE RUINED KV and took a couple hundred million of the KV cash register while doing it. Marc Hermelin will forever be a business school case study on how not to run a business. A thousand plus lives ruined by the beard.

The docs tell me that TherRx's reputation before bankruptcy was quite good, and several of their products were market leaders (the vaginal creams, and some of the prenatals, both of which were unique patent protected products). Problems came when Hermelin lost control of some of his executives that made some pretty stupid decisions, and tried (successfully) to organize a "palace coup" to pin the blame solely on him and take over control of the company.

Some ex-employees tell me that KV/TherRx was noted for its long term committed employees (a large percentage of them with over 20 years of service) and that working conditions at the company were great.

Seems to me that with the docs writing for the old TherRx products and employees happily going about their business that TherRx/KV were not the joke of the industry before Makena.

This reply is so transparent. You state, Docs tell you?, Ex employees?, 20 years of service?...this is don't care about old KV/trex products because they don't have time to discuss them, ex employees have moved on (except for you), and the 20 year thing clearly was over rated for you I assume because with comments like yours above you must have been one of the ones that brought the reputation of the company down?

This reply is so transparent. You state, Docs tell you?, Ex employees?, 20 years of service?...this is don't care about old KV/trex products because they don't have time to discuss them, ex employees have moved on (except for you), and the 20 year thing clearly was over rated for you I assume because with comments like yours above you must have been one of the ones that brought the reputation of the company down?

Transparent? As I make my rounds many of the docs tell me that TherRx was once a highly respected pharma that had some good products that they supported. Every so often, I come across an ex TherRx or Ethex rep, and most have nothing but good to say about the company before its meltdown.

Transparent? As I make my rounds many of the docs tell me that TherRx was once a highly respected pharma that had some good products that they supported. Every so often, I come across an ex TherRx or Ethex rep, and most have nothing but good to say about the company before its meltdown.

This is a bullshit post. Ethex never had any reps in the field. Who are you? Just go back under the rock you crawled out from and stop starting trouble.

Sorry, I should have said "every so often i come across an ex-TherRx or Ethex EMPLOYEE..." and not "rep".

Yeah, I was correct, you had to be one of the stupid losers that ruined the reputation of this company. Which one was it, sex, drugs, or the alcohol abuse? You can't even defend you post properly. You don't even know the facts. My guess is you were probably doing all three and maybe more (or attempting to) .......

Does it make a difference ? Who, what, when ? Losers every company, reputations at every company and they follow you where you go and stay with you. KV is still existing because Greg and Scott saved it and made it reputable again.

Does it make a difference ? Who, what, when ? Losers every company, reputations at every company and they follow you where you go and stay with you. KV is still existing because Greg and Scott saved it and made it reputable again.

Hilarious - Greg and Scott made it reputable again........ This individual was clearly not around at the launch! These two could not be more reviled. Worst CEO of the year etc and as for Scott! No need to re hash what as already been said. The fact that these two individuals have been sued as individuals for their competence says it all.