Time to Sue Sherman Abrams

Did you forget about your accusations of drug addiction, driving under the influence in a Quest company vehicle, illegal drug use, petty theft, tax evasion and a conspiracy to funnel illegal kickbacks from competing labs using family members. Not to mention implied violations of the Stark Law involving local physicians. Don’t sell yourself short, son. Your unwarranted and unprecedented diatribe against the gentlemen from NY runs deep and has gone on far too long now. And if comments from other posters are even remotely true, the motives are particularly troubling. I believe there is a popular hashtag movement on the subject going on. No, we are well past the threshold of common slander here. If you knowingly report false criminal accusations, for your own deviant purposes, that can be a crime in and of itself. Hope this helps.

Do you have time and patience? If you answer yes do not worry

Do you have time and patience? If you answer yes do not worry

What I believe many of us do have is a healthy curiosity as to how these serious public accusations of criminal wrongdoing will be addressed. Let's consider the fact that, if your accusations are true, the individual who you accused by using his first and last name and the name of his employer, clients and co-workers, for identification, would be an imminent danger to both himself and the public, if left unchecked. Hence I guess, your specific and repeated public calls for a legal investigation. I believe this should, as a matter of public safety, be actionable, requiring you to be compelled to testify as part of that investigation, if you were otherwise unwilling to do so. Now I'm not a legal expert, but it is my understanding that this as an anonymous message board for the purposes of discussing common employer employee issues but not an anonymous tip line to report ongoing criminal activity at a felony level and I would hope that a public call to action, such as this, would be taken very seriously. Anyway, this should all be very good news for you, since you have been calling for this on a daily basis for a long time. Hope this helps.

Never said illegal kickbacks, most other completely true. Sounds crazy right. I know.
And, mind your own business. You are cluless

How could any reader of this forum be clueless, when you have gone to such great lengths to clue us all in to the details of your accusations? Nice that you can take screenshots for future reference when you want to look back on these things. And in regards to illegal kickbacks, are you saying that the physicians you specifically and publicly named here were redirecting their third party Medicare billed work for the financial benefit of a Quest Diagnostics rep that you specifically named without the physicians having an incentive to do so? Perhaps you can explain further what would motivate them to do that. Looking forward to reading whatever else you have to say about this subject. It's very interesting. Hope this helps.

One can’t help but notice that you were also up early, but absent in your usual posts was anything to do with accusations about Quest Diagnostics employees, local physicians, competing labs or any other crimes in general. I was up late last night and very early today for a host of reasons, but mostly because I am civic minded and yesterday was a day of importance. Hope this helps.

How could any reader of this forum be clueless, when you have gone to such great lengths to clue us all in to the details of your accusations? Nice that you can take screenshots for future reference when you want to look back on these things. And in regards to illegal kickbacks, are you saying that the physicians you specifically and publicly named here were redirecting their third party Medicare billed work for the financial benefit of a Quest Diagnostics rep that you specifically named without the physicians having an incentive to do so? Perhaps you can explain further what would motivate them to do that. Looking forward to reading whatever else you have to say about this subject. It's very interesting. Hope this helps.

I don't even read your made up crap and your theories. Only the truth has been written by a few. You are clueless, because of your denials. Why keep posting, he would be better off for you to stop. Maybe the negativity would stop.and the truth would stop being posted.

What I believe many of us do have is a healthy curiosity as to how these serious public accusations of criminal wrongdoing will be addressed. Let's consider the fact that, if your accusations are true, the individual who you accused by using his first and last name and the name of his employer, clients and co-workers, for identification, would be an imminent danger to both himself and the public, if left unchecked. Hence I guess, your specific and repeated public calls for a legal investigation. I believe this should, as a matter of public safety, be actionable, requiring you to be compelled to testify as part of that investigation, if you were otherwise unwilling to do so. Now I'm not a legal expert, but it is my understanding that this as an anonymous message board for the purposes of discussing common employer employee issues but not an anonymous tip line to report ongoing criminal activity at a felony level and I would hope that a public call to action, such as this, would be taken very seriously. Anyway, this should all be very good news for you, since you have been calling for this on a daily basis for a long time. Hope this helps.
This would be an investigation of a public company concerning a worker, no one can be compelled to testify know it all quest coukd investigate and see that specimens are leaving. These individuals are working for multiple labs, which you know nothing about.
You are the true troll here, posting about a subject that you know nothing about to say this isn't true is false

Quest are you looking into these actjons?

I don't even read your made up crap and your theories. Only the truth has been written by a few. You are clueless, because of your denials. Why keep posting, he would be better off for you to stop. Maybe the negativity would stop.and the truth would stop being posted.

The only thing any of us know are the specific and very serious accusations of criminal wrongdoing, including theft, fraud, conspiracy, illegal drug abuse and driving under the influence in a company vehicle. If true, your specific assusations about an individual you called out by name, and the company that employs him pose an immediate threat to the public. Why would any of us care about negativity if these accusations are true. Why would anyone want anything less than the full criminal investigation that you have called for. You publicly named a specific individual along with Quest Diagnostics. several physicians by name and address and other co-conspirators as directly involved in felony level crimes. Not to mention Stark Law violations and kickbacks on a federal level. No one that I know is asking you to stop. The accusations are too serious and potentially dangerous to ignore. If we are clueless, please clue us in further. Think of the safety and wellbeing of your fellow citizens. Hope this helps.

What I believe many of us do have is a healthy curiosity as to how these serious public accusations of criminal wrongdoing will be addressed. Let's consider the fact that, if your accusations are true, the individual who you accused by using his first and last name and the name of his employer, clients and co-workers, for identification, would be an imminent danger to both himself and the public, if left unchecked. Hence I guess, your specific and repeated public calls for a legal investigation. I believe this should, as a matter of public safety, be actionable, requiring you to be compelled to testify as part of that investigation, if you were otherwise unwilling to do so. Now I'm not a legal expert, but it is my understanding that this as an anonymous message board for the purposes of discussing common employer employee issues but not an anonymous tip line to report ongoing criminal activity at a felony level and I would hope that a public call to action, such as this, would be taken very seriously. Anyway, this should all be very good news for you, since you have been calling for this on a daily basis for a long time. Hope this helps.

:eek: now i've seen it all!!!!!

this dude needs his mommy

The only thing any of us know are the specific and very serious accusations of criminal wrongdoing, including theft, fraud, conspiracy, illegal drug abuse and driving under the influence in a company vehicle. If true, your specific assusations about an individual you called out by name, and the company that employs him pose an immediate threat to the public. Why would any of us care about negativity if these accusations are true. Why would anyone want anything less than the full criminal investigation that you have called for. You publicly named a specific individual along with Quest Diagnostics. several physicians by name and address and other co-conspirators as directly involved in felony level crimes. Not to mention Stark Law violations and kickbacks on a federal level. No one that I know is asking you to stop. The accusations are too serious and potentially dangerous to ignore. If we are clueless, please clue us in further. Think of the safety and wellbeing of your fellow citizens. Hope this helps.

I’m not a legal scholar, so this is just a question. Isn’t withholding criminal information and threatening to release it in exchange for something blackmail? I’m sure that would be a felony and perhaps a federal crime if the threat was made publicly on a website across state lines. And unless this persons mother is a lawyer, my advice would be to call a lawyer.

I’m not a legal scholar, so this is just a question. Isn’t withholding criminal information and threatening to release it in exchange for something blackmail? I’m sure that would be a felony and perhaps a federal crime if the threat was made publicly on a website across state lines. And unless this persons mother is a lawyer, my advice would be to call a lawyer.

just had to check back on a response and as expected, bingo!!!

WTF DUDE, do you troll this site all day

Hey, the dude has a point. Remember when the rep from NY was accused by name on this site of driving a Quest company “killing machine” because he was allegedly under the influence on the job. Not to mention all the other stuff that guy said. How is Quest going ignore accusations of criminal negligence. Way too much liability if an accident or other problem happens. This looks like BS, but whoever made those accusations could be in serious trouble if they are not true. I sure wouldn’t want to pick a fight of this magnitude and in particular with QDs legal team.

Hey, the dude has a point. Remember when the rep from NY was accused by name on this site of driving a Quest company “killing machine” because he was allegedly under the influence on the job. Not to mention all the other stuff that guy said. How is Quest going ignore accusations of criminal negligence. Way too much liability if an accident or other problem happens. This looks like BS, but whoever made those accusations could be in serious trouble if they are not true. I sure wouldn’t want to pick a fight of this magnitude and in particular with QDs legal team.

Yes quest has serious liability IF someone on drugs or alcohol gets into accident. Hope this helps man keeps posting and has no knowledge of anything.

All truths
1. He is a habitual drug user
2. He has taken specimens from quest to another lab
3. He is a convicted felon

No worries here, can all be proved.

I’m not a legal scholar, so this is just a question. Isn’t withholding criminal information and threatening to release it in exchange for something blackmail? I’m sure that would be a felony and perhaps a federal crime if the threat was made publicly on a website across state lines. And unless this persons mother is a lawyer, my advice would be to call a lawyer.

You really are an idiot, who said anything about criminal behavior besides the potential of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Amazing how you are a complete outsider and care so much. Do you have a job Or family? You really are the definition of a troll.

I am telling the truth and pointing out a real problem for this company, only because of the actions of this rep(s).

You really are an idiot, who said anything about criminal behavior besides the potential of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Amazing how you are a complete outsider and care so much. Do you have a job Or family? You really are the definition of a troll.

I am telling the truth and pointing out a real problem for this company, only because of the actions of this rep(s).

Just to be clear, since words have meaning, are you now retracting your accusation of actual DUI in a Quest Diagnostics company vehicle, or “killing machine” as you put it, in favor of potential DUI? Also, are you now retracting your other accusations of theft, tax evasion, conspiracy to commit Medicare Fraud, employment contract fraud, and illegal drug use and addiction? It would be a positive step in the right direction, but it in no way mitigates the damage that past false accusations of this nature cause. Thanks for your concern about my own job and family, hope you understand my desire to keep that private considering your proclivity to spread rumors and untruths. Hope this helps.

No I am not retracting anything, just to be clear., i don't read your made up theories. You have no basis to post. Drugs stay in your system, he works five days per week (maybe)
HE has evaded taxes by paying his partner by electronic means, which will not go away, he has taken business from his current employer and a few other things which I will not repeat.

You really are sick having no skin in the game or reason for posting, you have done this for years, you do need your Mommy you sicko.

No I am not retracting anything, just to be clear., i don't read your made up theories. You have no basis to post. Drugs stay in your system, he works five days per week (maybe)
HE has evaded taxes by paying his partner by electronic means, which will not go away, he has taken business from his current employer and a few other things which I will not repeat.

You really are sick having no skin in the game or reason for posting, you have done this for years, you do need your Mommy you sicko.

I am just a fact finder here and I do not seek to state theories about your motivations, or any other disturbing things that are frequently said about you on this site. I will confess to putting forth an analogy regarding captain ahab and his tragic demise from choking on his own rope. But that was strictly for amusement and not relevant. In spite of your assertion that I have no basis to post here, I will offer this advice. You should stop making false and inflammatory statements about others, change your internet service provider immediately and fade into obscurity. The busy public has a short attention span and with a little luck, you will soon be forgotten. Oh, and obviously, never apply for work at Quest Diagnostics. Hope this helps.

The only thing any of us know are the specific and very serious accusations of criminal wrongdoing, including theft, fraud, conspiracy, illegal drug abuse and driving under the influence in a company vehicle. If true, your specific assusations about an individual you called out by name, and the company that employs him pose an immediate threat to the public. Why would any of us care about negativity if these accusations are true. Why would anyone want anything less than the full criminal investigation that you have called for. You publicly named a specific individual along with Quest Diagnostics. several physicians by name and address and other co-conspirators as directly involved in felony level crimes. Not to mention Stark Law violations and kickbacks on a federal level. No one that I know is asking you to stop. The accusations are too serious and potentially dangerous to ignore. If we are clueless, please clue us in further. Think of the safety and wellbeing of your fellow citizens. Hope this helps.

I recommend you play lawyer and ask yourself the Question
IF there is any truth to these accusations why am I not playing detective?
If there is any truth to these accusations do we have a problem?
If you think like a lawyer you will be know IF it can be proven we have problems
So go back to mommy and tell her to take you to BK the home of the whopper for a nice big thick Vanilla shake.

I recommend you play lawyer and ask yourself the Question
IF there is any truth to these accusations why am I not playing detective?
If there is any truth to these accusations do we have a problem?
If you think like a lawyer you will be know IF it can be proven we have problems
So go back to mommy and tell her to take you to BK the home of the whopper for a nice big thick Vanilla shake.

Homeless people who stand in traffic yelling at cars that pass by make more coherent points than you do. Perhaps it’s the stress. Take my advice, son. Turn off your computer, change your IP address asap and hope to be forgotten. Pretending to be a lunatic will not obsolve you of your crimes, breach of common decency and disrespect for community standards. You have severely over reached here and the penalty for it could be quite severe. Hope this helps