Time to Sue Sherman Abrams

Why was it a waste? It is the 100% truth. No waste there. This gets you and others upset because your plans are being publicly aired. Your schemes are being uncovered.

Keep up with you deflection, I am determined to out every single one of you!! Does not matter, The Truth will prevail. Why suddenly to Accu Reference hit a nerve? Hmm.

Sherman has received a fair amount of business from your(s) roos.

Lenco has also received specimens.

It is no coincidence that the names of the reps at these accounts who have completely or partially left are the same at the new labs. You can keep denying, deflecting, name calling...

We will get you for taking specimens from Quest. I love when you say, "Go to Quest Compliance"
Ok, I hear you!

We are Determined!! Your pissed right? You should be!!

Whenever you think a strategy is good and multiple people know and it is breaking rules or laws = LOSER

When people share a brain that is what happens

Why was it a waste? It is the 100% truth. No waste there. This gets you and others upset because your plans are being publicly aired. Your schemes are being uncovered.

Keep up with you deflection, I am determined to out every single one of you!! Does not matter, The Truth will prevail. Why suddenly to Accu Reference hit a nerve? Hmm.

Sherman has received a fair amount of business from your(s) roos.

Lenco has also received specimens.

It is no coincidence that the names of the reps at these accounts who have completely or partially left are the same at the new labs. You can keep denying, deflecting, name calling...

We will get you for taking specimens from Quest. I love when you say, "Go to Quest Compliance"
Ok, I hear you!

We are Determined!! Your pissed right? You should be!!

Why was it a waste? It is the 100% truth. No waste there. This gets you and others upset because your plans are being publicly aired. Your schemes are being uncovered.

Keep up with you deflection, I am determined to out every single one of you!! Does not matter, The Truth will prevail. Why suddenly to Accu Reference hit a nerve? Hmm.

Sherman has received a fair amount of business from your(s) roos.

Lenco has also received specimens.

It is no coincidence that the names of the reps at these accounts who have completely or partially left are the same at the new labs. You can keep denying, deflecting, name calling...

We will get you for taking specimens from Quest. I love when you say, "Go to Quest Compliance"
Ok, I hear you!

We are Determined!! Your pissed right? You should be!!

watchung look behind you

Wow making threats?

He should be scared.

He is to stupid for your crew

It was written more then once



Not to smart to make threats especially if the rumor's are true

Ask Greasy for some advice

It was written more then once



Not to smart to make threats especially if the rumor's are true

Ask Greasy for some advice

I will admit Greasy is smarter then most since he is still flying under the radar.

Just confirmed with an old Jewish friend from the Navy yard that the owner is trying to sell but nobody interested at the price. To large of an investment. Not worth the risk.