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Time to shut down NIBR

this would be credible if it came from a scientist in an organization with any scientific credibility - nibr is a laughing stock both in the eyes of academia as well as industry research organizations. it's like a professor from a 3rd rate university talking about how a good university should be run. until you get more results you can say all you want but no one will listen.

"Novartis is a laughing stock in Boston". I'll give u a perfect example.

A statement made by a senior scientific manager in medicinal chemistry at NIBR Boston...

"Any compound that can be purified by reverse phase chromatography is too polar to be a drug"

Nothing more needs to be said, for all the money they throw around they simply aren't able to attract any talent. Just take a look at linkedin to see the background of the people that work there.

A word of warning, Novartis HR and managers are vicious, mediocre people. If they think any past employee will tell the truth about how bad they are they will do everything they can to prevent you from working.

Only one problem Novartis, everyone is laughing at you, no one listens.


Speaking as someone who was absorbed (for lack of a better term) into NIBR due to NVS acquisition of my former employer? I have to agree with the original post. We previously had a solid track record of turning out new drug entities and had quite a few very promising projects in the works. Those projects were rapidly killed by NIBR management because they (the projects) did not fit with the NIBR "vision" (read: management's pet projects), whatever that may be. Our experience and expertise meant nothing to our new overlords. Personnel were cut, projects were dumped, morale was lost. And our original, viable and robust pipeline met the same fate as the banana peel you tossed into yesterday's trash.

So, yes, I do blame management. Thanks for letting me vent despite that I'm not a sales rep, but simply one of your reviled research personnel.

HA!!! Those people from New Jersey are the worst, what a bunch of idiots, they are all about 15 years behind the rest of the industry, simply not to be taken seriously.

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