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CRM Slimming Down?

It’s obvious that there will be cuts in CRM. Senior management has been very quiet but we know better. Here are just a few obvious reasons why CRM will be impacted by the reorg:

1. CRM now called CV. Renal is gone which means we won’t be promoting iptacopan due to be approved in 2023

2. Entresto going generic 7/23 or early 2024

3. The lackluster Leqvio launch

4. Over-bloated sales force and you know who you are

Please feel free to add to the list!

6. oral pcsk9 competition coming

Don’t think it will be prior to 2023. Given this trimester counts towards both 2022 & 2023 for reps, I don’t believe they want the distractions of an announced layoff. They are trying to keep the sales force engaged. Leqvio hurting. They are praying Leqvio sales double this trimester. If/when this trimester sucks, they will announce. We all know the CRM structure is stupid. Clearly has to change, but believe they are sticking with it until the new year and not making any distracting announcements.

… but not knowing is the biggest distraction. I think an announcement will be made soon and not take effect until Jan 1. Does leadership really think we are out working hard when you can’t even give Leqvio away?

… but not knowing is the biggest distraction. I think an announcement will be made soon and not take effect until Jan 1. Does leadership really think we are out working hard when you can’t even give Leqvio away?

Also true. Why else would managers go to a meeting mid October then our meeting is end of January??? They need to give 90 day notice.

Clearly I don’t have any insider info, just thinking from the town hall this morning that no field cuts will come until next year. On a previous town hall we heard 8 K positions eliminated this year and about half of that next year. That’s why I am thinking field cuts at least most of them will happen next year. But I don’t know anything just speculating and I think onco and some other field divisions got hit pretty hard this year already

Plus, since when have they ever had an in person managers meeting before announcing layoffs. Managers will know via teleconference maybe a week before the reps. If they cut reps, they will be cutting Managers. Aren’t going to fly them to a meeting to share this info.

We won’t be told until the very last moment. They want to squeeze every last bit out of us. Everybody is lying about the number of PIPs. PIPs are impossible to track. What a bunch of clowns.

We won’t be told until the very last moment. They want to squeeze every last bit out of us. Everybody is lying about the number of PIPs. PIPs are impossible to track. What a bunch of clowns.
They’re all lies. Each and every pip. Okay maybe not everyone but come on. Who developed this system?! Just cut people already so we can all start the healing process.

There is no way CRM can keep the current sales footprint, from the top down. Too many damn people. Tired of this shit
Unless you couldn't get anything else why would anyone want to work in a footprint with multiple people?? That's not pharma of today. Why would anyone be happy doing that? I'll tell you. It's big pharma lifers who are nothing but Marketers. They're not true sales reps. They show up mumble a marketing tagline out of their slick sales aid while the doc is totally not listening and then they leave. It's a joke. That's all your job is.... delivering an in-person ad and the sad thing is you think that is really sales.

The "managers" that come over from Sanofi or GSK or Janssen are just hiring people that don't give them a hard time and just do as they're told. You can see that with the people they bring over. Look at who the Sanofi managers brought over. SMH It's nice they're taking care of people they like but did you really think that would last?? Please!!!! Just stop and retire from the business. You are the reason Pharma sales is such a joke.

It is a definite possibility we could be preparing for a merger. Why else would we be slimming down from the top down. Usually transformations don’t happen at such a high level and across all departments throughout the globe.