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Time Capsule Predictions--Do not open until February 2016


How good are you at describing what Merck will look like by first quarter 2016?

Make your predictions now and let us revisit in 2.5 years to see how accurate you are/were.


How good are you at describing what Merck will look like by first quarter 2016?

Make your predictions now and let us revisit in 2.5 years to see how accurate you are/were.

Whatever is left from mother after the soon to come implosion will buy a company or merge , set the board and management with $$$ and declare a bright future of change.

How good are you at describing what Merck will look like by first quarter 2016?

Make your predictions now and let us revisit in 2.5 years to see how accurate you are/were.

Merck will likely sell off a division(consumer or animal health or both) . Look for a mAjor acquisition in the biologics space, we are too far behind and the internal capabilities just aren't strong enough . We need to be a much bigger player here but lack the internal capabilities. We have a huge potential advantage in our siRNA technology which is the best in the industry by far but we are about to squander that foolishly .

Merck will likely sell off a division(consumer or animal health or both) . Look for a mAjor acquisition in the biologics space, we are too far behind and the internal capabilities just aren't strong enough . We need to be a much bigger player here but lack the internal capabilities. We have a huge potential advantage in our siRNA technology which is the best in the industry by far but we are about to squander that foolishly .

1. Frazier has announced retirement
2. Search for Perlmutter's replacement initiated
3. Head count target of 60K announced
4. A decision to close Palo Alto has been made
5. KW site has new tenants in some buildings
6. Merck restructures research commitment in China (IP theft and corruption charges)
7. Januvia sales <$3B due to SGLT2 inhibitors capturing market share
8. REVEAL trial terminated due to futility
9. Withdrawal of 1 major product from the market
10. Stock $40

1. Frazier has announced retirement
2. Search for Perlmutter's replacement initiated
3. Head count target of 60K announced
4. A decision to close Palo Alto has been made
5. KW site has new tenants in some buildings
6. Merck restructures research commitment in China (IP theft and corruption charges)
7. Januvia sales <$3B due to SGLT2 inhibitors capturing market share
8. REVEAL trial terminated due to futility
9. Withdrawal of 1 major product from the market
10. Stock $40

You are overly optimistic.

Merck will likely sell off a division(consumer or animal health or both) . Look for a mAjor acquisition in the biologics space, we are too far behind and the internal capabilities just aren't strong enough . We need to be a much bigger player here but lack the internal capabilities. We have a huge potential advantage in our siRNA technology which is the best in the industry by far but we are about to squander that foolishly .

Our siRNA is a platform for discovery not as a therapeutic. The limited potential that exists in siRNA resides in those companies working on delivery. That is not us.

Our siRNA is a platform for discovery not as a therapeutic. The limited potential that exists in siRNA resides in those companies working on delivery. That is not us.

That is correct. Alan Sachs left the siRna debacle after Peter Kim had to eat the disaster before the BOD. Stockholders were not happy. About 1.1 $billion not happy. Sachs was Peter's friend, so no wonder.

1. Frazier has announced retirement
2. Search for Perlmutter's replacement initiated
3. Head count target of 60K announced
4. A decision to close Palo Alto has been made
5. KW site has new tenants in some buildings
6. Merck restructures research commitment in China (IP theft and corruption charges)
7. Januvia sales <$3B due to SGLT2 inhibitors capturing market share
8. REVEAL trial terminated due to futility
9. Withdrawal of 1 major product from the market
10. Stock $40

In y(our) dreams. #6 has some real possibility but sooner than later

Our siRNA is a platform for discovery not as a therapeutic. The limited potential that exists in siRNA resides in those companies working on delivery. That is not us.

Yes Alan Sachs was an idiot as was Peter, but once Merck scientists were put on siRNA major advances were made . Several candidates ready to go in the short term, lots of potential for more. A huge opportunity in novel space that Roger always talks about is right under his nose and it's going to be squandered. A chance for Merck to lead in a new area and we will piss it away. It's not just a platform technology anymore , don't believe all the propaganda that you hear. The end of siRNA is politically beneficial for some key leaders in MRL so they have jumped on the bandwagon.

Our siRNA is a platform for discovery not as a therapeutic. The limited potential that exists in siRNA resides in those companies working on delivery. That is not us.

You couldn't be more wrong. - entire MRL effort focused in delivery, and what has been developed is years ahead of anyone else in the field .

Start of 2016:

1) Major accounting discrepancies hit the media. It starts as a small whistleblower investigation, and eventually makes its' way to CNBC and Wall Street Journal. Merck will be caught red-handed cooking the books, Enron style. Investors were lied to for several straight quarters.

2) Last few half-functional remnants of MRL R&D sold off in their entirety to Chinese outfits, as Merck corporate struggles desperately to prop up their short-term cash reserves. The 1 or 2 "gems" left in the MRL pipeline are then tested on Chinese death-row prisoners. Candidate compounds prematurely execute 20% of the prisoners dosed.

3) Frasier, Perlmutter, and Kellogg all retire within a 2 month period.

4) Accounting scandal continues to grow. Merck files for Chapter 11, while simultaneously announcing a 40% layoff of the already skeletal workforce.

5) Peter Kim resurfaces to write an editorial in the New York Times. He blasts the "interpretation" of the Chinese death-row study (#3 above). "In reality, only 18% of the prisoners died due to the sold-off MRL compounds", he writes. "When taken as directed, these compounds are an important therapeutic regimen in the management of chronic pain. The stupor and subsequent coma they induce is highly effective at mitigating the pain signals these patients experienced previously".

6) End of 2016: Following Foxconn's example, Merck erects catch-nets above sidewalks of its' remaining buildings, to mitigate the 5-fold increase in employees jumping to their deaths. Foxconn sues Merck for catch-net patent infringement. Ken Frasier comes out of recent retirement to head up Merck's catch-net defense.

7) Merck sends Holiday greetings to its remaining employees. Everyone gets a "Be Well" coffee mug and a year's supply of Kool-Aid. Happy 2017!

Start of 2016:

1) Major accounting discrepancies hit the media. It starts as a small whistleblower investigation, and eventually makes its' way to CNBC and Wall Street Journal. Merck will be caught red-handed cooking the books, Enron style. Investors were lied to for several straight quarters.

2) Last few half-functional remnants of MRL R&D sold off in their entirety to Chinese outfits, as Merck corporate struggles desperately to prop up their short-term cash reserves. The 1 or 2 "gems" left in the MRL pipeline are then tested on Chinese death-row prisoners. Candidate compounds prematurely execute 20% of the prisoners dosed.

3) Frasier, Perlmutter, and Kellogg all retire within a 2 month period.

4) Accounting scandal continues to grow. Merck files for Chapter 11, while simultaneously announcing a 40% layoff of the already skeletal workforce.

5) Peter Kim resurfaces to write an editorial in the New York Times. He blasts the "interpretation" of the Chinese death-row study (#3 above). "In reality, only 18% of the prisoners died due to the sold-off MRL compounds", he writes. "When taken as directed, these compounds are an important therapeutic regimen in the management of chronic pain. The stupor and subsequent coma they induce is highly effective at mitigating the pain signals these patients experienced previously".

6) End of 2016: Following Foxconn's example, Merck erects catch-nets above sidewalks of its' remaining buildings, to mitigate the 5-fold increase in employees jumping to their deaths. Foxconn sues Merck for catch-net patent infringement. Ken Frasier comes out of recent retirement to head up Merck's catch-net defense.

7) Merck sends Holiday greetings to its remaining employees. Everyone gets a "Be Well" coffee mug and a year's supply of Kool-Aid. Happy 2017!

Are there no predictions that this reorg results in the desired outcome expected by the EC and anticipated by the shareholders?

How could there be anything positive to report. This org is in a death spiral. The "transformation" is an act of desperation. I have been here 25 years. The politics has promoted all the worng people to key places in the org.

Merck can not be counted on to procure any novel molecules. We are entering the game late, and we have politicians assessing the propects.

This company should be completely done/toast by 2017-2020.

Take your lump sum and run....

How could there be anything positive to report. This org is in a death spiral. The "transformation" is an act of desperation. I have been here 25 years. The politics has promoted all the worng people to key places in the org.

Merck can not be counted on to procure any novel molecules.
Well, that's true for Oncology and HCV.

How could there be anything positive to report. This org is in a death spiral. The "transformation" is an act of desperation. I have been here 25 years. The politics has promoted all the worng people to key places in the org.

Merck can not be counted on to procure any novel molecules.
Well, that's true for Oncology and HCV.

Guess you sayin'

11. No new drugs going into the clinic.

Are there no predictions that this reorg results in the desired outcome expected by the EC and anticipated by the shareholders?

Did you miss the part about filing for Chapter 11 and cooking the books? If that happens, the stock will take a nosedive. Shareholders will be pissed off beyond words. You can try to put a "positive" spin on a flaming pile of dogsh!t for only so long. Good luck to you if you are still a shareholder. You don't even need to look toward 2016. Look what the stock has done since the latest layoffs were announced October 1.

Did you miss the part about filing for Chapter 11 and cooking the books? If that happens, the stock will take a nosedive. Shareholders will be pissed off beyond words. You can try to put a "positive" spin on a flaming pile of dogsh!t for only so long. Good luck to you if you are still a shareholder. You don't even need to look toward 2016. Look what the stock has done since the latest layoffs were announced October 1.

There will be no Chapter 11 filing. Merck will just gradually slip and fall to small organization status. The stock will taper down rather steadily each year over the next decade, unless a capital restructuring occurs.

If Frazier has been as dishonest with Merck as Obama has been in government, we are in for a rude awakening. Can't believe the lies and selective approach Obama takes to what is supposed to be law. I very much hope Frazier has not done such things at Merck but we never really know until it's too late.

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