Here is a perfect example of the debauchery in this industry. 7 INTERVIEWS for an RN! This company should have been elated to have an RN even apply in 2020. Instead they do at least 3 unneeded interviews probably by some RM/DMs that barely has a 5th grade education to see if this RN is a "good fit" or "see if they can rattle" this person who easily has more healthcare education than the 3 extra interviewers put together.
7 interviews tells me that you have at minimum 3 Managers that had to insert their ego into the process to an actual Medical Professional w/ an RN title. Conversely when one of their friends show up it's just fill this application out and you have a job.
Newbies, take notice if they are putting you though more than 2-3 interviews it's all BS by a bunch of A-holes trying to stroke their own egos. This isn't rocket science here, it's not even sales so anything more than 1.) Tell me about yourself. 2.) Tell me about something that put you through adversity once in your life and how did you handle it. 3.) How do you handle a disagreement w/ someone you work with. Anything more than these questions it's all a sham. And it's definetly a sham if they start interrupting you while you are speaking. These Managers are a bunch of babies that try to relive the ole' Pharm days but those days are long long gone.
Typical at Otsuka!!
Spot on...the RD interviewing me told me: "Walk me through your resume!"
Really???? ... Are you telling me you can't read????
I am afraid to know what these idiots earn to ask such stupid questions...