Thoughts on Mgnmt. Meeting in Vegas

spot on post here, i unfortunately learned the hard way. document and keep a log of everything between you and your manager, believe me they are doing the same on you even if you think you are their friend.

don't trust anyone should be the new motto at Takeda.

I agree with new motto,but we need to add "don't trust anyone from Takeda because integrity is no longer valued"!

If you sense that your counterparts are sleezy or have a dm that is a lying dbag then keep a file on everything.
Also save your calendars and keep a file of anything with a date
going back 2 years ie meeting dates, dates you were at conferences etc

That way when you go up you'll kick their a$$ and have a case against
them for Defamation particularly if they called your customers and
told them you made an error when in fact you didn't.

If you work with aholes always have a good attorney in your contacts

Takeda managers act like they are here to "help" you. Then screw you on your FCL and reviews. I have a manager that is trying to "help" me when he hasn't won a single award in this company as I am a multiple award winner. Management is a freaking joke in this company. My RSD is a joke.

Takeda managers act like they are here to "help" you. Then screw you on your FCL and reviews. I have a manager that is trying to "help" me when he hasn't won a single award in this company as I am a multiple award winner. Management is a freaking joke in this company. My RSD is a joke.

Who do you work for?

Takeda managers act like they are here to "help" you. Then screw you on your FCL and reviews. I have a manager that is trying to "help" me when he hasn't won a single award in this company as I am a multiple award winner. Management is a freaking joke in this company. My RSD is a joke.

Maybe they just don't lay their awards out in front of you at a meeting, like TAP mgmt

Maybe they just don't lay their awards out in front of you at a meeting, like TAP mgmt

Takeda legacy mgrs are losers there are 2 in Az
who co manage the old territory they used to cover.

How are the numbers there?

Answer: Tanking

Almost every rep in that city has moved on
to bigger and better opportunities.

Managers in this company suck. I know of a few good ones but for the most part they blow. It is hilarius when my manager rides with me and offices think he is such an asshole.

Are you serious? You sound like a manager that is trying to justify your job. Managers slow you down during the day, offer nothing that you already don't know and piss of your accounts because they are sick of seeing managers every couple weeks. "coaching you to be a better salesperson" Are you kidding me?

Customer Belief System......What a freaking joke!!

I'll tell you what else is a joke, having to document customer beliefs to use for pre call planning on future calls. I always thought this was against policy to have outside documents other than TRx "contact" or "other" notes because there could be a subpoena for those records if there was a lawsuit.

I'll tell you what else is a joke, having to document customer beliefs to use for pre call planning on future calls. I always thought this was against policy to have outside documents other than TRx "contact" or "other" notes because there could be a subpoena for those records if there was a lawsuit.

How are you being asked to document this? My manager hasn't asked us to do this yet