This Week?

Well since my POS DM still has yet to call me, I guess I'll figure it out when I get the paperwork from HR. I can't believe they retained this guy after all the trouble he has caused them. Which goes to show, ESC is doomed.

Well since my POS DM still has yet to call me, I guess I'll figure it out when I get the paperwork from HR. I can't believe they retained this guy after all the trouble he has caused them. Which goes to show, ESC is doomed.

Are you the poster who was on here complaining about your manager not liking you and telling you that you suck even though you are above plan?

After reading all these posts, I don't think I want to stay and be a part of this. After seeing how this transformation has been handled, I can't help but think this new company is not on a path for success. So far, not impressed with the new culture. Going to be a long time before morale and trust can be rebuilt, if ever.

After reading all these posts, I don't think I want to stay and be a part of this. After seeing how this transformation has been handled, I can't help but think this new company is not on a path for success. So far, not impressed with the new culture. Going to be a long time before morale and trust can be rebuilt, if ever.

The new culture SUCKS. NO ONE can be trusted. At the end of a day, you are making what drug reps make. $120k. WHY stick around for all the BS and SHIT pay. It is a JOKE and if you do not realize that now, then you will be kicking yourself in 6 months when you are not making any $ and that you should have left a long time ago.

Trust me, I am right with you. I and several other reps I know WANT their severance so we can all go on our merry way and get a better job without all the BS.

Trust me, the impact your DM had as far as input is WORTHLESS. They are just saying that. My DM AND my regional are both GONE.

QUIT worrying about it. It means jack shit.

The assessment they did on each rep is all that matters...unfortunately tenure means nothing..all they are doing is determining which reps have the core competencies they think are needed for the new roles

The assessment they did on each rep is all that matters...unfortunately tenure means nothing..all they are doing is determining which reps have the core competencies they think are needed for the new roles

Ummmmm. Not buying that rep assessment BS. They are not looking at that. It all comes down to geography. And I will post this on Thursday because I know my DM gave me the worst rating, and I will still be STUCK here. Grrrrr!

Ummmmm. Not buying that rep assessment BS. They are not looking at that. It all comes down to geography. And I will post this on Thursday because I know my DM gave me the worst rating, and I will still be STUCK here. Grrrrr!

Geography is a factor but the assessment is a huge factor.
The DMs and RDs were asked to rate each rep on a long list of competencies that are needed in the new roles. Each rep was given a rating of 1, 3, or 5 on each item adding up to a final score. That and geography are the factors used. Tenure is strictly a tiebreaker

I know today's phone call is to tell us timeline (shit another one?) on when we should get our calls, but I just wanted to say Good Luck to everyone. I have honestly enjoyed the commentary and it's the only thing keeping me a little sane these days. Even tho the ship is going down, nice knowing I'm not going alone. :)

I know today's phone call is to tell us timeline (shit another one?) on when we should get our calls, but I just wanted to say Good Luck to everyone. I have honestly enjoyed the commentary and it's the only thing keeping me a little sane these days. Even tho the ship is going down, nice knowing I'm not going alone. :)

The call at 11am today will tell us who the new DMs are and also they will let us know that this THURSDAY, we will all know who has a job or not. 2 different calls. One for the displaced reps, the other for reps who will be retained. And on Friday, the reps who are retained will find out which role they will have with ESC.
Good luck to all!

I think the reps that are at biggest risk are those close to the 5 year, and 10 year mark. And also those that have been with the company over 10 years since their base salaries are so much higher. Just my 2 cents. These were the reps that were let go in the past when they downsized.

The call at 11am today will tell us who the new DMs are and also they will let us know that this THURSDAY, we will all know who has a job or not. 2 different calls. One for the displaced reps, the other for reps who will be retained. And on Friday, the reps who are retained will find out which role they will have with ESC.
Good luck to all!

I think the reps that are at biggest risk are those close to the 5 year, and 10 year mark. And also those that have been with the company over 10 years since their base salaries are so much higher. Just my 2 cents. These were the reps that were let go in the past when they downsized.

If you guys want a good the dial in info. I don't know who this Kip guy is but I'll sure get under his skin!!