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This is truly a company made up of idiots...

For you 15 x 15 rep

Like I stated many times, I don't really give a damn anymore. Do you think posting crap about IPAD tracking is gonna scare me? Wrong! Don't be a hater cause I've got it figured out. I have taken trips out of state without taking any vacation time.

I WILL continue to do this IPAD or not. I don't care anymore. Is there something you don't understand? Just for you I'm gonna go golfing weather permitting, all day Monday and Tuesday this week. And do you know what's gonna happen to me? Nothing. Although I will probably lose a couple golf balls.

FU Merck!


The 15x15 Guy

Like I stated many times, I don't really give a damn anymore. Do you think posting crap about IPAD tracking is gonna scare me? Wrong! Don't be a hater cause I've got it figured out. I have taken trips out of state without taking any vacation time.

I WILL continue to do this IPAD or not. I don't care anymore. Is there something you don't understand? Just for you I'm gonna go golfing weather permitting, all day Monday and Tuesday this week. And do you know what's gonna happen to me? Nothing. Although I will probably lose a couple golf balls.

FU Merck!


The 15x15 Guy

Usually what is found in these circumstances is an individual with delusions of grandeur. As an outlier this representative is on his/her own.

It is a horrible job now no doubt...I tried the 15 X 15 thing for awhile, but while it is somewhat satisfying to get paid for screwing Merck back a bit, it is ultimately as debilitating as the job itself, and doesn't solve the fundamental problem that all of us pharma reps, (especially, older career reps like me) have...

No transferable skills, and the fact that employers are hip now to the pharma rep job being a sham...

out of work for two years now and still looking...


Gotta agree wholeheartedly with this one. NOBODY is interested in ex-drug reps. I've been looking for over a year now, and most of the time --- no responses from anyone. And I do have a "good" resume. Yep--unemployed, no real skills to speak of, job offers that come in are for very little money, and I wish I'd done things differently now (aka getting the f... out of pharma early on; getting a real job when I had the chance). Unbelievable.
To ANYONE who has the chance to leap; DO IT. Pharma--wasn't a total mistake, but it was a mistake to stay at the party too long.

Gotta agree wholeheartedly with this one. NOBODY is interested in ex-drug reps. I've been looking for over a year now, and most of the time --- no responses from anyone. And I do have a "good" resume. Yep--unemployed, no real skills to speak of, job offers that come in are for very little money, and I wish I'd done things differently now (aka getting the f... out of pharma early on; getting a real job when I had the chance). Unbelievable.
To ANYONE who has the chance to leap; DO IT. Pharma--wasn't a total mistake, but it was a mistake to stay at the party too long.

I am in the same boat and it is getting really ugly...no jobs out there for the young people let alone 50 something ex drug reps...

Wish I had not wasted all those years at Merck and in pharma...but the gig was easy, the paycheck was steady, and I got seduced by Sloth...

you can try and tell younger people the trouble they are in for, but you just don't see it when you are a kid...that is why Merck likes hiring gullable youngin's....


I am in the same boat and it is getting really ugly...no jobs out there for the young people let alone 50 something ex drug reps...

Wish I had not wasted all those years at Merck and in pharma...but the gig was easy, the paycheck was steady, and I got seduced by Sloth...

you can try and tell younger people the trouble they are in for, but you just don't see it when you are a kid...that is why Merck likes hiring gullable youngin's....


Those in for the worst are the CTLS. Especially those that are career mercies. So proud of all their silly rotations and coaching. All of it is meaningless and useless in the real world. Merck is fantasyland. One of my ex-CTLs left, just outright quit. She's selling appliances at PC Richards. Its worth noting that she has zero regrets and said they treat her sooooo much better and like a professional.

And how I love to read their linked in profiles! Like sheep being led off...they have no idea how desperate their situation is. At Merck since college, no real world experience, multiple fake rotations that served only to brainwash. Any real management is outsourced anyways. All the marketers do is manage the consultants. No real skill at all......

Its worth noting that she has zero regrets and said they treat her sooooo much better and like a professional.

With as poorly as Merck treats their employees without abandon, one wonders if there is a sadistic or demonic influence at the place. It's truly amazing but even more amazing is the number of employees willing to tolerate all the over the top and unnecessary mind games Merck management likes to play.

I am in the same boat and it is getting really ugly...no jobs out there for the young people let alone 50 something ex drug reps...

Wish I had not wasted all those years at Merck and in pharma...but the gig was easy, the paycheck was steady, and I got seduced by Sloth...

you can try and tell younger people the trouble they are in for, but you just don't see it when you are a kid...that is why Merck likes hiring gullable youngin's....


Sort of wrong....met a very pleasant, bright and impressive 23 year old today. Said he had one year at a big pharma and decided to jump ship before an expected layoff....He landed a much better job ...so how about that....young college grads do have opportunity....BTW he knew his "youth" and lack of "years in" are working for him in positive ways.

Agree ....its not good (at all) for the 50 plus crowd but bright and upcoming young folks like this young man do have a future in these companies...I'm over the hill at this point but I'm happy to see the potential for something solid exists for such youth... :)

Not made up of idiots just being brought to slaughter by them.

Agree there are some of the best people in the world here. People with great talent and leadership skills. And SUPRISE they are in the field in many cases. Good leaders (not here) surround themselves with people better and smarter than themselves and are always loading the bench with starters. At this godforsaken place anyone with a hint of self start, intellect, real leadership ability or ambition is instantly stomped down and marked an "outlier". And yes I am personally writing about this for an upcoming expose.

Incompetents are terrified by those that can. And this continues the slide. Further complicated by people being incentivized to promote based on race and gender no matter what the qualifications and we can see this in memos that "encouraged" this as they lack these protected classes at certain bands. Its a perfect business review actually. There is a direct corollary between the promotion of special classes and the downward slide. When plotted out (can't give you all the specifics yet) it is absolutely stunning and immediately apparent. Stay tuned.

Agree there are some of the best people in the world here. People with great talent and leadership skills. And SUPRISE they are in the field in many cases. Good leaders (not here) surround themselves with people better and smarter than themselves and are always loading the bench with starters. At this godforsaken place anyone with a hint of self start, intellect, real leadership ability or ambition is instantly stomped down and marked an "outlier". And yes I am personally writing about this for an upcoming expose.

Incompetents are terrified by those that can. And this continues the slide. Further complicated by people being incentivized to promote based on race and gender no matter what the qualifications and we can see this in memos that "encouraged" this as they lack these protected classes at certain bands. Its a perfect business review actually. There is a direct corollary between the promotion of special classes and the downward slide. When plotted out (can't give you all the specifics yet) it is absolutely stunning and immediately apparent. Stay tuned.

As a former college educator I can agree.....Never can forget the grad students who couldn't write a simple sourced paper. Students who felt a very normal assignment load was too much. Administrators who insisted that we need to "lighten" already moderate semester requirements." Think all college educated have the level of skills you really would like when that BA or masters is awarded? Think again....its a big, big toss up.....

Students who aren't really students get in and through in far too many instances ....and their future employers continue the sham all because they're driven by the "we need to make our numbers" directives...

We are in a sad, sad state of affairs when making "numbers" trumps quality and substance...

It's truly sad what has become of such a once proud place to work. At successful companies the sales folk are revered and idolized as they drive the revenue. Here we are mocked, belittled, blamed and abused.

As a former college educator I can agree.....Never can forget the grad students who couldn't write a simple sourced paper. Students who felt a very normal assignment load was too much. Administrators who insisted that we need to "lighten" already moderate semester requirements." Think all college educated have the level of skills you really would like when that BA or masters is awarded? Think again....its a big, big toss up.....

Students who aren't really students get in and through in far too many instances ....and their future employers continue the sham all because they're driven by the "we need to make our numbers" directives...

We are in a sad, sad state of affairs when making "numbers" trumps quality and substance...

You are not kidding. All the Ken and Barnie reps that joined us were supposed to make it through their college years using computer. They were asked the same during an interview. I have never seen and worked with such a computer illiterate group before and I am an old fart raised on IBM punch card machines. But they certainly can talk at meetings as if they are computer savvy. Then they call me at home afterwards. :)

You are not kidding. All the Ken and Barnie reps that joined us were supposed to make it through their college years using computer. They were asked the same during an interview. I have never seen and worked with such a computer illiterate group before and I am an old fart raised on IBM punch card machines. But they certainly can talk at meetings as if they are computer savvy. Then they call me at home afterwards. :)

"Ken and Barnie" ....?

Typo or a new duo on the scene?

I'll never forget a diversity training seminar at merck many years ago. During a break one of my district mates was ask about east indians in the US." They all seem to be doctors,enginners,phd's etc." Without missing a beat she replied: "Well think about it. The dumb ones couldn't get out of India." Kind of reminds me of merck. All the smart ones have already left.

I'll never forget a diversity training seminar at merck many years ago. During a break one of my district mates was ask about east indians in the US." They all seem to be doctors,enginners,phd's etc." Without missing a beat she replied: "Well think about it. The dumb ones couldn't get out of India." Kind of reminds me of merck. All the smart ones have already left.

That's actually a pretty wise statement. But you have to keep in mind that India is a class system. So, really, it is only the wealthy that get out. One could be smart and poor but you are never going anywhere in India. I just wonder how soon before the U.S. is the same way with the cost of both healthcare and advanced education. You did see the news where one in two college grads in the U.S. cannot find a job? What do you think the REAL unemployment numbers look like when half of the people out of work no longer qualify for unemployment? This group is certainly not counted in the national poll, and half of the college grads cannot find work. So, they were never counted. I bet the REAL number of people who cannot find a job is more like 25 percent, maybe even higher. Welcome to the new third world country.

Great points all. A "caste" system does seem to be emerging here. Talent,intellect,hard work is being replaced by wealth and celebrity. You have to look no further than pharma. Experience counts for nothing. Education counts for nothing. If you doubt it, just go on a few pharma sales interviews. Truly if you want to stay in this superficial, insane industry as a rep you are better off investing in cosmetic surgery than an advanced degree.
All seems to accelerate under the dems. who worship celebrity and are always trying to recreate the "camalot" of JFK. Everyone else they just want to control with fear. Witness the "war on women" immigration, "Medi-scare" on and on. The world is becoming a screwed up place.

That's actually a pretty wise statement. But you have to keep in mind that India is a class system. So, really, it is only the wealthy that get out. One could be smart and poor but you are never going anywhere in India. I just wonder how soon before the U.S. is the same way with the cost of both healthcare and advanced education. You did see the news where one in two college grads in the U.S. cannot find a job? What do you think the REAL unemployment numbers look like when half of the people out of work no longer qualify for unemployment? This group is certainly not counted in the national poll, and half of the college grads cannot find work. So, they were never counted. I bet the REAL number of people who cannot find a job is more like 25 percent, maybe even higher. Welcome to the new third world country.

Well we certainly got are HOPE and CHANGE didn't we? A 3rd world country run by a Kenyan-born crypto-Mus&*M

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