This Company Rocks

Word is people were texting bad stuff about GE and someone turned them in. Potentially home office person is out too. Most likely getting the call today. If you still don't have a personal phone with this company you are crazy. I am not going to stick around much longer and witness the bloodshed.

Thanks bb way to be the company man. Unlike you I was not hired by GE and therefore have a very different opinion. The guy is slimy and everyone knows it except you and CP. He is too reactive to be a real leader. I'm just hoping the doors stay open long enough to get a real marketing and sales VP. The rumors of investigations are killing me in offices. My doctors are afraid to do anything other than lunches thanks to mr. Compliance himself. I would be out of here if I didn't trust LW. He seems to be the only one that gets it because the others just blindly follow GE around. He might be cool to you but he is far from that to people that are actually trying their best even in horrible managed care states. Do your job and help us get a more favorable access and stay off of cafe pharma "corporate man"

Totally agree, my rd told me GE was fired from his last 3 companies and one of them was investigated for poor contracting practice. Just a matter of time before that tiger shows his stripes again. No stability here. It used to be fun but now it sucks with GE. Not griping just really concern LW doesn't see through all of the acting. And the OSCar goes to.......

Can we all unite and be a team? My RD says GE is an outstanding leader. If you ask me I think he is a tiger, rawww rawww; I love GE. Please, show our VP some r e s p e c t ✊

I am really concerned!!! I keep hearing that the Feds are asking a lot of questions. And with all the reps that have been fired and or abused from this company allot of dirt could come to the surface. This company rocks just like an avalanche.