This Company is a Complete Joke

90% yes 10% no. When they say they do not micro manage in interview, run because I was told same thing and she diffidently lied to me. Taking over calls and keeping doctors hostage is how they like to operate. They have a "this is how I did it" mentality. #overit
You must be talking about RB b/c I was told the same thing. Also the majority of management and Senior management know each other from previous companies. They only hire people they know and promote their friends so if you get here good luck moving up unless you're in the"clique ". It's not based off of numbers but who likes who. Anything they tell you, believe the opposite. They have no money for marketing and is hoping someone buys them..they are a bad investment

You must be talking about RB b/c I was told the same thing. Also the majority of management and Senior management know each other from previous companies. They only hire people they know and promote their friends so if you get here good luck moving up unless you're in the"clique ". It's not based off of numbers but who likes who. Anything they tell you, believe the opposite. They have no money for marketing and is hoping someone buys them..they are a bad investment

If you go to any company any where this is how it works. Haven’t you heard the saying it’s not what you know, but who you know.

90% yes 10% no. When they say they do not micro manage in interview, run because I was told same thing and she diffidently lied to me. Taking over calls and keeping doctors hostage is how they like to operate. They have a "this is how I did it" mentality. #overit

My number one problem with managers they do not know when to shut up and leave. They are clueless on reading social cues. Why is it at as soon as someone becomes a manager these think office rules do not apply to them. So Annoying

If you go to any company any where this is how it works. Haven’t you heard the saying it’s not what you know, but who you know.
Just say You're incompetent and only got promoted because of your friends who work here. We already know who you are. Good luck finding another company to promote you unless one of your friends work there, because none of you people are ethical or competent

Put your seatbelts on this company is heading down micromanagement avenue. Behind the scenes they are looking at everything. Do not let them tell you different. The old days are over....

Put your seatbelts on this company is heading down micromanagement avenue. Behind the scenes they are looking at everything. Do not let them tell you different. The old days are over....
Yes they are getting ready to sell so they need to look profitable. It's over, most people I know are either already gone like myself or currently looking to leave. Only the naive would come to this company or choose to stay here. Most know that this company has been going downhill financially for awhile

That is when the company started to go down hill. When PC arrived. You must have been one of his pets and do not have the easy advantages anymore that he use to cheat for his pets. Welcome to real pharma.
I am doing just fine with him or without him. you sound jealous because you do not get ant attention. boohoo