very important to have a side business to make extra money on the call pattern. why my wife and I have been distributing "Alfizcure" a wonderful cream to heal anal fissures. Remember most patients dont want to talk about the pain and embarassment of anal fissures - the pain can make it uncomfortable to perform the activities of daily life. There's a 85% margin on "Alfizcure" our pharmacist combines hand lotion with ditalizem - a 5% cream. Check the medical literature daily application has a very high cure rate.
You can do your own market research on your calls today - open with a general pain discussion and see if anal fissures come up. Pretty easy to bridge to a split with the physician. I'm making an extra 45K a year with just 12 offices having a display in their lobby.
You've probably complained about not making enough money or being your own boss. Put your mouth where the money is.