Third Party Company Checking Calls/Times

I observed a Merck manager in one of my PC accounts yesterday inguiring about one of his reps that reported a call last week.
The receptionist informed him that reps are not allowed to contact the physicians and they have not seen a Merck rep on months.
I assume that rep will soon be history

Layoff calls in mid October but this is an annual routine occurrence. Reps earning over 120 grand are history unless they succumb to Mercks demands. There have been rumors over the years about rebadging (check the HR site), this will happen 4q. You can stay if you forfeit your salary and bonus which will be adjusted to market value of 85k/20k, No pension and at will year to year. Think of it as one step above Inventiv-syneos contract sales. We knew it would happen, driving around serving lunch with underperforming products with large salaries, bonus, car, benes and pension to boot. For some this will be catastrophic with total comp being reduced upwards of 40%, get out now!

Layoff calls in mid October but this is an annual routine occurrence. Reps earning over 120 grand are history unless they succumb to Mercks demands. There have been rumors over the years about rebadging (check the HR site), this will happen 4q. You can stay if you forfeit your salary and bonus which will be adjusted to market value of 85k/20k, No pension and at will year to year. Think of it as one step above Inventiv-syneos contract sales. We knew it would happen, driving around serving lunch with underperforming products with large salaries, bonus, car, benes and pension to boot. For some this will be catastrophic with total comp being reduced upwards of 40%, get out now!

your posting makes way too much business sense for it to ever happen at Merck...they seem to enjoy giving away huge salaries to people who work part time, or not at all...just look what they pay the middle managers, who are frequently the laziest employees of all...(thus seeking to get into management as soon as possible.)

I just can't believe Merck would ever re-badge employees to "normalize' their unusual business practice of completely overpaying people? Merck doesn't seem that smart...

Layoff calls in mid October but this is an annual routine occurrence. Reps earning over 120 grand are history unless they succumb to Mercks demands. There have been rumors over the years about rebadging (check the HR site), this will happen 4q. You can stay if you forfeit your salary and bonus which will be adjusted to market value of 85k/20k, No pension and at will year to year. Think of it as one step above Inventiv-syneos contract sales. We knew it would happen, driving around serving lunch with underperforming products with large salaries, bonus, car, benes and pension to boot. For some this will be catastrophic with total comp being reduced upwards of 40%, get out now!

My manager is well connected at headquarters and said that cuts will probably happen in the 4th quarter. They will likely not be massive cuts this tine around. I hope that they are dumb enough to offer handraising again. The economy is strong and it would be nice to take the package and run. There is no other reason to just leave other than the fact that Steglasaurus is 4th to market and tough to give away.

My manager is well connected at headquarters and said that cuts will probably happen in the 4th quarter. They will likely not be massive cuts this tine around. I hope that they are dumb enough to offer handraising again. The economy is strong and it would be nice to take the package and run. There is no other reason to just leave other than the fact that Steglasaurus is 4th to market and tough to give away.
Unfortunately you manager is not well connected. I am internal and can state that the cut will be the largest in Merck history. The era of pharmaceutical sales forces are over. Get out front of the announcement.

I observed a Merck manager in one of my PC accounts yesterday inguiring about one of his reps that reported a call last week.
The receptionist informed him that reps are not allowed to contact the physicians and they have not seen a Merck rep on months.
I assume that rep will soon be history

Merck should be monitoring managers. They’re the biggest slackers in the industry..... other than the CEO and his buddies.

My CTL let me know reps will be let go by the end of the year based on these reports.

This will only be part of the equation. There should be a teleconference in the next 30 days to notify. We are becoming a specialty company. Januvia is sliding, Steglatro is done. The future is in Oncology and HIV. I had fun while it lasted. That was always my goal. Good luck everyone.

Right on get the pond scum out of this great company. We owe them nothing but disrespect and loathing.

Yes yes and yes. Just look at California's own bathrobe brigade. The likes of Martinez, Meriken and Stabbert haven't worked in years if not decades. Gaming the system over the years and the three stooges collectively cost the company millions per year. Don't their families or friends ever question why they are always home doing nothing? I mean the 3 of them together only work 30 hours per week, everyone knows it. Can't wait till the cuts happen in October, home office is sourcing their jobs inside. They can buy plenty of bathrobes with their undeserved severance.

Yes yes and yes. Just look at California's own bathrobe brigade. The likes of Martinez, Meriken and Stabbert haven't worked in years if not decades. Gaming the system over the years and the three stooges collectively cost the company millions per year. Don't their families or friends ever question why they are always home doing nothing? I mean the 3 of them together only work 30 hours per week, everyone knows it. Can't wait till the cuts happen in October, home office is sourcing their jobs inside. They can buy plenty of bathrobes with their undeserved severance.
I can't believe that Martinez is still around. I knew him when he was first hired and he was far from a glowing star back then. I guess one can hide in plain sight

dear merck, you have ruined my career. you have lied so many times. you are the most terrible group of people i have ever been around. how do you live with yourselves? you are rotten to the core.

dear merck, you have ruined my career. you have lied so many times. you are the most terrible group of people i have ever been around. how do you live with yourselves? you are rotten to the core.
Your career was ruined through your lazy uninspired actions. Always blame others for your uselessness. Slug scum!

The October announcement right around the corner. The debris about to float away!

Announcements 2nd week of October. Only 25% of chronic care to be retained, passing the diabetes baton to the vaccine team. PC or CC as we know it is just about over. Watch the claws come out when CC reps fight for remaining scraps. Newbies and underpaid reps will be placed. You have been WARN ed.

This go around performance and geos are out the door. All about PnL and getting the overpaids off the books. Good luck all, start looking.

In the know